My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1098: Demon Doctor Sumaku_Medium

#1098   ghost doctor ink white _

"Brother, are you interested in the medicine? Then ask me! Come and come, let's go into the room and say..." Mu Fei smiled and pulled Mo Bai back again.

Although Mu Fei didn't take it seriously, he still knew some things he could say and some things he couldn't say.

Just like Jiang Jindie, obviously, it is the kind that does not want people to know.

But even so, Mu Fei told Mo Bai, he would not talk nonsense naturally, but he had a purpose.

And this purpose is more obvious, it is ‘cowed up’...well, it’s too utilitarian to talk about hooping, or in other words, ‘making friends’.

There is an old saying, ‘multiple friends and multiple paths’. Although it is not necessarily the case that there are multiple paths, this statement also illustrates the importance of friends in a sense.

Moreover, this friend also refers to ordinary friends.

If you know a doctor friend, especially a famous doctor, it may not be as simple as ‘multiple paths’, it may be ‘multiple lives’.

How important it is, just think about it, without further ado.

Although Mu Fei is in trouble, he can rely on the relationship of phantom pupils to find this ink white, and Mo Bai will not die. But no matter what, it's someone else's relationship.

No matter how close others are, they are not as good as their own.

There is such a precious opportunity that Mu Fei will not miss. He intends to do what he wants, and he will get to know this guy first.

In this way, in the future, there will be a small illness and a disaster. This is basically the same as a medical insurance.

This is Mu Fei's little abacus.

The word is as good as it is. Although the term is simple, it is sometimes very useful.

Just like now, when he just entered the room and sat down, Mo Bai could not wait to ask Mu Fei, "Brother, please tell me, what is the medicine."

"Say to talk, don't worry, let me talk slowly..."

Mu Fei looked at Mo Bai's expression and knew that he was half successful, but he deliberately suspended Mo Bai's appetite, where he whispered slowly and said slowly.

"The name of this medicine is called "Yanzhi Shengji Cream." It is said to be "a kind of medicine", but in fact, it is a collective name for "two medicines". The first is Yanzhi cream and the second is called Muscle Cream. Their respective functions are..."

Mu Fei was chatting about it there, and at the same time, he was very bragging about the medicine and said it was amazing.

In fact, he is not a blow, the medicine is already magical, and you can see Jiang Jindie's face.

And Mu Fei said, while observing the ink-white face.

This ink-white expression is quite wonderful. His eyes were wide, his eyes were bright, and his face was full of ‘curiosity’, or ‘crazy’.

Simply put, it's almost like a satyr seeing a beauty.

'Ha ha……'

Mu Fei smiled in his heart, and when he saw his expression, Mu Fei knew that his little abacus was right and he made a move.

"I have seen it in some ancient medical books before, there is a medicine like this that can cleanse the face and skin, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be..."

With that, he looked at Mu Fei and tentatively asked, "Brother, you just said, you said this medicine... was it for her?"

"Huh? Yeah, that's right. That's the treasure passed down from my ancestor, even if she is my apprentice. I don't give it to her for another person." Mu Fei replied pretendingly.

"Then...that...can you make me...? Gee, this, how do you say this..."

Mo Bai thumped his hands there, showing a difficult situation. Seems to want to say something, but embarrassed to speak.

What he wants is naturally the prescription.

But Mu Fei just said so exaggeratedly, and he is also a ‘elixir’ and a ‘heirloom’ **** horse. Mo Bai really wants to see it now, but he can’t speak.

After all, things like prescriptions and formulas are not like other things. If you ‘look’ at yourself, it’s equivalent to ‘giving’ yourself. But the prescription is still Mu Fei's ‘heirloom’. How can he borrow it?

Seeing Mo Bai embarrassed there, Mu Fei snickered in his heart, which was exactly the effect he wanted.

After half a minute, Mu Fei suddenly realized, "Hey, brother, you... do you want to see my prescription?"

"That's what I meant." Mo Bai blurted out.

After he finished speaking, he felt wrong, and quickly waved his hand to explain, "I really want to see, but I don't want to take it for myself, but just very simple, want to study and study."

"Of course, I also know that the prescription is very special, not like other things. If... if your brother is embarrassed, then forget it. I can do it if I don't see it..."

Despite Mo Bai's words, his face was full of expectations. Looking at his appearance, I'm afraid it's just that I would write the word "want to see" on my face.

"Hey? It's okay not to watch..."

Mu Fei stood up, and when he heard this, he sat down again, "If that's the case, then forget it. If you don't look, don't look, I'm just in trouble..."

"Hey, hey, don't, don't..." Mo Bai suddenly turned into a "bitter gourd face", he thought ‘I’m just being polite, why are you serious? ’

"Hahaha..." Mu Fei smiled at him.

"Brother, just kidding you. Don't be nervous..."

Mu Fei patted him on the shoulder. "You saved even my people. The prescription is more important. Someone's life is heavy? Don't just look at it. I will give you this prescription if you want it!"

