My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1239: Hong Sufen's intentions

Dust ← Fate ↑ Literature ↗ Learning? Net Chapter 1239 Hong Sufen's Heart_下


Actually, Mu Fei just made a joke with Hong Sufen, but Mu Fei couldn't help but grin at her reaction

‘It looks like... I’m a little bit too big’

Feeling bad, Mu Fei hurried to "change his mouth" "Cough cough cough I will never be bought by such a small "welfare" like "kiss"..."

Mu Fei pretended to cough a few times and suddenly stretched out three fingers with a smile on his face and shook it in front of Hong Sufen. "At least three mouths are needed."

But Hong Sufen looked at Mu Fei slightly, slightly surprised when he didn't hear it.

‘In his heart... do you like me a little bit, do you like it, or just sit here and be bored and use me as a tool to kill time’

She stared at Mu Fei for a while and couldn't figure out Mu Fei's true thoughts

And Mu Fei looked at Hong Sufen still with a calm face and no expression on his face. He was really anxious. He was just a joke. How did she react so much?

"Cough if you really can only kiss it, you can only kiss the bun..." Mu Fei joked to ease the awkward atmosphere

After listening to his words, Hong Sufen finally responded. I saw her suddenly looked up. "If you really want that, I can promise you, but before that, you have to answer me a question."

"Brother, tell the truth..."

She has a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Mu Fei's eyes with a certain strong emotion "even if it's just a little bit, do you have any... like me"


As soon as I heard this question, Mu Fei was embarrassed ‘what’s wrong...this is...the rhythm of ‘forcing the palace’’

Actually, Mu Fei had thought about Hong Sufen's question before, he had an answer, but it was hard to say.

Do you like it or not? The answer is naturally yes

On Su Gong, Hong Sufen is his right-hand man. How much help does his beautiful manager help him in business? Mu Fei knows that his current "asset" is at least 60-70% earned by Hong Sufen.

In fact, in Mu Fei’s heart, Hong Sufen is not just a simple ‘assistant’ but he thinks that Hong Sufen is the wing of his career

Can such a competent ‘capable assistant’ Mu Fei like it?

If you like it on ‘public’, you’ll like it more on ‘private’

Love ‘beauty’ and ‘men’

No one can deny the fact that Hong Sufen is definitely a big beauty

She has a sophisticated face pet mature temperament and her delicate jade-like delicate, white and perfect skin as well as juicy peach, full mature plump body, **** body is even more so that normal men can indulge in a look , The existence of the eyes can not be removed

It may be true that she is not as good as Xia Xue, Lin Ruoyi, Ning Zixian, etc. but she also has the advantages that they do not have. The charm and temperament of her mature woman are within a short time of those girls. Can't have

So I can’t say that she is as good as the girls. They can only say that they are Chunlan Qiuju, each with their own style and their own beauty.

And a woman like Hong Sufen, a normal man, can't close his eyes at a glance, let alone Mu Fei, who is more lustful and ‘lovely’ than a normal man.

In short, Mu Fei admits that he really likes this beauty manager, otherwise he will not always tease her, tease her, take advantage of her

But after all, he likes to like it.

Now the girls around him are enough to make up a table and a half of Mahjong. In this case, if he says ‘like’, then where is Hong Sufen placed, where is he treated as what is she?

Girlfriend this is unlikely

If Hong Sufen is as old as he is in his early twenties, Mu Fei doesn’t mind stepping on more boats, but she is now in her thirties.

Mu Fei thinks that what she needs is not a playful love but a love for marriage

In other words, she wanted a family

For Mu Fei, love and other things can be given to her, but marriage, family, but he can't do it anyway

So after hearing Hong Sufen's question, Mu Fei was embarrassed, "I...this..."

Okay, he fought the enemy on the battlefield without any hesitation, but now he doesn’t know how to answer it.

However, Hong Sufen naturally did not know Mu Fei's true thoughts. She looked at Mu Fei and hesitated not to speak. She was immediately discouraged.

‘Oh, it turns out I’ve always been self-assured’ Hong Sufen touched his little satchel with a self-deprecating smile and disappointment.

In this case, Mu Fei will not let her go out and hold her, "Hello, don't go..."

"What else can I do to stay here if I don't go? It's shameful." Hong Sufen stared at Mu Fei with red eyes, and the disappointment and dissatisfaction in his eyes were self-evident.

Mu Fei was still embarrassed. Seeing her like this, she was embarrassed to be a fart.

"Sufen I said, can't I tell the truth?"

Words are not right, Mu Fei was a little ashamed, and he lowered his head slightly to "like"

After listening to Mu Fei's words, Hong Sufen suddenly had a surprise in his eyes.

