My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1053: Lollipop for seniors

Chapter 1053: Senior Lollipop

In a movie theater in Binnan, two movies were performed simultaneously in a movie theater.

A movie is naturally a normal movie.

And the other, the "Intimate" drama that everyone loves to watch, is secretly being staged in the back of this theater.


Mi Beibei sat on Mu Fei's lap and hugged his neck. Mu Fei hugged Mi Beibei's slender waist and slid the other hand into her fleece pants, only a thin layer of underwear cloth, rubbing Pinch her hips.

The investment of the two kissed, so that between the lips and tongue, a certain sound was made.

It is precisely because of this voice that several customers who watched movies in their front rows found anomalies and looked back at them from time to time.

But Mu Fei and Mi Beibei just kissed each other...or at least they just kissed.

Now that society is open and people are bold, let alone kissing secretly in the movie theater, some bold couples have kissed them in a large crowd and they have done it.

Therefore, although the previous customers found the behavior of Mu Fei and Mi Beibei, they did not care too much.

In fact, at a different time, Mu Fei may not necessarily be so bold, the key is... he is really uncomfortable now.

In the first six months in the northern capital, he lived a life of'abstinence'.

It was hard to wait until Hui Binnan came back, thinking that Xia Xue could comfort him comfortably, but in fact, Mu Fei thought much.

I don't know what happened to Mu Fei's mother. From the day Mu Fei arrived home, she had'held' Xia Xue every day.

Today, let Xia Xue accompany her to buy vegetables, to give some gifts tomorrow, to do some new year's goods the day after tomorrow, and also let her live at home every day, plus such a small light bulb Xu Xiaomeng.

Let me put it this way, when at home, Mu Fei would have a hard time kissing Xia Xue.

And finally Xia Xue came home, she still had to hurry to draw the sketch.

Mu Fei knew that he was'powerful', and once it was too long. When he was satisfied, Xia Xue was afraid that he would have to collapse into a ball and could not work.

Mu Fei distressed her and couldn't bear to beg for it.

In this way, Mu Fei returned to Binnan and had never fulfilled his ‘wishes’. He lived a ‘ninja’ life as he did in Beidu.

No, it's not as good as Beidu.

Because when he was in Beijing, he could still ask Xu Xiaomeng to take advantage of it.

Now, he can't even touch Xu Xiaomeng! If the old lady knew he dared to take advantage of Xiaomeng, she might have to chop her with a kitchen knife.

Because of knowing this, Mu Fei told Xu Xiaomeng Qian Dingwan Wan beforehand that he could not'kiss' at home.

And now Mu Fei was pushed by Mi Beibei, and the fire suddenly caught fire, and she kissed her, and she couldn't help sliding into her down pants, taking advantage of it.

As for Mibebe, she felt the urge to cry when she felt the temperature in Mu Fei's hands.

‘Woo, Senior Mu Fei, he...he finally took the initiative and accepted me...’ Mbebe moved.

It was precisely because of a moment of joy and excitement that Mibebe's movements were also bold.

As she and Mu Fei kissed, two small hands lifted Mu Fei's t-shirt and the other stretched out to the back, stroking his strong back.

After another kiss, Mibebe let Mu Fei's mouth go and leaned over Mu Fei's chest again, taking a small bite, holding the protrusion on the side of his chest in his mouth and sucking gently.


Mu Fei, who had never received such "preferred treatment", immediately breathed out in a comfortable breath.

At this point I have to say that although Mu Fei is no longer a virgin, he really has not much experience with the kind of things between men and women.

His two ‘women’, Xia Xue and Ning Zixian.

Perhaps it is due to personality. In this kind of thing, Xia Xue has always been the passive side, and has always done it in the most common way.

As for ‘active’, she never had.

Besides, Ning Zixian, although this classic beauty with a cold outside and a hot inside, is a bit bolder than Xia Xuelai, she is far away from Baodao. When Mu Fei missed her, she couldn’t even see her, let alone do it. Something happened.

Therefore, Mu Fei is very knowledgeable about these men and women and is limited to "theory". He wants to try, but no one can practice with her.

It is exactly this way, as soon as he was served by Mibebe today, he immediately felt extremely enjoyable and fluttering.

Feeling Mu Fei's pleasure, Mibebe worked harder.

"Senior, are you comfortable?" She asked in her spare time.

"Uh huh." Mu Fei closed his eyes and enjoyed, nodded.

"Hee hee, then you can enjoy it, Babe wants to make you more comfortable..." Mi Babe said, letting go of this side and including the other side.

After a while, Mibebe became more daring, and she got off Mu Fei's leg and stood on the ground.

"Senior, Babe wants to eat a lollipop..." Mi Babe hugged Mu Fei's neck and probed into his ear, whispering softly with the heat.


Mu Fei slightly flustered and asked in doubt: "Lollipop."

"Oh, senior, you are stupid, haven't you seen the animation of the island country?"