After talking, Mu Fei looked back at Xu Xiaomeng, "Xiaomeng, go to your brother's room, take the bookcase, and take the prescription of "Yanzhi Shengkuoshuang"."

"Oh, great."

Xu Xiaomeng replied, ‘Ah, ah, ah, ah’ stepped up on the slippers and ran upstairs.

A few moments later, she ran down with a few pieces of printing paper.. The paper was printed with the prescription of "Yanzhi Shengsheng Cream". In addition, there are usage, principles, precautions and other materials, which were recorded by Mu Fei at the time.

"Brother, give..." After taking the prescription, Mu Fei handed it to Mo Bai again.

As soon as the prescription came into hand, Mo Bai immediately looked at it with concentration, looking at the concentration.

"Brother, this... this Mobai brother, his expression is so exaggerated, does it seem abnormal?" Duo Lili Xu Xiaomeng tilted his head and said to Mu Fei.

"Oh, everyone has something they like and care about. Of course, they are excited when they see what they like..." Mu Feila passed Xu Xiaomeng and let her sit in her arms.

"Oh, this way?" Xu Xiaomeng seemed to understand, nodded.

But then she looked up again, her two watery eyes stared at Mu Fei, ", do you like the **** horse?"

"Me? Me...hey, my favorite, of course..."

Mu Fei said, stretched out his hands on the sides of Xiao Loli's waist, and made her itch, "Of course it's Xiao Meng you, come, let my brother be'rare and rare'..."

Although she is not too fat, she is not too thin. Xiaoman's waist is succulent and feels so good that he doesn't want to let go at the first pinch.

After listening to Mu Fei, Xiao Loli was happy, but she was giggled by Mu Fei, "Brother, do you like Xiao Meng and bully Xiao Meng? Giggling, itchy, brother, don't make trouble..."

"Why not make a noise? Hitting a child on a rainy day, idle and idle..."

Okay, Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng are in a habit of making trouble.

Mo Bai took the prescription over there and looked at it again, and the more he looked at it, the more delighted he was, "So this is, this is so..."

"Why? Understand?" Mu Fei let Xu Xiaomeng ask with a smile.

"Baby, it's definitely a baby. With this, basically as long as it's not a lack of ears and a nose, the face can be restored to its original..."

"It can be said that with this medicine, there is basically no "disfigurement". Of course, the premise is to be able to endure the pain of burning the skin, and the intense itching of the new skin..."

After saying this, Mo Bai handed the prescription back, "Brother Mu Fei, such a precious thing, you can borrow me to watch it, thank you very much. You have collected the prescription."

"Ha ha……"

Mu Fei chuckled, pushing the prescription back again.

"Brother Mu Fei, what are you?" Mo Bai was puzzled.

"No need to return it to me."

Mu Fei waved his hand and smiled, "Send you."

"Ah? What, what?"

Mo Baijing almost didn't jump up, "This... such a precious thing, you, you, you... send, send me? This, how can this work? This is your heirloom!"

Mo Bai was dumbfounded.

"Oh, no matter what, it is useful to be valuable..."

Mu Fei waved his hand indifferently, "Although this prescription is important, it is in my hands and is no different from waste paper. As you said, this thing is better, but the better the thing, the more it should be Use it, don’t you? It’s a good thing, but it doesn’t work. That’s waste, it’s a cruel thing. Haven’t you heard that waste is a crime...”

"And this thing is in your hands, but it's different..."

"You are a doctor, and you will use it in the future. Moreover, compared to treating family heirlooms as waste paper, I think the elders in my family also want to see the scene where it is used to the fullest extent and carried forward... "

"Brother Mobai, are you right?"

Mu Fei's words are very real, and they are rough and unreasonable, and Mo Bai has to admit that he is right. At the same time, he also felt it, Mu Fei seemed to have the meaning of "close to" with him.

But despite all this, when he thought that Mu Fei actually gave the family heirloom to himself, he still felt that... Mu Fei is too'generous' and too'open' um..." Mo Bai bowed his head and groaned .

After thinking for a moment, Mo Bai had an idea, and he planned to accept Mu Fei's kindness.

First, as Mu Fei said, it is really useless for him to keep this prescription. It is better to give it to himself and make the best use of it.

Secondly, even if Mu Fei wanted to'set close' with himself, then this'greeting ceremony' was heavy enough. Although the weight of the gift itself is not important, it shows Mu Fei's sincerity.

He is so sincere, if he doesn’t buy the bill himself, he will be a little ‘ignorant’ and ‘don’t understand it’.

Thinking of this, Mo Bai raised his head, "Brother Mu Fei, you are so furious, then I would respectfully be obedient. I will introduce myself again..."

Mo Bai reached out to Mu Fei, "the forty-third generation descendant of the ghost doctor.. Mo Bai......"

Seeing this scene, Mu Fei smiled.

He knew that his purpose was achieved...

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