My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1248: Serve soft

Dust ← Fate ↑ Text ↗ Learning? Chapter 1248 Service Soft

"There is nothing wrong with Xiaomeng's family

"Have your little sister come back? She hasn't come back yet. Oh, I know..."

"Brother is not at home, you must not be naughty, don't be lazy, eat on time, go to sleep, do you know?"

At 10 o'clock in the evening Mu Fei was lying alone in the hotel bed, calling Duoli Loli to learn that everything in Beidu was normal and Mu Fei was relieved

But he was talking to the dull loli. Half of his phone was shaking twice, and there was a call.


Mu Fei saw the phone is a strange number

"Brother Xiaomeng has something wrong here. I won't tell you that my brother will go back to the house tomorrow. You will listen to Sister Yefeng at home." He told Xu Xiaomeng to hang up and answer the strange call here.

"Hello, Sir Mu Fei, this is Zhuang Shaolin we met just now" A slightly dull male voice came out on the phone

Mu Fei immediately responded that this Zhuang Shaolin should be the ‘Director Zhuang’. As the Director General, he wanted to find his phone without any effort.

"Oh, Director Zhuang, I don't know what happened to you in the middle of the night" Mu Fei asked

"Oh, this is the case..." Zhuang Shaolin explained with a chuckle.

"I saw Lao Zhu just now and told him about the situation. He also realized that he didn't even know that you were a military person before. He said that if he knew, then he would definitely support you with his work. I didn’t know that these unpleasant things happened..."

"As the saying goes, "He Qi generates wealth", the enemy should be resolved, and it is not appropriate to see it. Since you are only misunderstanding... Isn't that... When are you free when we come out to sit together and explain the misunderstanding?" Zhuang Shaolin tried to ask Tao


Mu Fei chuckled and thought, "I really ran to my own expectations"

Just after answering the phone and knowing that the person calling was "Zhuangju", he had a hunch that the surnamed Zhu would be soft

Now it seems that he guessed nothing wrong

In fact, the soft surname of Zhu is faster than Mu Fei expected. In Mu Fei’s expectation, he will at least “struggle” to get some special police and anti-riot armed police to adjust himself.

It was precisely because I guessed that I might be fighting and I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to take care of Hong Sufen in time, so Mu Fei sent her and her secretary Xiao Lin to a remote orphanage for them to hide there.

But Mu Fei didn't expect that this guy didn't even struggle, so he compromised so easily, which made him a little surprised

So after listening to Zhuang Shaolin's request, Mu Fei didn't answer it the first time, but quickly thought about it


After thinking for a while, Mu Fei nodded, "Well, give Director Zhuang a face and time"

"Oh great"

Just now, Zhuang Shaolin was still nervous there. I was afraid that Mu Fei would refuse him. He answered this and he felt relieved a lot.


"Okay, I will contact you to call and tell you the place within five minutes" Zhuang Shaolin hung up the phone

Five minutes later, Zhuang Shaolin called again to tell Mu Fei the address of the booked hotel

And Mu Fei hung up the phone of Zhuang Shaolin and immediately contacted Li Zongwei, "Hey you..."

"Hahaha Fei Ge, I'm looking for you, you just call..." Mu Fei's excitement came before Li Zongwei spoke.

"Well, what do you like? What do you want from me?" Mu Fei asked

"Hey, of course, there are good things, there are "good things" for you to see" Li Zongwei smiled mysteriously

"It just happened that I was looking for you. You will see you in the hotel lobby five minutes later," said Mu Fei.

Five minutes later, Mu Fei was waiting in the hotel lobby for a while, Li Zongwei was late

"Hey, come to Fei Brother to show you something interesting..." As soon as he saw Mu Fei, Li Zongwei put his phone in front of him over his shoulder

Mu Fei took a look at Li Zongwei's phone at this time while the browser was open, connected to the Internet and the current page of the browser was a very violent news

‘The newest and brightest protagonist suspects a senior official in Shencheng’

There are few words in the news, but there are many pictures and Zhang Zhangxiangyan is extremely hot. These pictures are naturally 4P gorgeous photos taken by Li Zongwei from the computers of Zhu Erbao’s ‘second mistresses’.

Mu Fei looked at this news again. It was published a few hours ago, but within a few hours, nearly one million clicks have been reproduced more than 20,000 times.

As for what netizens say

Although there are more boring words such as ‘fat, no seeds, chrysanthemum barrels’, ‘soy sauce, passing by’, ‘question number, and petitioners’ meat’, there are still some people who have spoken important information

"Isn’t this the mayor of Zhu'ezhu in Shencheng?"

