My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1041: Resort Progress

Chapter 1041: Progress of the Resort

"Brother, after it was built over there, it was a fish pond. Tourists came, and they could row, fish, and fish there..c. When we read the net, we process the fish they caught and let them eat their own fish. Someone likes this bite..."

"The area over there is a stadium with three basketball courts, two tennis courts, and two volleyball courts. There are also football courts, but they are "number", which is only one-third of the normal size. It is for sports. Of tourists prepared..."

"The last building with a frame is the theater. The scale is not large, but it should not be a problem to accommodate 600 people. When our resort starts business, there will be more singers, dancers, The two turned into actors and performed a show at night..."

"We are basically this period, and we will go there for the second period. Now, the general framework of electricity, water supply and water, etc. for this period have come out, and the four main buildings have also been built..."

"The rest is decoration, furniture, decoration, electrical appliances, etc. "fine work". General Hong and I estimated that if everything is normal, our resort will be open for business before the end of summer tomorrow..."

Zhao Hailong and Mu Fei walked around the resort while gesturing to introduce Mu Fei.

Because it is winter, many construction projects in this resort have been suspended, but from a framework point of view, this resort has begun to take shape.

When Mu Fei first came to this mountain at that time, it was just a bare mountain.

In contrast to these two, Mu Fei did not personally see how it was built here, but he also made a contribution to his thoughts of building it here, and he also felt quite successful in his heart.

"Well, it's good..."

Mu Fei nodded and was very satisfied with the situation here.

Later, he patted Zhao Hailong on the shoulder again, "When this is built, you should take care of it. At that time, you are also a'boss' and a'successful person'..."

"Those younger brothers who mixed with you at the beginning would also give them the whole place, get them a security guard, the front desk and so on. Let them have a stable job, not as stable as before. Have no income. But you have to manage them and don’t let them cause trouble..."

"As for the killing of rizi like that before, let him go, as we are now fooling around, but that is not a long-term plan after all..." Mu Fei thought Zhao Hailong one sentence after another.

In fact, Zhao Hailong's xing style was taught by a'brother' who is a few years younger than himself.

But this is only for others.

When he faced Mu Fei, he couldn't get a hint of rebuttal thoughts-because he knew that Mu Fei's everything was for his own good.

At the same time, according to Mu Fei's strength and life experience, he does have the qualification to teach him.

After all, without Mu Fei's help, he wouldn't be today.

"Well, I know..."

Zhao Hailong smiled at Mu Fei and patted him on the shoulder. He said sincerely, "Thank you, brother."

"Oh, all brothers, thank you?"

Mu Fei waved his hand in disapproval, "Let's go, let's go back."

Zhao Hailong knew that Mu Fei came to see this resort only on one hand, and on the other hand, he had to look at the security company.

"I know where they are training, I will show you..." Zhao Hailong said.


By the time Zhao Hailong leads Mu Fei back to the ‘main building’, most of the ‘security guard’ training venues are already there.

When Zhou Haibin saw Mu Fei coming back, he turned around and shouted to the guys who were chatting in groups.


He ordered that the twenty men of different heights, fats and thins, but the same guys in camouflage outfits quickly gathered together and stood in two rows.






After the count, there were a total of 19 people, plus Zhou Haibin was exactly 20.

Zhou Haibin nodded and turned to Mu Feidao, "Boss, actually I count 22 people in total. Among them, Zhu Er's strength is better than me. I can't teach him, let him find a way to improve his strength... …"

"As for the other----Night Bee, by the way, she didn't come back with you?" Zhou Haibin asked Mu Fei.

Previously, Mu Fei asked Zhou Haibin for help. He sent a total of three people to Beidu. They are the night bee, the two dog eggs, and the beard.

Before the New Year, Mu Fei felt that there was nothing wrong, and let the three night bees return first.

Two dog eggs and two beards, no words, came back neatly.

As for the night bee, she took a leave with Mu Fei, ‘I have something to do and I will not return to Binnan. Years later, go directly back to the north capital. ’

Looking at her mysterious look, although Mu Fei was curious, what could she have? But Mu Fei also knows that her xing style, asking her that she can do nothing.

So Mu Fei didn't say anything nonsense, and asked her if she had enough money, and gave her some travel expenses to let her go.

"Yebee has something to do and can't return Binnan for the time being." Mu Fei replied.

In fact, Zhou Haibin is just asking casually. For someone with the strength of Night Bee, he can't control it, and he is too lazy to control it.

"The rest are here..." Zhou Haibin pointed to the guys in camouflage clothes in front of him.

Mu Fei glanced over these guys, and glanced at their strength. He was also a little happy in his heart.

Li Zongwei, five grades of quenched body.

Elephant, quenched nine.

Li Chaonan, five grades of quenched body.

Laosha, eighth grade of quenched body.

Zhao Tianxiong, six grades of quenched body.

Xie Ziyun, eight-stage quenched body.

These are the people Mu Fei knows, and his strength has improved a lot in the past six months.

The remaining ten or so that Mu Fei did not know, most of their strength is also between the fifth and seventh quenching levels.

