My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1257: Fruitful

Dust? Fate? Literature √ Learning ← Chapter 1257

"Handsome, look at how cute your girlfriend wears this hat. It's only twenty yuan. Come on, you want it. Thank you, thank you..."

"Sell another haha ​​student..."

He also sold a hat, Wu Li and Mu Fei extended a small slap


Mu Fei smiled and reached out, patting her palm lightly

Mu Fei now knows why the shops on the "Treasure Net", especially the clothes and apparel shops, have spent a lot of money to ask some handsome men and models to advertise their products.

This model effect is really different

Previously Mu Fei stood there for almost an hour but only sold five or six ‘goods’

After Wu Li came, she put on the hat and gloves on her body and immediately displayed the effect as a model. It took only half an hour to sell at least a dozen pieces together with the hat and gloves.

The gap was so big that Mu Fei was also a little surprised

At the same time, Mu Fei is also in a good mood

"Hey, according to this selling method, you can sell the cost back in up to two days." Mu Fei thought happily in his heart.


At this time, Wu Li reached out and took two shots on Mu Fei's shoulder. "Student Mu Fei, see if there is a sister to help you. This effect is different."

When I said this, Wuli Qiao's face was somewhat proud of an inviting expression.

"Sister Xueli gave this" Mu Fei gave her a thumbs up

"Hey, then look at my sister, I'm so busy with you, do you have to help me? Last time I told you about the fight against the club...haha you know..." Wuli side I said Mu Fei winked


Mu Fei reluctantly patted his head and thought ‘Here’s coming again’

Then he didn’t wait for Wu Li to continue to ‘ill’ and hurriedly rushed and said, "Sister Xue, I know that I will definitely invite you to eat, cough, that’s it."

"You're really cunning, sir." Mu Fei digressed and Wu Li didn't get angry. She smiled in one hand and smiled with a variety of emotions. The other hand gently pushed Mu Fei's shoulder twice



Mu Fei and Wu Li, who hadn't been idle for a while, were talking and laughing while selling goods there.

In all fairness, if Wu Li doesn't always "pull" Mu Fei to embarrass him, Mu Fei thinks this guy is pretty good.

She’s beautiful and she doesn’t have any racks. She loves to joke with her from time to time

Cough cough at least she looks like this

Mu Fei and Wu Li were very happy to chat like this

But they are happy, Ai Jia is not happy

Ai Jia sat back and looked at the two men and said that they were laughing and laughing. She felt a sense of ‘abandonment’. She felt that Wu Li was really annoying to steal his ‘things’

But she just said ‘don’t help’ just now, and she still gave Mu Fei ‘drive away’ now.

"Death to face and live to suffer" is the true portrayal of Ai Jia now

She was so tolerant, tolerant, depressed, and Mu Fei and Wu Li were talking there more and more, talking and happier

In the end, Ai Jia could not bear it anymore

She stood up violently and walked towards Mu Fei and Wu Li with two long legs


Ai Jia said that the plastic bag with melon seeds in his hand was photographed heavily into Mu Fei's hand and snatched the cotton hat above his head

"You go back to see the stand and I will stand" Ai Jia pointed to the small bench behind the stand and said

"Hey, don't you not help?" Mu Fei asked with a wink

"I'm tired, my legs are sore and I can't stand for a while," Ai Jia glared at Mu Fei, snarling, but she was blushing and somewhat guilty when she said that.

‘Who’s letting yourself provoke others? People are ‘bosses’. People say what to do...”

Mu Fei gave Wu Li helplessly and spread his hand to turn back to see the stall


After Mu Fei left, Wu Li looked at Ai Jia from time to time and smiled deeply.

"Aijia, I help you sell so many things to don't thank me" Wu Li asked with a wink

‘Thank you, hurry up and don’t stop here, I’ll thank God’, Ai Jia thought uncomfortably

But she also knows that Wu Li really helped her today, she was embarrassed to be too'excessive'

"Oh, thank you, hahahaha..." Ai Jiapi smiled and smiled, then looked at the other side as if who owed her money.

"Giggle..." Wu Li was amused by Ai Jia and laughed again.

"Hey Ai Jia, I'll ask you a question, and answer me truthfully..."

Wu Limin whispered in Ai Jia's ear and asked, "You... like Mu Fei, brother"


Aijia suddenly blushed

That is, she is wearing thick enough now and wearing a mask, otherwise she may find that her face is red to the base of her neck

"Who, who likes him, what are you talking about, you and I don't like him?" Ai Jia retorted with a frowning eyebrow.

