My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1017: Humanized artificial intelligence

Chapter 1017: Humanized Artificial Intelligence

"Master, you're bad enough, and even blamed Huang Baoguo away..." Jiang Jindie smiled after Huang Baoguo left.

"Oh, I'm bad? I'm still showing mercy under my hands, just "scolding" him away. If I weren't afraid that he would trouble you in the future, I would just put those **** on him and I would just beat him. I……"

"Huh, just bully others, even my people dared to bully, and bolded him. Others are afraid that he is used to him, I am not used to..." Mu Fei looked at the door, Huang Baoguo scolded in the direction of escape.

Jiang Jindie was slightly sweet when he heard Mu Fei talking to himself.

But when she remembered what Huang Baoguo said just now, ‘it’s just like her, it’s impossible to get to Bangguo’. She couldn’t help but hang her heart.

"Master, I... can my face really recover?" Jiang Jindie asked nervously, touching the gauze on his face.

Don’t look at her usual carelessness, in fact, she is quite'smelly', but she doesn't usually have the opportunity to give her'beauty'.

Otherwise, why is she wearing a variety of beautiful clothes in the room as soon as she is alone at home?

"Really, of course it is true. Is it necessary for me to lie to you?"

"Oh, I know you don't need to lie to me, but... But I was hurt too bad after all, even the cosmetic surgery department said there is no way, even if you have an ancestral secret, I think..."

Jiang Jindie stopped talking, a worried look, "Master, if I can't recover, then, what can I do? I...I wouldn't really get married?"


Mu Fei had no choice but to worry about her.

At the same time, he can also see that this time, it hurt her deeply. If you really didn't cure her, I'm afraid it would be inevitable to leave her a psychological shadow.

But as to whether it can be cured, Mu Fei is not sure. He also only knew that there were special medicines and methods for treating all kinds of scars in Xiaomeng.

For the sake of insurance, Mu Fei decided to look at it again.

"Don't move, let me see..." Mu Fei said, reaching for the adhesive tape on her face.

"Master, what are you doing? Haven't you seen it?" Jiang Jindie said so on the mouth, but actually didn't move.

"Aren't you worried, I'm afraid I can't cure you? I'll take a closer look and see what mistakes..." Mu Fei had already uncovered the gauze on her face.

‘Xiaoxiaomeng, can you hear me? Thought Mu Fei.

After Mu Fei called Xiao Xiaomeng, he didn't hear the response, but heard the sound of "Sliding" and "Sliding".

‘Hey, are you there? ’

‘Can you hear me? ’

‘Ahhhhh, come out soon...’


Mu Fei shouted several times in his heart, but there was only a "sting" sound, but no one responded to him.

This time Mu Fei is a little bit upset, ‘Hey, dead girl, call you, didn’t you hear? If something comes to you, come out...’

‘I’m counting down to five. If you can’t, you can figure it out, five, four...’ Mu Fei counted down in his mind.

His move is still relatively easy to use, and when he counts, there will be a response immediately.

‘Uh um, I’m here, are you calling me? 'Xiao Xiaomeng's voice came.

‘Who else besides me? What are you doing? Calling you for so long, no movement? Mu Fei asked uncomfortably.

‘Oh, I’m sorry, Master, I was drinking tea just now... It’s time to drink...’ Xiao Xiaomeng replied.

Hearing this answer, why did Mu Fei want to pull the little guy out of his head and stuff it into the tea cup to soak? Obviously just artificial intelligence, you drink your sister tea?

Although Mu Fei was unhappy, he was given a quick and anxious priority, and he did not care about this guy for the time being.

"Little Xiaomeng, look..." Mu Fei wanted to ask her to see if she could be cured.

Who knows that he hasn’t finished speaking yet, and Xiaomeng’s frightened shouts are heard in his head, ‘ahhhhh... so terrible...’

Mu Fei has no way to take this guy again.

As his intimacy with Xiaomeng has increased, more and more authorities have been opened, and even Xiaoxiaomeng has become more and more'humanized'.

Moreover, this guy is a bit like the trend of Xu Xiaomeng's direction, making mistakes from time to time, selling cute.

‘Don’t be cute, tell me the truth, can she return to what she was like in this situation? Mu Fei asked.

‘Oh, she’s hurt so badly, I’m not sure. Master, wait a minute, let me check the information...’

Xiao Xiaomeng said, Mu Fei's brain sounded the sound of "wow la la" turning the book.

"Well... Master, it can be recovered, but there is a small problem..." After three or five seconds, Xiaomeng replied.


After hearing it, Mu Fei took a breath, and he was relieved.

Anyway, she can just recover. If she really became like this, Mu Fei had to be quite uncomfortable if she didn't talk about the pain.

‘What’s the problem, say. Mu Fei asked.

‘Injuries like hers, at the current level of surgery, cannot be done, only medication. The most effective medicine is a prescription called ‘Yanzhi Shengshen Cream’. This medicine is not difficult to dispose, and she will do it. It is one of the few medicinal materials used that is very rare and expensive. This is one of them...’ Xiao Xiaomeng said to Mu Fei.

