My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1033: Nice to have you

Chapter 1033: It's so nice to have you


"Pap Pap Pap..."


Huang Baoguo went out, and Jiang Jindie's office burst into applause.

In fact, although Huang Baoguo was not very popular in this game before, it was barely said in the past. These people did not hate him so much.

But with the fall of Huang Baoguo and Jiang Jindie, after the shameless things he did were exposed, these subordinates of Jiang Jindie... or brothers and sisters, also love the house and Wuwu, and the hate of the house and Wuwu cannot be seen. Reported to the country.

Now, except for a few individuals in the whole department, Huang Baoguo is not bad, and most of them look down on him.

Therefore, looking at his ugliness, the feelings of most of the people present can be properly described in two idioms as "happy to see and see" and "very popular".

Jiang Jindie was already in a good mood today. Coupled with a slap from Huang Baoguo, she is now even more'sea fart'.

"Okay, okay, everyone else is gone, and everyone doesn't have to continue to act. Listen to me two words..." Jiang Jindie waved his hands, instructing everyone not to applaud.

After everyone stopped, she continued, "Everyone is their own. If I am hypocritical, I won't say more. Just a sentence..."

"Everyone cares about me, I know, no matter when, I will not forget the concern and care of my brothers and sisters. I sincerely thank you..." Jiang Jindie's soft tone and sincere face Said.

Speaking of which, she bowed her head slightly and bowed to the siblings present.

And she has always been'cold in the end' so come out today, these colleagues are a bit awkward.

"Boss, you salute us... what's the matter?"

"Yeah, we are embarrassed..."

"Just like you said, they are all brothers and sisters, so should we care about each other! What are you grateful for?"

"Wow wow wow..."

Her subordinates responded one after another.

In the end, a young police officer said the topic, "Sister, you don't have to make these "virtual" ones, just come and be real. It's almost New Year. Whether you eat or sing, you choose the same... "

"Oh, so easy to say..."

Jiang Jindie smiled rarely, "I haven't been here for such a long time, everyone is so hard, and also, it's almost New Year, and I should be invited...."

"In this way, everyone continue to be busy first, wait for me for a few days. When I save the work that has been accumulated, I will eat and sing a full set, and I will take the package, and I will choose the place! How?" Jiang Jindie said generously.

"Oh, good..."

"It's a big sister, generous!"

"Haha, it's so exciting..."


Her subordinates applauded again.

"Oh, that's all for now..."

Jiang Jindie waved her hand. "But I look forward to expecting, but I can't slack off my work. Don't surround me here. Come back to work..."

After listening to her orders, the subordinates, though they still hadn't fully understood their wishes, dispersed the obedient ones.

"Xiaohei, please come in..." Jiang Jindie waved to Xiaohei before returning to the office.

Xiaohei walked in with her and closed the door.

After entering the house, he stared at Jiang Jindie for a moment, and after confirming that she really recovered, she had some thoughts. He is both happy, gratified and sighed.

Happy and gratified, naturally, Jiang Jindie was blessed by the disaster, not only did not disfigurement, but more beautiful than before. He was very happy for Jiang Jindie.

What sighed was that he felt that the guy named Mu Fei... was too supernatural to be a little too big?

Abnormal skill, good financial resources, and friends around him are also quite capable. The police can’t catch anyone for a month, and he pulled it out in three days. Even experts say that there is no way to disfigure the face, he can cure it. ...

This guy is too bullish?

Xiao Hei is a little skeptical, is there anything in this world that can really stump him.

And just when Xiaohe was thinking there and was distracted, he heard Jiang Jindie's uncomfortable voice coming, "Hey, Xiaohei, grandma, talk to you, are you a fart god? Have you heard? ?"

Xiaohei looked up, and her aunt was pinching her waist, looking at herself with a disgruntled expression.

"Uh, I'm distracted..." Xiaohe scratched his head, embarrassed.

"Go away? Do you really dare to say, is the gall bladder fat?"

Jiang Jindie clasped her fists and squeezed the ‘Gaba Gaba’ straight out, “If you go away next time when you dare to talk about business again, grandma, I don’t mind helping you focus.”

Looking at her appearance, Xiao Hei scared her neck, and he naturally knew what the so-called concentration means.

"Hey, no, no, no."

He quickly laughed, "Boss, what do you say, you say it again."

"You kid..."

Jiang Jindie shook his head helplessly and repeated the words just now, "I ask you, what happened to Deng Xiyun's case? Did the guy catch it?"

In fact, Jiang Jindie has always been very concerned about this case.

However, she suffered a "disruption crisis" a while ago, and she was also hit by not destroying everything. She lost her other thoughts, and she was a little slack in her attention to this case.

In addition, she called to ask Xiaohei, but Xiaohee made her'care well, don't worry about the case, the case team took over', justified her and didn't tell her, so she didn't know until now How is the case going.

