"Does the master feel hot?

Why not get closer to the slave? "

A gloomy breath suddenly overwhelmed.

Yun lightly turned his head, just in time to see the boundless bounds that suddenly hit.

The face is full of bad intentions, it shouldn't be more obvious!

"Huh!" The Bloodthirsty Demon Vine shot out quickly, entwining Jiang Wuya and throwing him away.

"Bang!" The sound of a heavy object falling, set off a raging sand.

This movement instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at Yun Qingyan suspiciously, and when their gaze swept across the boundless world that had been mercilessly smashed into the sand, a ray of pity flashed in their eyes because of the other's overly handsome face.

This superb male pet is too pitiful, it is sad to find a master like this.

Suspicious flashes flashed in the eyes of people who knew Yun Qingyan yesterday.

This kind of behavior is not like what the male pet said yesterday... The master petted him, and would rather keep his clothes neat and tidy after fighting the snake-man!

After receiving the suspicious gazes of everyone, in order not to collapse, Yun said that a trace of shame slipped across his white face, and said embarrassedly.

"Don't get me wrong, this is our pleasure.

He likes me tied him. "

The gazes of Leite and others at Yun Qingyan and Jiang Wuya changed again.

Unexpectedly, this white-clothed boy not only raised a male pet at such a young age, but also had a perverted hobby that was exactly the same as the perverted patriarch of the Nasant tribe!


Hearing these words, Jiang Wuya gave a soft tut, and his secluded purple eyes lightly slid across the bloodthirsty vine bound in his hand, after a little thought, gave up the struggle.

Because a part of his body was restrained, Jiang Wuya still had some inconvenience when walking.

"Master, don't you really need me to cool off for you?

The slave's embrace is still very cool~" He curled his lips indifferently and smiled, setting off the color of everything in the desert.

Yun lightly pulled the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine abruptly, his actions directly replaced words.

Suddenly pulled, Jiang Wuya staggered forward involuntarily.

Before at Killing God Cliff, he used the suppression ring to involve Yun lightly.

Yun Qingyan's purpose of public revenge is simply not too obvious.

Tugging at the vine to make sure that Jiang Wuya is honest, Yun said that he was satisfied with his hand.

The temperature on Jiang Wuya's side is indeed relatively low, but the coldness is different from that of Baili Qingxue's physique of ice and snow.

The body temperature of both of them is lower than that of ordinary people, but Baili Qingxue's coldness is the coldness of ice and snow from the bone marrow. A breath of ice and snow that can flow into the spleen is clean and pure, just like early winter snow.

But the cold of Jiang Wuya was the gloomy cold from the bone marrow, like the abyss of **** that never saw light, the deadly cold, dangerous and icy cold.

Following Yun Qingyan's instructions, Leimu was placed on top of the burning sand. Leiter asked, "Brother Yun, what should I do next?"

Yun lightly said that the corners of his mouth curled up, and only spit out one word leisurely--

"Take it off!"

The surprised everyone, "Huh?!"


The cliff of Killing God filled with black mist.

Several black elders sitting cross-legged are recovering.


"Wow!" The sound of a space being torn apart by force!

"Boom!" The space on one side fluctuated violently in an instant, and Juli tore the space apart. Because of the resistance to external forces, ripples appeared in the space, and the cracks spread like a spider web, and the smallness appeared due to the collapse of the space. Black hole emerges!

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