After hearing this, Mu Fei said, ‘I’ve just flicked Jiang Jindie, that’s what I said, and I’m really being fooled by myself...’

But let's talk about the situation at this stage, even if the medicine is expensive, he will have to adjust it! Can't Jiang Jiangdie really become ugly?

‘No problem with medicinal herbs, continue. Mu Fei said.

'Well, the second kind... that is, it's quite painful to apply this medicine, basically it'burns' the original skin back, and that kind of feeling... I can't understand it, but you should be able to master it Imagine? Asked Xiaomeng.

‘Uh... But for girls, as long as they can restore their beauty, they will have to endure even the pain? Thought Mu Fei.

‘Well, Master, you said, I can’t understand it for now...’ Xiaomeng’s doubtful voice came.

‘Forget it, let’s not talk about this, let’s continue to the topic. In addition to these two, there is another point, that is, the sooner this medicine is used, the better the effect and the less pain.

So, master, if you really are sure to give her a cure, then prepare the medicine as soon as possible, so that her pain is less, and you save more money... that’s it..." Xiao Xiaomeng replied.

‘Okay, I know. Mu Fei replied.

‘That’s all done... Master, when will you lead me and the main body out to play? Asked Xiaomeng again.

‘Cough, this... you go back first, and I’ll talk when I’m free...’


After the exchange with Xiaomeng was completed, Mu Fei was at least confident.

"Master, how are you looking?" Jiang Jindie asked.

"Relax, it will be cured, I promise you."

Mu Fei patted his chest and promised, "If you can't cure, you can find me!"

"Huh, great..."

After listening to Mu Fei, Jiang Jindie let out a breath and was relieved, "I thought I was really disfigured and I couldn't marry."

Speaking of this, Jiang Jindie suddenly turned his eyes wide, remembering something, and asked again, "Master, if I really haven't been cured, no one wants me, I can't get married, what can I do?"

"Oh, how can I? I have said that it will cure you..."

Mu Fei smiled and patted his chest again, "If there is no cure, no one wants you, I want you, can't I?"

Jiang Jindie didn't know how she did it. After listening to Mu Fei's words, she was feeling a bit heavy, and she was much easier at once.

"Hey, if you say that, I'm relieved..."

Jiang Jindie smiled happily, "Master, although you are a jerk, you are not handsome or cool, you have a strong heart for revenge, sweethearts, bullies, lust, mouth damage, tossing people..." Jiang Jin Butterfly broke his finger and counted Mu Fei's shortcomings.

Mu Fei is full of black lines in his head, is that buddy so bad?

"But as you said, at least you are a man, if your grandma... cough, if I can't recover, if I can't get married, you will be..." Jiang Jindie patted Mu Fei's Shoulder, said carelessly.

And the boy's character, when she said this, did not feel anything. She felt it after she had finished speaking. It seemed... a little too ambiguous.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jindie's face was slightly warm.

But at this time, most of her face was covered by gauze, but Mu Fei did not see her blush.

"I suddenly changed my mind..."

Mu Fei blinked, "I don't want to cure you..."

"Hey, Master, I'm wrong. I just made a joke with you. Don't know me in general. Actually... in fact, you are very good, it is simply the top ten good men..." Jiang Jindie kept Begging.

Okay, the tigress has become a "domestic cat" again.


Mu Fei and Jiang Jindie are back home. It has been more than an hour later.

"Wow, Master, you... your home, so powerful? This... how much money?" Looking at Mu Fei's own villa, Jiang Jindie swallowed.

In fact, when she first met Mu Fei, she checked the information of Mu Fei once.

But those materials are only simple things such as Mu Fei's age, birthday, address, school, etc. There is no specific information.

Later, as she and Mu Fei became friends, even if she was curious about Mu Fei, she did not examine Mu Fei's information any more.

Because she thinks that is too ‘not enough friends’.

So, she just heard that Mu Fei bought a house in Beidu. But she did not expect that Mu Fei's house was so powerful and luxurious.

"The homeowner was in a hurry to sell at that time. I picked a bargain and didn't spend much money..."

Mu Fei talked, pushed the door open, and walked in. "Come, come in."

Jiang Jindie followed Mu Fei in, and then looked around like a curious baby.

When the two entered the house, Yefeng was wearing pajamas and watching TV on the As soon as Jiang Jindie saw Yefeng, he couldn't help but grin and asked Mu Fei quietly, " Master...she, she is your sister? How old is she, too old? How do you feel older than you?"

The night bee is a master of the fourth and fifth level of Qi practice. Although Jiang Jindie's voice has been very few, it is still very clear to her ears.

Upon hearing the word "Lao Cheng", she couldn't help but twist her eyebrows and looked back at Jiang Jindie.

"What are you talking about? She is not my sister. She is a friend of mine and lives here with me..."

Mu Fei said nothing, turned his head and said to Night Bee, "Night Bee, this is me... uh..."

Mu Fei hadn't finished speaking yet, and Night Bee had stood up and left, leaving only one sentence, "I'm back to the room..."

After all, the door was closed with a snap.

"Oh, huh..."

Mu Fei stood there, embarrassed...

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