My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1261: Miss Wang

Dust ↘ Yuan √ Literature? Learning ↖ Net Chapter 1261 Miss Wang

"Since you don't give us a face, don't blame us for not giving you a face." A man in black grinned and sneered, grabbing Mu Fei with a big hand

Yesterday, he was not very happy with Mu Fei's attitude. Today, with the permission of the lady, you can do it. How can he be polite?

I have to say that he is really good at this skill

Yeah that's right

As far as Mu Fei is concerned, he can reach the level of his prodigal student after another ten or eight years of practice.


I saw Mu Fei's body flicked a little, and his imperative move fell through.

"Yo yo yo you guys are going to move thick" Mu Fei raised his eyebrows, his face provoked more intensely


He missed again and the man in black was slightly stunned, but he didn't think that Mu Fei was hiding by his strength, he thought it was just a coincidence

"Hum, you said it's right, I just moved, you can help me." The man in black said contemptuously and reached out to catch Mu Fei.

"Hey, if you move thick, I'll wait for you to move thick." This time Mu Feile

These two guys in black want to be rough

It’s just that he felt that although the ‘big lady’ was not polite, at least he didn’t provoke him.

But now that they have started first, then Mu Fei has no reason to keep his hand

And the man in black who attacked Mu Fei, he couldn’t even match Jiang Jindie’s skill with Mu Fei, and the result was basically predictable


This time Mu Fei not only did not dodge but grabbed the man’s wrist at will

"Huh" the man in black was a little surprised


Mu Fei smirked and turned the black man's hand over with a smirk


The man in black suddenly yelled that his arm bent into a strange shape when he ate pain in his hand. The whole person had to squat down

"Just because of you two, you still move with me," Mu Fei sneered.

"You..." The black man's eyes were bigger and he was angry.

Although this man in black is not a "super master", he has also been in the bodyguard industry for almost ten years. Today, he was restrained by a guy who looks like a thin monkey and has a long skinny monkey. Can you hang on it

"Let go"

The man in black shouted and shoved another fist, shoving it at Mu Fei's chin.


Just like before, Mu Fei just raised his hand and blocked his punch and twisted it. Now this guy has both hands twisted behind Mu Fei's back.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... With with with my apprentice, you can still teach me...)

Then he held the black man's forefinger with one hand and the other hand, according to the guy's head, and then patted "I call you rough"

"I call you impolite"

"I told you to use your nostrils to see people"

"Why don't you teach me what happened? Where did the big-talking skills just go?"

Mu Fei slaps and slaps in the face of the man's head

"I rely on"

"You dare to beat me, you dare to hit me"

The old man's face in black is red, and the blue tendon on his forehead is very ugly.

It’s true that Mu Fei’s few hits weren’t a ‘pain’ at all for them as a trainer. He also knew that Mu Fei was ‘sentimental,’ but... he couldn’t hold his face.

"Just hit me if you hit me, why can you help me bite me?" Okay, Mu Fei returned the words just now.


The man in black glared at Mu Fei and shouted to his companion, "What are you looking at? Come and help"

"Uh..." His companion, who was in the Leng Shen'er, finally reacted

He was a little bit stunned just now

As bodyguards, their colleagues are also ‘grandfathers’. Whether it’s to improve the level or the aggressive mentality of men, privately, they naturally have to compete and learn about each other’s level.

It was because of this that he saw his fighting strength and his brother between Bozhong and Mu Fei, who was actually under the control of Mu Fei's two moves before he was caught.

But when he was reminded by his companions, he also reacted and reached for Mu Fei, "let him go"

"Yo, if you don't work, you can play more and less. Look at you." Mu Fei's hand clasped a black man's other hand to parry another's attack.





The duo made a dull, or a clear sound with the palms touching

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhves ihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh's Messi, anime of the gods, I’m overestimating you

And Mu Fei's ease is in sharp contrast with the dignity on the faces of the two men in black

Actually, these two did not take Mu Fei into consideration, but now they have to be cautious because they know they are too weak

In front of him, this kid not only fought with one enemy and two without falling down, he was so was too strong

Although they don’t know the true strength of this guy, at least they know that it’s this guy... not the two of them.

And they have no doubt that if the kid presents his real skills and fights between life and death, they are afraid that they will be killed by him even if they can't even use ten tricks.

