My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 822: Can you still do this?

The prisoner cage is a kind of special cage, which is expensive to build and can restrain the power of monsters.

In the one-foot-high beast cage, Jin Peng Lei Diao curled up inside, looking stubborn, and his feathers lost their luster.

Feeling the breath of sudden approach, it thought it was those nasty humans, opened its eyelids angrily, and was shocked in place instantly!

"Human...human cub?"

It never expected that a human cub would personally take risks to rescue it!

"Shhh!" Yun said lightly with a quiet gesture, and began to study the prisoner cage!

Regardless of whether it is with Yuanli or weapons, no traces can be left on the prison beast cage!

Jin Peng Lei Diao said anxiously, "This prisoner cage is specially made to restrain our monsters. It is extremely hard.

You can't open it without a key! "

"Where is the key?" Yun asked with a frown.

"On... on those sect masters.

It's too dangerous, hurry up, human cubs! "It can see it, and Yun said lightly that it is only a mysterious rank now.

It remembers that when it left, the human cub was still a heavenly rank. Although she was shocked by how fast she advanced, Jin Peng Lei Diao understood that she still couldn't deal with a few masters of the rank!

Yun lightly frowned, and suddenly had a plan, "Jin Lei, stretch your head out!"

Jin Peng Lei Diao didn't know why, but he stretched his head over.

Yun Qingyan put a hand on Jinpeng Thunder Eagle's head and began to meditate on the contract law.

A ray of light emerged from her, and a huge contract formation unfolded on her and Jin Peng Thunder Eagle.

A soft light flashed by, Yun Qingyan waved his hand directly, and put the cage into the Profound Ring with the Jinpeng Thunder Eagle.

Living things can be collected in the Profound Ring, but only living things that are contaminated with the breath of her soul can be collected!

Can't open the prisoner beast cage, can't she take it away with the caged beast?

The Huoyunlang and other beasts looked at the disappearing giant beast cage and the Jinpeng, stunned!

Can it still be done? !


"Elder Shan! The camp cannot be unattended! I think you should go back to the camp!"

Seeing that the distance with the Nether Wolf King was getting closer and closer, his triangular eyes turned, and he didn't care about the problem of not being able to catch up with the Nether Wolf King. Instead, he was wary of his companions!

With their eyesight, they have hunted down the Nether Wolf King for so long, and they can see that there is only a drop of the essence of chalcedony in the crystal bottle. At this time, the question of the ownership of this drop of essence of chalcedony Becomes the biggest problem!

"Yes, Elder Shan.

Your strength is the strongest among us, we can rest assured that you are stationed in the camp.

Give this Tier 6 sacred beast to me and Elder Bao! "The burly man who was clearly standing in line with the man with triangle eyes also said.

Although there is only one drop of the Essence of Chalcedony, competing with the alliance is always better than competing with the guys of this different faction.

Shan Xiang couldn't see their thoughts, and snorted coldly, "Bao Fuming, Pang Tong, I know what your thoughts are!

I'll leave the words here today. Today, this drop of jade essence liquid is about to be ordered by Shan Xiang!

Everyone has their own skills! "

"Huh!" He tore his face directly, and the hanging triangle eyes and the burly man no longer kept their hands, speeding up again and rushing over!

At this moment, a soft white light in the direction of the camp attracted their attention!

"Contract Light Array?!

Is anyone here contracting Warcraft? ! "

This is the four death forbidden area in the Starfall Mountains. How can anyone come here to contract a beast? Even if there were, those delicate-skinned animal trainers would not easily venture into such a dangerous place.

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