My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1235: Windfall

Dust? Fate → Text ↓ Learning √ Net Chapter 1235 Unexpected Harvest_上

"In other words, the donation I made to you every month is actually not my donation but what she donated. You said she was qualified to let you call your sister." Mu Fei pointed at Hong Sufen and taught Little Stone

Xiao Shi was slightly surprised and hesitated after hearing Mu Fei's words. Although he was not willing, he still bowed his head and said, "Sister Sufen."

"Hello hello" Hong Sufen nodded and smiled at him again

Although Hong Sufen is a bit confused about why Little Stone is hostile to herself, she will naturally not care about children as an adult

It's just that seeing the uncomfortable face of Little Stone Mu Fei is very puzzled

Because he knows that Little Stone is a very sensible child. From his point of helping the dean and Aunt Baobao taking care of other children, he can see

And Mu Fei believes that the previous small stone's bad attitude towards Hong Sufen may be because of the precautions against strangers. After all, children like them who have experienced painful experiences are also normal to be prepared against and hostile to strangers.

‘But I told him Sufen’s identity, why is he still sullen as if he owes him money?’

For a while, Mu Fei was a little confused about this little guy's thoughts

However, Mu Fei is also similar to Hong Sufen. He has no idea that he is still a child. Mu Fei will not care about him.

"You kid..."

Mu Fei patted his head twice and smiled and asked, "What about the old dean and Aunt Bao Bao?"

"Aunt Bao Bao is cooking in the kitchen. The dean is taking classes in that house. I just delivered them meals. Come with me." Little Stone said, holding a large bowl of buns, and walked to the middle house.

Mu Fei and Hong Sufen followed him into the house. The house had only two rooms. In the larger room, the old dean was holding a shabby elementary school textbook and telling the children what

"Grandpa Mu Fei is here!" Little Stone said to the old dean as soon as he pushed the door

While speaking, he put the pot of buns on the table next to it, and there was already a large pot of soup on the table at this time, but the soup was full of leaves.

"Which Mu Fei does Mu Fei"

The old dean looked over with a mirror and didn't react until he saw Mu Fei. "Yo, it was him, this guy."

"Stinky boy, you just say ‘Sister Tingting’s boyfriend is here’, I don’t know my memory, you tell me my name, how can I remember it?”


After hearing this, Hong Sufen suddenly felt helpless ‘what’s wrong...and another girlfriend named Tingting, my god...’

‘I said 3rd Brother, you peach luck... It’s too strong, how many girlfriends do you have?’ She looked at Mu Fei next to her with a grudge

After the little stone was damaged, the old dean turned his head to look at the dozen children. "Then come here today, please hurry up to dinner, finish the homework in the afternoon, and I will check it out at night." Say

And the old dean was about to talk to Mu Fei after he finished, but he didn’t expect those children to be faster than him, ‘wow’, and they ran over seven or eight times to surround Mu Fei.

"Big Brother Mu Fei said that you can really martial arts fake, you teach me chant"

"Brother Mu Fei, I still want to see the magic, you change it to us, OK?"

"Brother Fei, you brought me chocolate when you said you came back last time. Where did you bring it?"


A group of children around Mu Fei ‘Wow wow wow’ a big quarrel

‘I can’t think of him when I can’t help it’

"Who should let you get so many girlfriends?"

Seeing Mu Fei embarrassed, Mu Fei Hong Sufen snickered here

This means that Mu Fei can't hear her voice. He will definitely blame him and he will really have nothing to do with Zhou Manting.

Cough cough at's nothing for now

Finally, the old dean helped Mu Fei to siege

"Don't mess around here when you go"

"When others come, they gather around and ask for things like you. How can I teach you how to be rude?"

"Don't eat around here and go, go and go quickly"

It can be seen that the old dean is still more "powerful" to hear his words, and those little boys and girls have to leave with a depressed face

"Let's go, Xiaofei, they're here for a while, they have to haunt you and go to my house," said the old dean of the children who made up for them.

"Let's go" Mu Feiqing responded with the old dean and went out

"Brother, go first, I want to see these children" Hong Sufen said, looking at the children without moving.

