My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1065: Hong Sufen's Past_Next

Chapter 1065: Hong Sufen's Past_Next

More than a year after graduating from college, she went through four cities and changed four jobs, but they were all destroyed by Wei Chu without exception.

For those years, for Hong Sufen, Wei Qin and Wei Chu brothers were nightmares she could not get rid of.

In the end, Hong Sufen accepted his fate

She knew that as long as the spouse of her household registration file was Wei Chu’s name, as long as she was still in the country, she would be found no matter how far she went.

Under the frustration, she was too lazy to run away. She planned to find a city that was not far away to work. She took out the map and pressed it. She just pressed to Binnan.

Press wherever you go

After arriving in Binnan, look around and see a bath center recruiting managers to eat and live

Actually, Ihon Sufen’s ‘strength’ is a little bit of a small place.

But no matter how good the job is, she will be too lazy to find anything, so she settled in the bathing center

But she did not expect her unintentional move to make her change her destiny

After she worked for more than two months, Wei Chu went to her place of work as usual and the owner of the bathing center was still in the shop.

Hong Sufen said, ‘I’m done and I have to change my job’

But she was wrong

The boss just asked her two questions, "He really is your husband, do you want to go back with him"

Hong Sufen shook his head and denied that the boss just waved a group of ‘guests’ and went up to beat Wei Chu up

It wasn't until this time that Hong Sufen knew that the owner of this bathing center was a triad, others called him "Donggang Brother" and those who came often were his younger brothers.

After smoothing out Wei Chu, Li Donggang not only hurried Hong Sufen away but let her work well and told her ‘nowhere else can you control her in Binnan’

At that time, Hong Sufen almost moved to cry

Since then, she has dedicated herself to work and helped Li Donggang manage the business until Li Donggang ‘sent her’ to Mu Fei.

"Since then, Brother Donggang has helped me to support Wei Chu, but he didn't dare to mess up again, and what's going on, my third brother... you all know..."

When the two said it was an hour later

In the process, when it comes to the sad place, Hong Sufen inevitably shed tears in a short period of time. This strong-looking guy wiped at least six or seven tears.

Listening to her story and watching her pitiful look, Mu Fei was also very uncomfortable

"In Binnan, I was really safe. He generally didn't dare to harass me... But he didn't give up..."

"He buckled my debt, and there was nothing I could do with the contract. I still have it legally...or...or..."

Speaking of which, Hong Sufen had some difficulty exporting. She blushed for a long time before saying "I am still the daughter-in-law of their old Wei family..."

"And... and I don’t dare to go back to my parents’ grave. Last year was when I was thinking about the New Year. I’m busy and I just want to go back in December to burn some paper for my parents..."

Speaking of this, Hong Sufen's nose was sour again, "but I was caught by the Wei surname Wei who found it and the paper hadn't burned yet, so he caught him and shut me up and beat me..."

"Fortunately, the second aunt discovered me and rescued me earlier. Otherwise, otherwise I might not know what..."

And Hong Sufen said that Mu Fei's eyes are slightly bigger, he remembered something

"When Sufen went to Mexico last year, I saw there were scars on your body... could it be..." Mu Fei asked with some surprise

Although the words are not clear, how can Hong Sufen not understand what he is asking


Hong Sufen nodded with a face of grievance. "That was when Wei Chu fought..."

"Oh yes, there is one more odious thing..."

Hong Sufen remembered what had just stopped, and the tears shed again. "I only knew about this two years ago..."

"Although Wei Qin agreed to borrow my money at the time, after signing the receipt, he secretly ran to the hospital that night to take the debt I wrote and the marriage contract to my mother to see that my mother was breathless in one breath..."

"In other words... my mother was stimulated to death by the surname Wei... oh..."

"Oh, well..." Mu Fei smiled at the words

But he’s not funny, he’s angry.

Just listening to Hong Sufen's story about being bullied, Mu Fei was so angry that he also saw her scars. Mu Fei was even more angry. He felt his lungs were on fire.

Two brothers surnamed Wei, you can bully others, but ‘bullying’ must have a ‘limit’, right?

Cheating marriages, bullying men and women, bullying orphans and widows, mad old ladies... this is too much.

I fac your eighth generation ancestor

You can't describe it as "lack of virtue". This is simply heartbroken and utterly conscienceless.

Why didn’t God throw a lightning bolt to kill you when it thundered?

And cursed for a while, Mu Fei also thought of two problems

"By Sufen, since Donggang and Jiujia knew you, they didn't say anything," Mu Fei asked with a raised eyebrow.