"Really" Wu Li raised his eyebrows with a ridiculous smile on his face

"Of course it must be true"

It seems that in order to confirm that he is not guilty, Ai Jiayi raised his head and raised his chest when he said this.

"Giggle, okay"

Who knows Wu Li laughed even more when she heard this, and she looked like a blooming peony at this time.

"You don't like Brother Mu Fei. That's right. I like you selling goods here. I'll go with Brother Mu Fei..." Wu Li said with a wave of his hand and turned to walk towards Mu Fei.

"Hey you, you you..."

Ai Jia suddenly felt fooled, she pointed to Ai Jia what she wanted to say

But she said what she said before, and now she can still say "you"


In the end, she only stomped her feet angrily

And while angry, she was thinking about what Wu Li said just now, ‘I...I like that is this possible’

‘But, but I have recently... It seems that I care about him a little bit. Do I really like him?’

‘Ah, what am I thinking? What if I like him or not? He already has a girlfriend. His girlfriend is so beautiful...ah...’

Ai Jia was in a mess for a while

"Sister Xue, why are you here too?"

Seeing Wu Li coming and playing with the phone, Mu Fei asked slightly.

"It's nothing. Ai Jia said she was selling the goods herself. I was there to delay her, and I just came over to accompany you..." Wu Li stalled.

"You are delaying her. Well, it's her style..." Mu Fei didn't doubt Wu Li's words at all.

"Cough, you know her well, forget about her, let's continue to talk about our..."

"I just talked about where I came from. It was said that your kung fu was taught by your cousin. Halai came and said..."

"Oh okay, actually my brother..."

Mu Fei and Wu Li chatted up again

Aijia's surface actually sells goods every few seconds with a bitter glance at this side.

And Wuli didn’t say it’s okay, Wuli just finished the conversation, which made Ai Jia even more unhappy.

"No... Wu Li also knows that the stingy ghost has a girlfriend. Why did she get together and post it?"

‘Shouldn’t she have to seduce the stingy to dig someone’s corner’

‘No, I’m a duty leader, a boss, and a friend. I’m obliged and responsible to prevent him from learning badly. I have to stop him.

Ai Jia comforted herself and walked back

"Well" Seeing Ai Jia coming back, I don't know what she wants to do

"Hey Wuli Children's Shoes..."

I saw a gentle smile on Ai Jia’s face, “Thank you for helping me today, but after all, you’re ‘helping’. I don’t have the heart to make you too tired like just have to sit here and help me see the stall.”

"Huh" Wu Li crooked his head and blinked his big eyes to guess what Ai Jia wanted to do

Then Ai Jia grabbed a few hats and gloves from the ground, put them in a large plastic bag and slammed them into Mu Fei's hands.

"You sell over there," Ai Jia said with a sullen face, pointing to the street where people were walking in the distance

"Ah" Mu Fei grinned

"Ah, what's the matter? The three of us can get together to sell as much business as possible. It's not reasonable to open a branch. Don't talk nonsense, go quickly." Ai Jia said fiercely.

"Alas, people are the boss..."

Mu Fei sighed helplessly and got up lazily from the small bench and took the big bag away


Ai Jia also groaned and sold the goods

And although she has tried her best to cover up Wu Wuli, she still sees a smug look in her eyebrows.

"Hehe is such a tough guy"

Wu Li saw her with a slight corner of her mouth and thought so


In a blink of an eye, more than three hours have passed and it's over nine o'clock

Although the location of this ‘night market street’ is excellent, the traffic is usually huge, but after all, it is winter at this time, and very few people come out to shop

Now most of the hawkers on the entire night market street have collected the remaining few, and they mostly sell snacks.

"How is it?" Mu Fei, who helped to close the booth, asked Ai Jia, who was counting money.

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel without counting"

Ai Jia taught Mu Fei to continue to count Zizi's money, "12,131,400...1,455 yuan to get rid of the net profit of more than 500 yuan, a lot and a lot"

Ai Jia's eyes are about to star out and look like a little wealthy fan

Cough, okay, she is a little fan

"I have also counted the gloves and hats together for a total of 120 pieces of your goods. Now there are only 33 pieces left, which means that more than 60% of them have been sold..."

Mu Fei grinned, "Hey, my task is completed and liberated..."

"Are you mistaken? I'm a pretty girl anyway. Come with me... Are you so bored?"

‘Ming Ming was just very happy to chat with Wu Li. I changed my clothes and it’s not worse than her, OK’

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