In fact, Xiaohei didn't tell her that there was a reason Mu Fei had instructed at that time. Mu Fei was afraid that she knew that Deng Xiyun died and would not even recover from the injury. She ran directly back to the bureau and kept hiding her.

And now that she came back to work, Xiaohei had no way of concealing it, so she had to tell her the truth.

"Boss, actually... that case has been broken..." Xiaohei said.

"What? Broken?"

Jiang Jindie, who had just sat down, stood up again and asked with surprise on Qiao's face, "What about that murderer? Where is it now?"

"It's gone." Xiao Hei replied again.

"It's gone? Is it gone?!!! Wait, I'm a little dizzy..."

Jiang Jindie couldn't make a turn, she asked again, "The case is broken, but the murderer is gone? How is this possible? What is the situation?"

"Also, even I am not the perverted murderous opponent. No one in our bureau has restrained him? Who caught him at the time?" Jiang Jindie asked like a cannonball.

"Actually, the person who caught the murderer... to be precise, the person who killed the murderer, is... your master." Xiaohei replied.

"What? My master?"

Jiang Jindie was surprised again, she was all stunned, "My master, he... he doesn't like to do business, how can he take care of it?"

For a time, Jiang Jindie felt inexplicable, and his head was not enough.

"Forget it, I will tell you from the beginning..."

Xiao Hei also felt a little strenuous to say this. He simply changed the way, "That day in the hospital, your master found me, he managed my Deng Xiyun's information. I didn't want to give him, but he..."

Xiao Hei told Mu Fei how he wanted information, **** Deng Xiyun, how to get him to do aftermath, and that Deng Xiyun's corpse was stolen. He told Jiang Jindie from beginning to end.

After listening to this, Jiang Jindie thought about the previous things again, and she suddenly realized.

‘No wonder these days, my **** master always went out as soon as it was dark. It turned turned out he was avenging me and went to squat to wait for Deng Xiyun to go? ’

Jiang Jindie didn't know why. When she thought of Mu Fei's revenge for her, she felt happy in her heart.

"Xiaohei, you said... my master saw me injured at the time, and he...was very angry?" Jiang Jindie asked tentatively again.

"Yeah, it's more than angry? It's just'Vicious and evil'. Don't look at him when he is comforting you in the ward. He is kind and gentle. When he comes out of the ward, he looks like a face change. His face suddenly sank. His expression at the time was like killing..."

"Oh, by the way, he still said a word at the time, and I still remember it very much. He said this, "No matter who he is, I dare to hurt my apprentice, I will definitely let him pay the price..." Xiao Hei learned Mu Fei's tone and movement at the time were exaggerated.

Jiang Jindie was already in a good mood. When she heard Xiao Hei's words, she thought about everything that Mu Fei had done for her. The more she thought about it, the sweeter she was, just like she had just eaten a piece of chocolate candy.

It was also because of the happiness in his heart that Jiang Jindie didn't control his expression for a while, and a pretty smile appeared on the pretty face.

‘Ah... look like Big Sister’s head, and her master, Chen Ran... Alas...’ Looking at Jiang Jindie’s smile, Xiao Hei thought a bit sourly.

But Xiao Hei also has self-knowledge. He understands that he may be better than others. But compared with Mu Fei... No comparison, the two are not comparable at all.

But despite all this, looking at Jiang Jindie, who used to be domineering and exposed in the past, but now makes this little daughter look, he is still very different.

In the end, he couldn't help but ridicule.

"Hey, hello, boss, what do you want?"

Xiaohe reached out and swayed in front of Jiang Jindie, twisting his eyebrows, and looked awkwardly, "Boss, don't you laugh like that, silver is good? Very infiltrating, I'm scared to watch."


Jiang Jindie, who was distracted, found her gaffe suddenly embarrassed. Even if she was enough for the lords, she couldn't help but a red cloud appeared in her pretty face.

"I'm like, what do you say, stinky boy? Granny hasn't adjusted you for a few days, your skin is itchy, isn't it?"

Jiang Jindie was furious, picked up some of the information on the desk, and smashed it to Xiaohei, "Get out of work quickly!"

"Before get off work deal with these for me. Otherwise, you just wait for the beating..."

"Sister, I will go to work here, but what are you blushing? Isn't it..." Xiaohei smiled ridiculously.

But before he finished speaking, he ran out quickly, because he saw Jiang Jindie holding up the ink bottle on the table.

But he knew that this aunt was really angry!

Not to mention the ink bottle, even if she opened the water bottle, she dared to throw it.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Xiao Hei fled the road, leaving only a few exaggerated laughs.

"This stupid boy, look for beating..."

Jiang Jindie shook his fist, cursing his teeth.

But she sat down, and when she remembered Mu Fei's care for her before, she had a sweet satisfaction in her heart.

"Master bastard, it's so nice to have you..." Jiang Jindie smiled and said to herself in her heart...

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