My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2044: I'm afraid of teammates like pigs

City Lord Lian's old face was tense, he thought that he had given them the best step.

"Tongtian City has the rules of Tongtian City, this matter can't be done by you--" He raised his hand, preparing to greet the real guards around him.

"Xiao Lian, get out of the way." The old man behind him who had been silent with white beard and hair suddenly walked up, and his old and thin hand pressed the hand that City Master Lian was about to raise.

"Ba Lao?" Huo Lingtian was surprised.

The old man paced slowly to the stall that had been smashed into a mess, with a sad expression on his face, "What a pity! What a pity!"

The second husband of Lian Chengzhu couldn't figure it out, "Ba Lao, what is going on?"

The old man did not leave him, but shot his gaze at Yun and said to them, "You made these smashed spiritual soups?"

Fat Xiao stubbornly pulled Guang Han's sleeves, making Guang Han's face gloomy.

Yu Dapang was a little panicked, what's wrong with the soup he made? These people will not arrest him, will they?

"These soups are indeed ours." Yun Qingyan glanced at a group of Yu Big Fatty, helplessly stood up and looked at the old man directly, "Are you planning to pay for our loss?"

Unexpectedly, the old man nodded, "Yes! How much do you lose! I'll pay the bill!"

Lian Chengzhu was surprised, "Ba Lao, how can I make you compensate, I..."

But let the old man stop his hand and refuse, "I will compensate them for their losses."

Yu Dapang was happy when he heard it. No matter who compensated, Yuanyu went into his bag anyway, and he jumped out immediately, "These soups are a bowl of 1,000 special-grade Yuanyu, and your people have broken 3,000 in total. Bowl, a total of 30,000 extra-grade Yuanyu."

Hmph, anyway, those guys didn't have any idea when they hit it. He just reported two thousand more bowls, and the other party didn't know.

The abacus in Xiaopang's heart crackled.

The guards around Lian Sanshao opened their eyes wide, "How can there be three thousand bowls?! Just your stall, which is more than three hundred bowls!"

Yu Dapang became angry when he heard it, his eyes widened, and he furiously hit the **** king directly, "You fart! Obviously we have a thousand bowls!"


Yun said lightly to help his forehead.

Ji Weiran and Qin Li turned their faces silently.

Xing Lan unconsciously moved among the crowd.

Huo Yichen's face twitched.

Guang Han wanted to leave, but was helplessly grasped by Yu Dafa's clothes, his face was so cold that he could directly freeze popsicles.

As for Ji Siwen this two...

"Yes, yes, yes! It's clearly a thousand bowls, don't talk nonsense if you don't count them!"

Yun said lightly: "..." Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs!

After Yu Dafaang realized that he had leaked his mouth, he swallowed hard, struggling his neck and refused to admit it.

"No, right? We put three thousand bowls! I just missed my tongue! I missed it!"

Ji Siwen was still the only one in the crowd who was not sober. He turned his head to look at Yu Dafang, "Isn't it a thousand bowls? When did we set out two thousand more bowls?"

Yun Qingyan winked at Huo Yichen.

Huo Yichen said nothing, a hand knife slashed behind Ji Siwen's head and dragged the stunned person away.

When Yu Dapang saw that Ji Siwen was in a coma, he was relieved that Brother Ji was too unreliable.

Really, he almost broke his good deeds.

Yun Qingyan snapped his fingers, and the emerald green vine rose from the ground and circled into a seat. She crossed her fingers, her face was calm, and she spoke slowly.

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