My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1071: Discuss justice

Chapter 1071: Discuss Fairness

"Xiao Fei, I have to explain it to you first. I will help you find Secretary Zhou, no problem, but I can't guarantee that Secretary Zhou will refuse to "speak" for you..." Jiang Zhengjun helped Mu Fei first. Vaccination.

"It doesn't matter, I understand this..."

Mu Fei nodded and smiled: "It's best to help. If I can't, I'll find another way."

"Okay, I will contact you now. Wait for my phone..." Jiang Zhengjun finished and hung up.

"Third Brother... Can Secretary Zhou help?" Hong Sufen asked after Mu Fei hung up the phone.

"He helps nature the best, let's save trouble, but as I said earlier, it doesn't matter if you don't help..."

Mu Fei put the phone in his pocket: "It's a big deal. I'll be a little more troublesome. I'll go to the first and second leaders in Fubei city..."

When he said this, Mu Fei looked confident.

"Then...If Secretary Zhou is willing to help, but the senior officials of Fubei City don't care?" Hong Sufen blinked wide and asked tentatively.

"No matter, he dare."

Hearing this, Mu Fei's face sank: "If the senior officials of Fubei City don't care, I will find the province. If the province doesn't care, I'll get it online. I promise that within three days, Let this happen all over the internet and become a netizen's post-meal talk for the rest of the country. Huh, I don’t believe that those high leaders at that time were able to be unaffected at all..."

"It's impossible for other people to fix it. I can't clean up them anymore." Mu Fei snorted and said disdainfully.

Maybe someone hears Mu Fei and thinks Mu Fei is bragging.

But Hong Sufen, who had seen what Mu Fei did before, knew it. Mu Fei was not talking nonsense, because Binnan's current situation was contributed by him.

It is precisely because of this that Hong Sufen is not worried about his current situation at all.

At this time, I saw Mu Fei waved his hand again: "Sufen, how to deal with them, I will say it later, let's go to the grave of uncle and aunt, burn paper, and wait for Secretary Jiang's phone..."

"When we're done here, I'll go to the old Wei's house with you and get back the debts and notes you wrote before..."

"Huh." Hong Sufen nodded, looking at Mu Fei with gratitude.


Originally, before Mu Fei, Jiang Zhengjun had a short period of time before he could'reply' to himself, but in fact, Jiang Zhengjun was quite efficient in doing things, that is, five or six minutes, he returned to Mu Fei.

"Xiao Fei, your kid is really alive..."

As soon as the phone answered, Jiang Zhengjun said with a smile: "I told you about this to Secretary Zhou, and Secretary Zhou immediately agreed to help. He is now contacting the upper class of Fubei City. Call me..."

"Ah! So fast!"

Mu Fei also had some surprises about Jiang Zhengjun's efficiency: "Oh, that's better than that, Uncle Jiang, then thank you."

"Don't thank me, it's the help of Secretary Zhou. If you want to thank, just thank him, haha..." Jiang Zhengjun smiled boldly.

And when it comes to this, he seems to have some questions, asking: "Oh, Xiao Fei! In my impression, you... don't seem to have met with Secretary Zhou, don't know each other, right."

Mu Fei didn't understand what he meant, and blinked and replied, "Yes! I have never seen Secretary Zhou."

"That would be strange..."

Jiang Zhengjun was even more puzzled: "Actually, when I told Secretary Zhou just now, Secretary Zhou's attitude was originally very general, it seemed that he didn't want to care about this matter, but as soon as he heard your name, he became enthusiastic... …"

"From his attitude, it seems that he knows you... and has a familiar look, you are sure you don't know him."

"Well, I think about it again..."

Mu Fei pondered in his head, but he had no impression of the secretary of that week.

"Uncle Jiang, I have never seen Secretary Zhou..." Mu Fei said helplessly.

"Oh, forget it. Never see it before. Actually, it doesn't matter if you see it. I'm just curious. I just ask casually..."

Jiang Zhengjun chuckled: "Let's stop talking nonsense, so let's do that first. As soon as someone in Fubei City calls you, I will hang up first so that they can't get in the line..."

"Xiao Fei! Come back to Binnan when you are done, come to me. Let's drink two cups. I have a little thing to tell you..."

Although Mu Fei didn't know what Jiang Zhengjun said about the "little thing", he didn't ask, and he wanted to visit Jiang Zhengjun before the New Year. This time was just right.

"Okay, when I return to Binnan, I will visit you..." Mu Fei replied.

When Mu Fei hung up the phone, Hong Sufen's burning paper and ingots and other sacrifices were almost burned.

During this time, elephants and others have been packing up Wei Chu.

At the beginning, Wei Chu was very'hard', and he refused to kowtow to Hong Sufen's parents.

But the elephants and others were not polite. Zhao Tianxiong stepped on Wei Chu's leg behind him, forcing him to kneel, and the elephant knocked Wei Chu's head down on the ground.

Only a few moments later, traces of blood oozed from Wei Chu's forehead, and the snow in front of Hong Sufen's parents' graves was stained with a small piece of red.

After a few passes, Wei Chu could see the situation.

He found that being so forcibly knocked, why not knock himself? At least, you can control your own strength, not to hurt too much.

