My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 921: I found you, you are mine.

Yun Qingyan squinted his eyes, Ren Shang still shining warm and bright sunlight on him, feeling like a salted fish lying on the reef...

"Tired?" When Yun said softly that his limbs were sore and he didn't want to move, a soft finger gently poked her face.

Yun Qingyan turned his head and found that Qing Yan did not know when he had also been on the reef, half of the fish tail was immersed in the clear water, and her handsome face was very close to her.

Yun Qingyan grabbed his tumultuous hand, his eyes soft.

Compared to being tired, Qing Yan, who has swam so far with her age alone, should be more tired than her.

"Are you tired?" Yun asked lightly, holding Qing Yan's hand.

Unexpectedly, the mermaid who was lying next to her just now had a joy on his handsome face, and he turned over to press on her.

Fortunately, he started to pay attention to his measure and didn't put all his weight on her, otherwise... Yun Qingyan really felt that he would be crushed by him.

"You are my partner, for you, not tired." Those phoenix eyes that should have been cold and cold, looked at Yun Qingyan brightly at this time.

companion? A strange color flashed across Yun Qingyan's face.

Shouldn't Emperor Jiuque have amnesia? How do you remember the fiancée's stalk?

He has even changed his race now!

No... Nor can I say that. There are many humanoid races in the Tianyuan world. Emperor Jiuque never told her that he is a human race. Maybe he is a mermaid?

Yun Qingyan felt a little teasing in his heart for an instant.

Her dark eyes instantly calmed down and said seriously, "Although you helped me, I didn't know you before, nor was it your partner."

"Did you admit the wrong person?"

Yun said that he was testing whether Di Jiuque was completely amnesia.

If he loses his memory completely, how can he recognize his fiancee at a glance?

Who knows, as soon as Yun spoke softly, the gentle and harmless mermaid in front of him immediately revealed his brutal nature. A pair of slender and powerful hands instantly hugged Yun Qingyan tightly like steel bars, making her pant tight. Not angry.

Those clear and icy phoenix eyes suddenly condensed like a storm, dark clouds and mists, dangerous and terrible, their thin red lips are slightly curved, like the legendary sea monster siren who traps humans, "I found you, you are mine."

Cold, overbearing, and beyond doubt!

Yun Qingyan instantly had an illusion of seeing Emperor Jiuque for the first time.

She was very uncomfortable with his arms around her too hard, Yun lightly narrowed his eyes dangerously, planning to use practical actions to tell him what respect is.

However, a very untimely sound--


The belly screamed.

Yun Qingyan's face became stiff. She hadn't practiced to the point of not eating, and absorbing the fire element essence and swimming under the sea consumed a lot of her energy. I didn't think it before, but now that I relax, my stomach starts to feel awkward.

No trouble early, no trouble late, but this time!

Yun lightly complained about his unbelievable belly, and the majesty he had just established was very embarrassing because of this grunt.

Qing Yan didn't realize the embarrassment of the person in her arms. Instead, she touched her smooth abdomen with her hand, and then curiously put her ear fins on her abdomen to listen, then blinked her eyes and smiled. Are you hungry? I'll find food for you."

Those icy phoenix eyes smiled, as if an iceberg was melting, and the earth was rejuvenating. It was three minutes warmer than the warm winter sun. Where did you see the gloomy and dangerous appearance before?

Yun Qingyan just now a little bit of sullenness also disappeared completely in this brilliant smile.

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