Although these people's current strength is still a distance away from Mu Fei's goal, their speed of progress has been quite surprising.

No one else, the two guys Li Zongwei and Li Chaonan, before Mu Fei left Binnan to go to Beidu, were only the second- and third-level rookies.

At that time, they weren't even cultivators, at most they were ordinary strong people.

But now, both of them have quenched the fifth level.

The master is an exaggeration, but it is enough for ordinary people and ordinary practitioners.

Overall, Mu Fei was quite satisfied with the training effect of Zhou Haibin on these people in the past six months.

It is worth mentioning that Mu Fei also saw that Zhou Haibin is quite strict with these guys.

Although Li Chaonan, Li Zongwei, the elephant and others stood in the crowd, they were all surprised when they saw Mu Fei coming, but they were just surprises. When they looked at Mu Fei, none of them dared to speak.

‘Brother Haibin, I’m worthy of the name of ‘instructor’...” Mu Fei nodded and sighed in his heart.

Zhou Haibin saw Mu Fei nodded over there, and he knew that Mu Fei was almost there.

"Not much nonsense, it's time for the assessment..."

Zhou Haibin was expressionless and pointedly pointed at Mu Fei, "You don’t always ask questions like'What level of boss' strength can I try with my boss? Can I beat the boss now?" ?He came this time, you have a chance to deal with him..."

Then, Zhou Haibin touched the stopwatch from his pocket and clicked on it. "You will come together for a while. The assessment time is ten minutes. The rules are still the old rules."

Zhou Haibin's old rule is that within a specified time, he was beaten to lose, standing to win, did not climb down to be a tie.

Mu Fei didn't want to use his own "hands on" and he was slightly stunned after hearing Zhou Haibin's words.

But then, he understood Zhou Haibin's intention.

One, I want to know what level these guys have in front of me. The best way is to fight and try it myself.

Second, Zhou Haibin also wanted to let himself educate them. This is also a disguised form of Liwei. Let them know that their boss is so powerful that they are not convinced of themselves after saving ri.

It is precisely because of knowing the purpose of Zhou Haibin that Mu Fei accepted his arrangement calmly.

"Well, I haven't had a good activity for a long time, just try..." Mu Fei took off his coat and threw it aside.

But before he even started, a younger, but long-backed man shouted to Zhou Haibin, "Report!"


"Instructor, the boss is very powerful, but... after all, we have nearly twenty people..."

The man pointed around himself and chuckled, "So many of us, one to the boss... Would it, huh, a little bully him?"

After he finished talking, some of the surrounding "team members" also smiled kindly.

"Bull him? Oh..."

Zhou Haibin smiled disdainfully, "If you can really do it, I think the boss is taken care of by you, I don't think he will do anything..."

Zhou Haibin wrote, didn't care about the man again, "Nothing else, take out your training results and true skills over the past six months..."

"Ten minutes later, the boss thinks who is qualified, it is qualified, and receive the bonus to go back to the Chinese New Year. Whether to go home or where to go, I don’t care if you..."

"But if it doesn't pass, hum, then don't go back. Let me be on duty in this resort in the New Year!"

"Is there any problem?" Zhou Haibin shouted.

After waiting a few seconds, no one below said anything.

"Three, two, one, start!"

Zhou Haibin counted down several times and waved his hand downward.

With his movements, the dozens of people in front of him were no longer polite, and flung their fists at Mu Fei. Lian and Mu Fei are the old acquaintances of Li Chaonan, Li Zongwei, Elephant, Zhao Tianxiong, and so on. They did not mean to release water at all.

Moreover, Mu Fei can see some excited gods from the faces of these guys.

Obviously, these guys are trying to beat themselves.

However, Mu Fei dismissed their thoughts.

‘Oh, are you so good to beat? While thinking of these, Mu Fei raised his fist to fight back.

Mu Fei guessed right. The guys in front of him really ran to defeat him.

In fact, more than half a year ago, when they were summoned by Mu Fei, they had seen Mu Fei's skill and had seen him very well.

At that time, they believed that Mu Fei was too strong, and they were not what they could defeat.

But as they have become more and more powerful under Zhou Haibin's training in the past six months, they are also a little self-confident and want to challenge Mu Fei.

And there are still many people who have this idea. This is also the idea here for the elephant and Xie Ziyun who are more familiar with Mu Fei. They also want to know how well they have practiced in the past six months and whether the gap with Mu Fei has narrowed a bit.

But with Mu Fei's counterattack they only realized that their ideas were too naive.

No, ten minutes, Mu Fei is fine, but just hit three punches and two feet. On their side, without exception, all climbed down.

"Haha, cool!!"

After putting all these guys down, Mu Fei laughed heartily.

Then he glanced down at these'brothers', "How about it, not convinced?"

"No more, no more..."

"Perverted, too perverted..."

"Fuck, I have been practicing hard for half a year, why is it not Fei Ge's opponent..."


For a while, these'brothers' shook their heads one after another, and stopped fighting.

And now they look at Mu Fei again, and there is a deep awe in their eyes...

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