My Frog Was Afraid That I Would Die, So He Came To The Shelter Overnight

Chapter 134 The Real Boss Of The Fog! Please Subscribe! )

Soon, Ye Su got the sonic walkie-talkie.

Leave Doomsday Technology City again.

Come outside.

At this time, the doomsday evacuation base has been basically completed.

There are five hundred soldiers guarding here.

Others are self-operating power plants, cannons, and laser talians!

It can be said that it has become a secret military base!

And that's not all.

The fighter planes of those soldiers have even been built and are being pulled out for training.

The blizzard outside was still terrifying, with the cold air reaching a hundred degrees below the surface.

But they still have bulldozers.

Clean the whole road.

Behind him, the confinement and the sound of the night all turned into huge mechanical life forms and followed him.

There are stars that have also taken off.

Seeing the two big guys following up, Ye Su didn't waste any time and just said: "Let's go!"

"Yes, Master!"

After getting the order, I met two big guys.

In a burst of mechanical rotation.

Transformed back into two supercars.


Ye Su got into the Bugatti Sound of the Night.


Amidst the fierce roar of two supercars.

Drive quickly towards your destination.

This time's destination is a canyon on the edge of the Himalayas.

There are a thousand kilometers in total.

But the two top supercars were both racing at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

So even if it was a thousand kilometers, it only took three hours.

During this period, Ye Su also saw the Snowpiercer.

The car keeps driving.

But Ye Su doesn't know what the internal situation is like.

I don’t really want to know either.

Three hours later.

They arrived at their destination.

This is a deeper pit than last time.

Ye Su took a look and found that it was about three kilometers away.

It has become a cliff.

The same scene of snowstorm and fog.

After getting off the car.

The sounds of darkness and confinement behind me were also accompanied by the sound of the rattling mechanical gears.

Transformed into two big mechanical guys again.

They walked with heavy steps and came behind Ye Su.

as always.

Ye Su first used drones for reconnaissance.

This time, because of the experience last time.

So his detection range is very deep.

It extends downward for about a hundred kilometers!

One hundred kilometers, what is that concept?

A distance of one hundred thousand meters.

We are really close to reaching the mantle of the earth.

And it was here that Ye Su discovered the big boss hidden here.

It was a terrifying existence comparable to a small mountain.

He looks like a lizard, but if you look closely, you will find that he has two wings on his back, which is very similar to the giant dragon in the West.

And the number of mist creatures scanned during this process.

There are so many that they are almost undetectable.

The dragon is sleeping.

This is the first time Ye Su has seen such a familiar creature among the mist creatures.

Who would have thought that among a group of strange misty creatures coming out of the Amazon Trench, there would be such a big boss!

"Let's go, get down!"

This time, Ye Su didn't hesitate.

After the investigation, he took the voice of the night into confinement.

Jump directly down.

And because this time I have a goal.

So he didn't waste time.

The voice of the night activated its own thrusters!

Then Ye Su was held in his hand.

Then swooped down.

About five minutes.

It ends in one hundred kilometers.


The fog spread and it was almost impossible to see anything.

As soon as it hits the ground.

It startled many sleeping fog creatures around.

But most of them just opened their eyes a little and fell asleep again.

Because they would not have thought that any human would dare to fall into such a dangerous place from above.

But Ye Su did it.

Moreover, as soon as he landed, the big boss in the depths obviously also discovered Ye Su.

But he didn't come out.

So, Ye Su took out Guanshi Zhengzong and Black Sword Dark Moon.

Went in.

After entering, the fog gradually disappeared.


Deep in the depths, the low roar of the fog boss came.

Ye Su took the opportunity to use the sonic intercom to record.

Then, I heard a message translated from above.


Ye Su was stunned for a moment, meaning this guy was a little worried!

In fact, I don’t blame this big guy, because Ye Su hunted too many mist creatures...

It's not an exaggeration to say there are hundreds of thousands.

And there are many powerful ones among them, such as the little boss in the deep sea.

Therefore, this made the boss inside also feel a hint of threat.

But Ye Su also pressed the intercom and said: "I am not here to kill you, but to cooperate with you!"

After recording.

He pressed the switch button.

Immediately, a low but not too threatening roar was heard from the sonic intercom.

This time, the boss inside was completely confused.

For a while, there was no sound inside.

Seeing this, Ye Su glanced at the voice in the night.

Uh, okay.

In fact, the voice of the night has already scanned this place.

"There are about a billion fog creatures!"

Even he was a little scared 1,

If something goes wrong here, it will be really difficult to run away.

But Ye Su is not stupid either.

Directly order the stars to come down.

He's there.

It couldn't be easier to leave at the speed of light.


Another loud bang.

I saw a huge thing and a star fell to the ground.

That domineering figure and cold aura.

Very safe 4.0 feeling.

After doing this, Ye Su went deeper.

Then wait for the fog to clear.

Ye Su saw a huge western dragon.

He was curling up and hiding in the corner.

Apparently, it was because it was too cold.

Oh no.

Ye Su discovered something strange again, because there seemed to be something underneath this big guy.


As Ye Su approached, the dragon roared again.

Ye Su passed the conversion.

Two words clearly appeared on it: "Get out!"


This made Ye Su stunned, and his temper was quite bad.

But he didn't waste any words and said directly: "I want to know your origins!"

(PS: Chapter 4! Please give me some comments and votes. I hope you can give me some data support. The author will work hard to update it!)

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