It was exactly this, he was "softened" and he knocked down in front of the grave.

However, although his movements have been very light, he can't control it for a long time. During this time, he said less than 20 or 30 knocks, and it was still a knock-out.

While his head hurts, his heart was about to catch fire.

'Well, your surname is Hong. I dare to find an outsider to deal with me, watch, smelly watch, you wait, dog men and women, you wait, wait for a while when my family comes, I must give this breath. ...Ahhhhhhhhh! I was so angry, "Wei Chu became more and more angry, and his eyes almost burst into flames.


At this time, Mu Fei walked past with clapping hands, and asked with a smirk: "You're surnamed Wei, your kowtow movement is quite professional, haha..."

Even if Wei Chu was afraid, listening to Mu Fei's words, he was lifted up with anger and his eyes were round.


"Look at your sister."

Mu Fei is not polite, just slap in the face.

Less than three seconds later, a big slap mark appeared on Wei Chu's face.

"I tell you, just because of the bad things you did to Lao Hong's family, just to make you kowtow, this is the lightest, and I didn't waste you directly, it's kind of you..." Mu Fei Pointed at him and scolded.

After scolding, he also raised his leg and gave him a foot: "Lead the way ahead, go to your house."

Wei Chu used to be a character who walked sideways in villages and towns, and where did he suffer from such fools.

Today, he was forced to kowtow and slapped in the public. He felt his lungs explode.

But Qi was not angry, and Wei Chu was not stupid.

He knew that to resist now is to ask for trouble.

So, he gritted his teeth tightly and swallowed this wicked breath, leading the way without looking back.

‘I still think of my house, okay, I’ll take it, I see how you can treat me,’

‘The people in the security team are not your opponents, they are my mistakes, but can you fight a dozen or dozens, I don’t

I believe you are the opponents of the old and young in the village,’

Wei Chu thought hard while leading the way in front.


Under the leadership of Wei Chu, within ten minutes, Mu Fei and others arrived at the door of the old Wei family.

But it's okay if you don't look at it, and at the sight of Mu Fei, he is also slamming his tongue. This old Wei too arrogant.

Also living in a village, other villagers are mostly small houses with bungalows outside, and a little two-story building in the yard with a little more money, which is not bad.

However, the situation of the old Wei family is many times better than those of the rich.

At the entrance of the courtyard of the old Wei family is a large iron gate more than three meters wide. A stone lion on each side of the iron gate "guards".

Entering the gate of the courtyard, there are three new buildings with three or four floors. There are fish ponds and gardens in the courtyard. The garden is paved with a cobblestone path leading to a pavilion.

If we say that the "home" of other villagers is really just "home".

This Wei's ‘home’ is clearly a luxurious resort! .

‘Seeing this, this old Wei family... is really not greedy...’ Mu Fei thought to himself.

After entering the courtyard, Wei Chu led Mu Fei and others into the middle ‘main building’.

The first floor of the main building is a living room.

When Mu Fei and his entourage entered, many people were already there.

And sitting in the throne is an old man who looks less than 60 years old and looks a little old.

This old man was Wei Chu's father, and also the head of a village in Weijia Village, Wei Cungui.

Although Wei Cungui is not very kind to the villagers, he is very good to his son.

Especially after the death of his eldest son, Wei Qin, he transferred all his father's love to his second son, Wei Chu, and said that it is not an exaggeration to spoil and indulge.

He had heard a letter from someone before, saying that someone had come to trouble Wei Chu and had beaten the security team. He was worried enough.

Now, he once again saw Wei Chu with blood on his head and puffy face, and his face was shocked, his eyes stared at the boss, and then the consternation slowly turned into anger.

"Xiao Chu, why are you being beaten like this!" Wei Cungui hurriedly stood up and hurried to Wei Chu to ask.

After he said this, he didn't wait for Wei Chu to answer, then turned his head and glared at Mu Fei and Hong Sufen: "It's my son you hit, isn't it."

But for Wei Cungui, Mu Fei ignored everything.

"go with."

He lifted his leg and kicked it on Wei Chu's ass: "Go and bring me the debts and contracts written by Sufen, and don't think of any tricks..."

After he finished speaking, he turned to Li Zongwei and said, "Dawei, you follow him, if he is disobedient, just clean up."

"Hearing my brother Fei's words, go away." Li Zongwei shoved Wei Chu behind.

Wei Chu's hostages are almost the same But his father and some family members were present, and he was more courageous.

He gave Mu Fei a fierce glance, and then he moved up to the stairs and walked to his room.

Looking at Wei Chu's angry back, Wei Cungui was very hot.

"Hongjia girl, what do you mean?"

Wei Cungui stared at Hong Sufen: "You came with an outsider and came back to bully your own people in the village, right?"

"And you, you..."

Wei Cungui pointed to Mu Fei and others, and taught him: "You are not only going into private houses, but also beating people. What do you want to do, do you still have a Wang Fa in your eyes."

But he didn't say it was okay. As soon as he said, Mu Fei smiled.

"Wang Fa, ha ha ha..."

Mu Fei laughed twice, the smile on his face suddenly cooled down, and said fiercely: "You and his horse are also so sorry to mention the word "Wang Fa" to me."

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