Speaking of which, Mibeibei squatted down and lay on Mu Fei's lap.

Later, she suddenly buckled Mu Fei's belt and untied it: "The lollipop is pointing to this, that's it..."

I have to say that Mibebe is really crazy, so courageous.

She is still a ‘girl’ and has not yet become a ‘woman’? Dare to take the initiative to untie the boy's belt, and still in a place like a movie theater.

And Mu Fei was also taken aback by her actions: "Hey, Babe, you..."

However, Mu Fei's reaction was still a step slower. It was in his effort that Meng Beibei did not loosen the belt, but the other small hand had reached into Mu Fei's pants.

Mu Fei felt his sensitive parts, wrapped in a fiery little hand, and at the same time a strong pleasure came from him, and he hadn't vented for a long time, he almost didn't exhale.

"Smelly girl, what are you doing." Mu Fei was anxious, and pulled away Mibebe's hand.

"Senior, if you hold back something that is bad for your health, let Babe "eat"..." Mibebe held Xiao Mufei tightly and refused to let go.

"No, let go." Mu Fei whispered a lesson.

In fact, Mu Fei is also very contradictory.

On the one hand, he also needs to vent.

What Mibebe said about ‘eating lollipops’ is obvious.

But Mu Fei has never tasted this kind of "treatment". As a normal man, it is strange that he does not want to try it.

To be precise, as soon as Mu Fei thinks about the wonderful taste, he has a sense of feeling that he can't stand.

But on the other hand, he... didn't dare to go too deep with Mibebe.

For him, kissing Mi Beibei and cuddling something is already the limit, and Mu Fei feels guilty for doing so.

Because Mu Fei believes that such things can only be done with his girlfriend.

And now, he hasn't been able to give Mibebe this identity. Even if Mibebe doesn't care, Mu Fei feels a bit overwhelmed.

As for more in-depth contact, that is even more impossible.

Mu Fei admits that he is a bit'sexy', but he is also'traditional' and possessive.

Now Mibebe has not followed him to the final step, Mibebe still has room for ‘choice’.

But if she really did it with Mu Fei, or ‘eat’, the final result would naturally be only one, that is, Mu Fei kept her by her side.

At that time, Mu Fei would not allow it because she wanted to leave.

Having said that, Mu Fei did not accept her, did she not like it?

the answer is negative.

Mu Fei feels that this girl is a little mad and a little annoying, but similarly, Mu Fei also thinks this guy is very interesting, like a ``pistachio'', can make himself happy.

In addition, she has to have a face and a face, and to have a figure...cough, okay, except that there is no chest.

And more importantly, Mu Fei can feel from her, her strong attachment and love for herself.

A girl like this, afraid of being a normal boy, can’t dislike it.

But the problem is... Mu Fei is in trouble enough now.

Xia Xue and Ning Zixian, these two men are already destined to be his women, plus Xu Xiaomeng who cannot leave him for a lifetime, and a genuine girlfriend Lin Ruoyi.

Regarding these girls, how to explain these things to them and let them accept other girls? This has made Mu Fei's head and head two older.

In this case, let's come back to Mibebe who is the most capable and mischievous...

At that scene, Mu Fei was really afraid to imagine.

This is why Mu Fei suffocated, but still refused to let Mibebe help him to do that step.

But Mibebe, naturally, did not know the embarrassment of Mu Fei.

"Senior, please, let Beibe serve you..." Mibebe held Xiao Mufei tightly and refused to let go, begging Mu Fei: "Babe wants to make you comfortable, Senior..."

"No." Mu Fei directly refused.

"Then... why? There is always a reason."

Mi Beibei's eyebrows twisted into a figure of eight. Look at Mu Fei pitifully: "Senior, don't you... do you think you betray Babe so much?"

Looking at Mibebe's pitiful appearance, Mu Fei softened and almost didn't agree, but in the end he still didn't ‘relieve’.

"Cause... There is no reason. I can't do it if I say no."

"Then...then you take it out, and let Babe look at it..."

Mi Beibei saw that it didn't work, and retreated second: "Bebe, I haven't seen the real lollipop..."

After hearing this, Mu Fei was almost fainted by her to Lei.

This girl is a pure female hooligan! .

"It won't work."

Mu Fei stared at 138 and let go. "

At first glance, Mu Fei did not agree, and Mi Beibei also came stubborn.

She pouted: "I don't care, if you don't let me watch, I won't let go."


The girl said that her hand was harder and Mu Fei almost groaned again.

"Why don't you let go~ Mu Fei gritted his teeth and simply pulled her hand: "If you don't let go, don't blame me for moving, you let me go. "

"I won't let go."


"If you don't let go, don't let go."

Mi Beibe is struggling, and the little Mu Fei hurt.

"Oh, you, you lightly, hurt..."

"Let someone not show me."


Well, these two unscrupulous guys actually grabbed it for'lollipop'.

And when the two were noisy, a voice came and almost didn't scare Mu Fei...


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