"I'm okay." Yun said lightly when he was shocked by the mistake she had just contracted, and smiled, "The little golden dragon contracted just now, it seems that a divine mind entered the sea of ​​divine consciousness and attacked me. .

Fortunately, it has been destroyed by me now. "

To be honest, she didn't know how the divine consciousness disappeared. She only felt that it entered the core of her divine consciousness and disappeared with a scream.

The core of the spiritual sense is the most mysterious and important place in the spiritual sense of every cultivator. With her current cultivation base, she doesn't know what's in it.

But after that divine mind was swallowed, she vaguely felt that there was something more in her memory.

Seeing that Yun Qingyan's attitude hadn't changed, Di Jiuque breathed a sigh of relief.

In an instant, a ray of coldness appeared in his eyes, and he looked at the little golden dragon who was still stupid.


The killing intent was revealed.

"It doesn't matter what it is." Yun Qingyan shook his head to Di Jiuque, "It is now my contract beast.

The divine mind that strayed into my divine consciousness just now, not surprisingly, should be the remnant mind of another dragon clan.

It wants to occupy the body of this little golden dragon. "

"What?!" Cang Ming and the Dragon Kings were startled when they heard Yun's light words.

It's a pity that the young version of the little golden dragon still looks dazed at this time, as if it is missing its soul.

"How is it possible?!" said the Red Dragon Dragon King who rushed over, "Our dragons are not only tyrannical in flesh, but not weak in spiritual consciousness.

What's more, Jin Yun awakened the golden dragon bloodline, and the bloodline was overwhelming. How could the divine consciousness of the general dragon race be hidden in its divine consciousness sea! "

Yun Qingyan sneered, "Ordinary dragons can't do it? But what if it is the spirit of the five-clawed golden dragon?!"

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

It has been a long time since the dragon clan has a five-clawed golden dragon, except for...

Everyone couldn't help but looked at Emperor Jiuque, thinking of the five-clawed golden dragon that he had been tossed ten thousand years ago.

Yun Qingyan was very puzzled by their gazes. The divine consciousness that occupies the little golden dragon's consciousness is the dragon clan. What are they doing looking at Emperor Jiuque one by one? !

Emperor Jiuque is not a dragon!

"That's right." Suddenly, an immature young man's voice sounded, although it was a little immature, but it was faintly majestic.

Everyone looked over and found that the little golden dragon, who was still stupid, did not know when he would regain his human form.

The perfect appearance inherited from the dragon clan, although it is a young age, has revealed a faint domineering and mighty appearance.

There was still a bit of bruise on his face, but his eyes were piercing and energetic, and he was majestic, not at all like the silly little golden dragon before.

The white dragon king who had just received the dragon whip burst into tears, this is the image that the dragon king should have!

This is the emperor in his mind!

"This emperor..." Jin Yungang opened his mouth, glanced at Emperor Jiuque, and changed his words, "After awakening the blood of the Golden Dragon when I was young, I accidentally came to the valley where the five-clawed golden dragon buried the bones of the previous generation."

The five-clawed golden dragon did not die naturally, but was eviscerated by Emperor Jiuque and dug its tendons. Naturally, it was not buried in the dragon tomb.

And because all the materials on his body were collected by Feng Liao, there were not even a few bones left. After all, the body of the five-clawed golden dragon was also a good material for medicine.

"At the time, I was still young.

The body was directly occupied by its divine thoughts, it took a fancy to my body, and wanted to resurrect on my body.

As a last resort, I can only separate most of the divine mind and fight it in the body. "

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