Although Mu Fei didn't make it clear, the empathetic Hong Sufen still heard from his words, he is a little unhappy now that there is blame in his tone

"Brother, don't be angry..."

Hong Sufen repeatedly waved his hands to persuade "Brother Donggang and Jiuge probably knew that my affairs were not false, but they were also unable to help me with their help..."

Without waiting for Mu Fei to continue to ask her, she explained that "it is true that Donggang is the No. 1 character in Binnan's "Daoer", but his power is limited to Binnan..."

"But not only is Weijiacun more than 200 kilometers away from Binnan, Far East Gangge can't take a few hundred brothers to run out more than 200 kilometers to help me "get angry"."

"Don't say that Donggang can't do that, even if he is willing, I won't let him do that."

"Brother San, you must have heard that it is called "the poor mountains disgust out Diaomin". Although Wei Jiacun is kind to the people in the same village, for outsiders they are "diaomin". They are not only difficult to entangle but also "outside" Was very united and fierce..."

"There are at least 200 young and strong young men in nearly 100 households in the whole village, and these young men do manual work all the year round. It is not what the young men in the city can deal with, even if the hundreds of Donggang brothers meet them. No bargaining..."

"And the most important point is that the place that does not belong to the jurisdiction of Binnan is under the jurisdiction of Fubei City, which means that there is no accident. Once the accident happens, even Donggang’s ability to have a sky in Binnan is completely impossible. of……"

Speaking of which, Hong Sufen spread his hand and smiled helplessly, "commercially speaking, the cost of this behavior is high, and the profit is low, the risk is high, and the investment cost is not directly proportional to the return..."

"In other words, this kind of thing is completely inappropriate, only fools will do it..."

After listening to her explanation, Mu Fei was justified by the thought.

"You have another question... did you leave no evidence?" Mu Fei asked again

He didn’t believe that such a smart girl as Hong Sufen would not leave behind when he was bullied

"Of course there are some but... completely useless..."

Hong Sufen smiled bitterly, "My third brother just told you that the power of the old Wei family is not ordinary. There are people from his village from the village to Fubei city, otherwise they dare to be so rampant and so blatantly bullying people."

"And the officials of Binnan, regardless of the high ranking of officials in Fubei City, I can't see it. The small officials and the leaders of the provinces have no time to manage this kind of sesame thing..."

"I just have some evidence of himself and his family's fake public and private funds, but I don't know who to give..."

At this point, she shook her head helplessly. "Now I don't even ask for revenge, anger, etc..."

"I just want to take back my debts and contract and get away from the old Wei family and start a new life. I will be satisfied..."


Mu Fei took a breath after hearing her wish

‘Others bully you so much, you’re just doing it, your mother is mad, you’re doing it, you’re so generous and forgiving...’

"Ha ha……"

Thinking of Mu Fei here, he grinned ‘but you are generous and you are forgiving, it’s you and I are not as big as you...’

‘Old Wei’s family, wait, I don’t care if you have the money or the power to dare to move me, even if it’s the emperor and the old man, I will make you pay.’ Mu Fei smiled and thought hard in his heart


At this time, Hong Sufen listened to Mu Fei for a long time and looked up at him.

Hong Mufen was a bit puzzled about Mu Fei's smile, "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

"Ah, heh, nothing..." Mu Fei laughed.

"Sufen, did you say that even the grave will give your parents success in the New Year this year?"

While talking, Mu Fei patted Hong Sufen's shoulder and smiled. "It's more than three o'clock now, so hurry up and have a good rest. Tomorrow tomorrow, I will accompany you back to Weijia Village to give them two old men to grave..."

Hong Sufen's heart moved slightly

"Third Brother, you will accompany me to return to Weijia Village."

She waved her hands again and again, "I know you are strong but... but you can't hold them strong anymore. Besides, there is still the site of Fubei City. No one can do anything if something goes wrong..."

She only spoke half of her lips but was held by Mu Fei with her finger

"Hehe Sufen, you don't need to say more about what I know..."

Mu Fei lightly smiled and looked at her and asked, "I'll ask you if you believe me?"

Looking at Mu Fei's not too handsome, but quite manly face, and the confident smile on his face, Hong Sufen jumped fiercely in his heart.

‘Yeah, Brother... Never let me down...’ Hong Sufen thought quietly

I was relieved to think of these Hong Sufen

Although her young boss is not young, she thinks he is extremely reliable

It felt like he would be safe as long as he could see his smiley face by himself and he would never be bullied again...

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