‘Hey, it’s really like should be just a long elephant’

‘Don’t tell the truth too much’

‘What would you want me to say is this Zhu Zhu’

'The protagonist of Shencheng Yanzhaomen is the three proofs of Shen Mayor Zhu E. Everyone sees the protagonist’s watch and then looks at the Mayor Zhu E’s watch this year. Proof two...'

‘I can’t rely on him, it’s really him’

‘I can’t think that the mayor of Zhu'e is usually such a kind person,’

‘If the ordinary people pass any pictures of sex, it’s even a mayor of him who made such a thing...the shame is really the shame of Shen Cheng’

‘Chunmian didn’t know Xiao, Mayor Zhu was in good health. One chick wasn’t enough to engage in three. It’s just right.’


In general, the reaction of netizens was dull at first, but as the interested person broke the news, the protagonist of the photo was Zhu E and the mayor of Zhu Da. After that, the response became more and more'powerful' and most of the responses there were rebuke, even Is insulting Zhu E

Actually, Zhu E was not particularly famous in Shencheng before, but this time he was really famous

"Hey Hey……"

The smile on Li Zongwei's face became more and more silver, "Brother Fei, how can I do this?"


Mu Fei smiled slightly, "It's a great effort to exhale and exasperate, but you... are you still pointing at this forced surname Zhu?"

"Of course" Li Zongwei answered naturally


Mu Fei, faceless, reached out and patted Li Zongwei on his shoulder, "Dawei, you are stupid and naive"


After listening to this, Li Zongwei couldn't help but grin a little bit of shock, "Feige, my method...Is it possible?"

"Forget it, I won't tell you first, you'll know when you get there"

Mu Fei is a little too lazy to explain to him, "That surnamed Zhuang's easy-going peacemaker finds me out and you go with me"

"Good" Li Zongwei responded

After they finished speaking, they went out together

But when he got on the bus, Li Zongwei seemed to suddenly remember something and asked Mu Fei, "Hey, Fei Ge, that surnamed Zhu should be well. You shouldn't... forgive him so easily."

"Hey, what did you say?" Mu Fei grinned and sold a pass without saying a word.


Fifteen minutes later, Mu Fei and Li Zongwei arrived at the hotel booked by Zhuang Shaolin

When they got off the bus, Mayor Zhu’s secretary greeted him. “The two Mayors Zhu and Secretary Zhuang have been waiting for a long time, please come with me”

"Lead the way" Mu Fei's courageous response

He sent Mu Fei and Li Zongwei to the door of the box and reached for a gesture of gesture. Mu Fei entered without any politeness.

When I went in, I saw what Zhuang Shaolin was talking to Zhu E with swollen nose and gauze on his face. Zhuang Shaolin saw Mu Fei coming in and hurriedly stood up to welcome him.

"Hahaha, Chief Mu Fei has been waiting for a long time. The two of you will come in, please sit down..." Zhuang Shaolin opened his chair and greeted Mu Fei and Li Zongwei to sit down


Seeing that Zhuang Shaolin greeted Mu Fei instead of Li Zongwei, Zhu E was slightly surprised. It was only then that he realized that he had always mistaken the protagonist and supporting role. He had always regarded Li Zongwei as the "boss".

And despite feeling uncomfortable, Zhu E stood still for a while.

After all four of them sat down, Zhuang Shaolin waved to the waiter lady next to him, "Get the wine first, then let's go."

The waiter nodded and arranged. While taking advantage of this gap, Zhuang Shaolin smiled and talked to Mu Feidong, but he said nothing, but it was all non-nutritive scenes.

The hotel is very high-end, and the speed of serving wine is very fast. Within five minutes, there are less than three small dishes and six bottles of 52-degree classic Dream Blue are delivered.

"Hey, the wine came up, let's drink and say..." Zhuang Shaolin said to open the bottle of liquor to the three people and even poured a glass

After pouring, he took the lead to raise the glass and at the same time motioned to Zhu E and Mu Fei to raise the glass. "I am very fortunate to come here to know Mr. Mu Fei. Also... This little brother, I respect two cups. Make a sample..."

Zhuang Shaolin said after raising his cup and drinking

"Uh um..." He gave Zhu E a glance after drinking

In fact, it’s really reluctant to bow my head to these two young youths. He is not happy, he feels that he hasn’t been so stubborn since he embarked on this ‘official road’

But after all, he sees his old friends do this step for himself.

There is no way he can just raise his glass and dry

"Hehe..." Mu Fei gave them a little smile and raised his glass and took a sip

But Mu Fei didn’t do it all, he only drank a third

And his clear action shows that I mean Lao Tzu has ideas and is dissatisfied

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