My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2171: Ling Tian Gun (1)

"This Lingtian gun was discovered in an ancient battlefield.

Appraised by our appraiser, this gun has a history of at least 100,000 years, and even the lord-level treasure can't leave marks on its body. "

"But it's a pity..." Hailing showed a regretful expression on his face.

Adhering to the principle of good faith, although the auction will tell the bidders about the advantages and disadvantages of each auction item, the disadvantages are always minimal, unless... the disadvantages of the auction items will also become one of the advantages.

Yun said lightly and couldn't help being more interested in the spear.

"This gun seems to have a spear spirit. It is very dangerous." As soon as Hailing's voice fell, the whole auction room instantly boiled!

Gun spirit! It is only possible for the inoculation of the weapon spirit to go up from the high lord level element. It is very difficult to incubate the weapon spirit, especially the assault weapon, because the attack weapon is easier to break than the general auxiliary element.

The ‘spirit’ can be bred through a long time, and the weapons are also stained with blood and killing.

"I believe all the distinguished guests have seen it. When our maid is holding a gun, she wears supernatural gloves specially made from Silver Moon Silk.

Once you directly touch the handle of the gun with your hands and inject spiritual power, you will be extremely repelled! "Hai Ling said slowly, smiling at everyone, "Today I risked my life to experiment with this long gun for everyone. "

After he finished speaking easily, a solemn color gradually appeared on his face, and he slowly stretched out his hand and began to touch the spear.

Everyone's eyes gathered on his hand.

"Om!" Almost the moment he grabbed the spear, the entire silver spear buzzed, and bright red blood spread on the sterling silver spear tip. The blood seemed to have penetrated the spear body, but it passed through thousands of times. The color will not fade every year, and the color will always maintain the brightest red color.

Fiery flames emerged from the gun body, and there was a burst of dark power. The two powers were intertwined, and the entire auction hall was buzzing and shaking.

A feeling of despair, bloodthirsty, and decisiveness came out of the spear. In an instant, everyone seemed to see the yellow spring and blue sky, the red sun and blood!

"Hmm." A muffled grunt sounded, and all the strangeness in the auction disappeared. Hailing stepped back, his face pale, his entire hand was burnt as if corroded by flames, and it was burnt black.

Yun Qingyan felt a hand gently rubbing the corner of his eye.

She turned her head to look, Di Jiuque was looking at her with a frown.

Yun Qingyan raised his hand and wiped two of them, are they her tears?

"Okay, I have finished the demonstration. I believe everyone has seen the power of this long spear." Hailing said as if there was no accident. "According to our speculation, the Lingtian combat spear is most likely a weapon left by an ancient overlord. , We originally intended to rank it as the final auction item.

However, its power is also very overbearing, and it is very likely to backfire the host. This small flaw makes us have to give it a grade, but everyone should understand that the flaws are not concealed. This gun is comparable to our final auction item. Treasure!

The base price is 10 million black jade, and the price increase is not less than 1 million black jade! "Hailing's voice fell, and there was a fierce bidding sound throughout the auction!"

What if the gun will bite the owner? As long as you can tame this spear, your combat power will soar more than a thousand times!

"Fifteen million!"


"Eighteen million!"

It didn't take long before the price of Moyu soared to 20 million. Hearing the increasingly fierce bidding, Yun couldn't help but sigh that most of the people who came to the auction were a group of rich people!

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