Mu Fei looked back and found that Hong Sufen's eyes on the children were very soft, and there seemed to be a flash of light

‘It’s…this is the legendary ‘mother’’, Mu Fei couldn’t help thinking.

Seeing that Hong Sufen likes the child Mu Fei to go with her, let her stay here and walk out with the old dean

In another room, Mu Fei was speechless again. This place is too bad.

In the old building, at least the old dean still had his own "dean's room", but Mu Fei and he went to see him. The "dean's room" was actually the delivery room.

Good guy, he even saves money when the dean takes teachers, guards, security guards, boiler workers, guards, etc.

"Hehe, Xiaofei, I don't have anything to entertain you here, so you can drink this with me..." The old dean said, picked up the big teapot, poured a large cup of tea, and delivered it to Mu Fei.

Mu Fei didn't want to give up and took a sip. "Old dean, please don't entertain me. I'll come here to see you. But I didn't treat myself as a guest. If I entertained me, I wouldn't take it easy."

"Oh, your child is so good, capable, capable of not being anxious and proud of a good child, and after a good child, I can be content with a third of you. Hahahaha..." Mu Fei's praise

After giving Bo Fei a compliment, he said the topic right now, "Xiao Fei, this time...should start school now, why are you here so free today?"

"I'm going to Shencheng to do something and stop by and take a look to see how you are doing recently" Mu Fei asked

“Oh, it’s good. Since you gave us money every month, we’re so much more relaxed. Previously, it’s good for kids to eat meat once a month. Now, the old man who is open once a week will be able to borrow. Drinking two or two haha..." It can be seen that the old dean is in a good mood, he is laughing and talking to Mu Fei

And he is inseparable from the words of the "old school" which are all about children's things, such as who is talented, who learns well, who is more and more sensible.

In fact, for Mu Fei, what he wanted to know was only one result. The children were okay. As for the specifics that the old director said, he was not really interested.

It’s just that the old man is so excited, Mu Fei doesn’t have the heart to interrupt him. He can only smile and listen to him nagging.

After a while, Aunt Bao, who prepared lunch for the children, also came in. She greeted Mu Fei and Hong Sufen for lunch. Today, Mu Fei came, and she was in a good mood. She allowed the old dean to have a drink.

It wasn't until the four people sat down and ate seriously that Mu Fei asked the question in his heart.

"I'm curious about something..."

Mu Fei raised his head and looked at the old dean beside him, "Why didn't we move in this place?"

"Don't you think I don't know how good it is over there. I don't want to move...but I can't move without it..."

The old dean who has been laughing and talking from the beginning just heard Mu Fei's words, and there was also helplessness on his face. "It's not a "expansion project" in Zhengfu..."

Mu Fei was even more puzzled about "what's going on with the expansion?"

"Xiaofei, did you notice when you came? Didn't you move away from our place? It wasn't just our "home" that many people moved around and didn't see it."

Mu Fei and Hong Sufen looked at each other

They went to ‘tiaoqing’ when they went by taxi, and they didn’t pay attention to the surroundings.

"Don't stop selling Guanzi, just say no," Mu Fei urged

"Oh okay, let me just say that this is actually the case..."

The old dean sighed and said, "Just in the autumn last year, I came up with a "document" saying that I would expand the urban area. The industrial development zones in the original city were converted into commercial development zones and residential areas. The industrial development in the original city The district is moved to the designated place on the outskirts of the city and the designated place is our original place..."

"Zhengfu has filed and the following must be implemented. All the residents in our place have to move. We are naturally no exception and can only move..."


Speaking of this, the old dean sighed heavily. "Actually, we are always renting a house. We rent wherever we are. It's just the trouble of buying things closer and farther..."

"But our old neighbors...but they are pitiful. What will they do when the house is gone?" said the old director's regret and worry when he said this


As soon as Mu Fei's reluctantly moved, he moved and chanted, why didn't he get the house gone?

"The dean's house doesn't mean anything. Why are you talking about me and getting confused? What's the matter? You'll talk about it more specifically." Mu Fei asked again.

"Oh, your child has nothing to do with you. Don't worry about what you are doing," said the old dean with a chuckle.

But then he waved his hand again. "Forget it, since you are interested, I will continue to tell you that it is actually the same thing..."

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