"You, what you said, what you said is true," she seemed to be afraid that she had heard it wrong

"Of course it is true. Is it necessary for me to lie to you?" Mu Fei asked helplessly

In a flash, Hong Sufen felt like it was raining in the sky, and because of the joy in her heart, the corner of her mouth slightly raised above her pretty face, revealing a touching smile.

Then she blushed

She has never been in a serious relationship. She never thought that the first time in her life was actually her own initiative, and it was still forced by a ten-year-old man.

Thinking of these, her face is redder and more embarrassed

"That 3rd brother just asked you why don't you just say it directly" Hong Sufen asked a lot in a better mood

"Why don't I say it, I don't have pains"

Mu Fei spread his hand in embarrassment. "You don't know that I have already... There are already a few of them, you still ask me how you asked me to answer"

"It's against my heart to say that I don't like it, but if I say that I like it, I can't...can't..." Mu Fei searched for words in his mind to use a more appropriate statement

In fact, he didn’t need to say that Hong Sufen already knew why her little boss didn’t like it or didn’t care about her. It was because she cared about her seriously that she didn’t approach her.

‘You still know how many women are around you, I thought you didn’t know’ Hong Sufen was in a good mood, but Mu Fei’s face was hurt, but he was laughing lightly


She smiled and reached out to cover Mu Fei's mouth. "Thanks to you or a young man, it might not be as open as my "old woman""

"In this impetuous society of impetuousness, everything changes quickly. Today, allies and brothers who are allied to the blood may be behind you tomorrow. You may have a knife today. The lover who swears to you with the alliance today. After tomorrow, you may be carrying you and other people. What's next?"

She let go of Mu Fei's mouth and waved her small hand, "so don't mention anything, just take care of it now."

After saying this, she stretched out Mu Fei's arm and pulled him up. "Go, don't waste time shopping."

And Mu Fei just couldn’t let it go, but Hong Sufen’s words reminded him that he suddenly covered up, ‘Hey, it makes sense, what’s going to happen in this year...

‘Besides Hong Sufen, she doesn’t even care about a girl, I still care about farts’

Mu Fei was free when he thought about it

Mu Fei, who was originally pulling his arm by Hong Sufen, became passive this time. His hand stretched out and pulled Hong Sufen's voluptuous but not fat, **** body that was just right in every place, and pulled her hand around her waist.

"Hey, hey..."

After cuddling, he did not honestly touch Hong Sufen's waist gently to take advantage of it

"It's really a pervert to start taking advantage so quickly." Hong Sufen blushed and ruined him, but he didn't snap his hand and acquiesced.

'Hey Hey……'

Feel the wonderful touch brought by the chest of the beautiful manager Mu Fei Yindang smiled in his heart ‘I can’t think of this unexpected harvest this time to’s really worth it’’


Like a couple, the two went shopping in several malls on the commercial street and bought some clothes. When they returned to the hotel, it was already more than nine o'clock in the evening.

At that time, the little secretary was watching TV in the living room. When the two came back, they hurriedly made room for them.

"Your time is now when I go to bed..."

"Third Brother Hong, you are busy, I'm back in the room," she said, feeling the drinks and snacks on the coffee table and running back to her room

"Hey Hey……"

As soon as the light bulb left, Mu Fei pulled Hong Sufen over and pressed it on the sofa

"Hmm..." Hong Sufen hadn't responded yet. A mouth had closed her lips.

Although Hong Sufen is already a full-fledged woman, she really has little experience in this kind of thing. The one or two is also given by Mu Fei and it is just a tad.

And this time when she came to ‘really’, she quickly fell in love with Mu Fei’s kiss

Feel the beauty's response Mu Fei changed Ben Gali's one hand to hold her the other hand and slid the latter's hips gently touching and kneading

After two or three minutes, Mu Fei released Hong Sufen.

"Sufen, your question, I answered whether it was you... It's time to fulfill your promise," Mu Fei asked with a smirk.

"What promises to promise?" Hong Sufen was blushing, blinking his eyes, his face puzzled and puzzled.

"Of course that's what you know" Mu Fei smirked and looked down at Hong Sufen's bloated chest

"Which is that? I really don't understand" Hong Sufen still doesn't understand

Okay, she is a step closer to Mu Fei today

"Do you still pretend that you don't know if it's okay? Then let me help you recall what you promised me just now." Mu Fei said to unbutton Hong Sufen's shirt.

"Ah, hey, don't wait for the third brother, I'm wrong, you wait..." Hong Sufen repeatedly begs

"How do you remember?" Mu Fei asked with a smirk when he stopped.

"Okay, okay, can I remember it?"

Hong Sufen hugged Mu Fei's neck with a red face and whispered in his ear, "Hug me into the house..."

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