‘This kid... How can he be so young and so strong? What on earth did he come from’? These are the two men in black and they are shocked. This is their common idea.

And the man in black who knew the strength gap attacked Mu Fei no longer looked for boredom, immediately stopped his hand and took a step back

"Why don't you fight?" Mu Fei blinked and asked knowingly

"Mr. Mu Fei's skill is not my opponent, I admit defeat," the man in black nodded slightly.

When he said this, his previous indifference and contempt had completely disappeared.

"I admit defeat by relying on the real disappointment. I haven't played enough yet," Mu Fei scratched his head and pretended.

Having said that, Mu Fei looked around again, and some students have been pointing at this from time to time. Mu Fei doesn’t want to make trouble, so I don’t care about these two people.

"Anyway, you didn't bother me much, mainly because this guy is more docile..." Mu Fei looked at the pitiful guy who had his fingers clasped and his face was already red.

"Human Cannon Launch"

Mu Fei pushed this guy on his hand and let it kick

"Porch Tom"

This man in black happened to be kicked by Mu Fei in the **** and the whole person flew out more than two meters away and fell a bite

"Come on next time you come to Serco, it's not just a lesson to teach you a meal." Mu Fei said that he didn't take care of this person to open the door and leave the car.


Until Mu Fei's car disappeared, the guy kicked by Mu Fei grinned and climbed up, raised his hands to look at his fingers

If you don’t look, it’s better to see that it hurts more. His **** are almost swollen into a ham.

"What the **** is this kid doing, how can he fight so hard?" the man in black said annoyedly.

"Oh, if you want me to say that you're the one Miss Miss Silly wants to see, it must be a bit extraordinary. If it's true, can't the Miss see him?"

Another man in black chuckled twice. "The guy with the surname Mu is too strong. We and he are not at the same level. It is not shameful to lose him..."

"Furthermore, if he really wants to fix you, it will take a minute to get you to the hospital. People don’t give me any mercy, and all of you are merciful. You’re not satisfied."

The poor guy who was flattened thought so

"Don't be depressed, go back and get back to life." Another man in black patted the poor guy's shoulder and turned into the car


Mu Fei is here to eat

After eating, Loli tidying up the kitchen, Mu Fei lying on the bed, playing on the phone, chatting with Lin Ruoyi, Xia Xue on WeChat

He chatted and the phone rang suddenly


Looking at the strange number on the screen, Mu Fei slightly wondered that he generally would not receive a call from a stranger.

"Which one are you?" Mu Fei answered the phone and asked politely

"I'm Wang Binglian" came a pleasant, but cold female voice on the phone

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or why Mu Fei heard a feeling of ‘high above’ from her words.

"Wang Binglian is embarrassed, I don't know that you made a mistake." Mu Fei hung up the phone and finished talking.

In fact, Mu Fei has already guessed that this Wang Binglian should be the "big lady", but Mu Fei is unhappy and does not want to ignore her

And I didn’t even have that call for ten seconds.

Mu Fei did not want to hang up

Call again and hang up

Call again and hang up

Three consecutive times

Then... there was another call

There is no way Mu Fei can only answer the phone and said very innocently, "Hey, I said you made a mistake. You have money. I'm afraid of wasting phone bills. You don't know that I charge money and charge in both directions."

"Since you are not stupid, don't pretend to be stupid... It's boring..." Wang Binglian's cold voice on the phone came again

But this Wang Binglian was simply a person who didn’t wait for Mu Fei to speak. She went straight to the point, "The person you called me still hung up my phone three times, but I still call you. I want to prove my point from this point. Sincerely, right?"

The other party Mu Fei is simply too lazy to play with her, "Well, you have the sincerity to tell me something about me"

In fact, Mu Fei is still reluctant to take care of this so-called elder lady, but he also knows what kind of things like ‘Young Master’, ‘Miss’ and ‘Princess’, if you don’t explain it to him, he will never end with you.

No way, Mu Fei can only talk to her clearly

"I want you to do me a favor and rest assured that it is not difficult for you and I will not treat you specifically to wait and meet tomorrow and say..." Wang Binglian said

"Hey Miss Wang, please wait..."

Mu Fei interrupted her, "I feel your sincerity, but I'm sorry I didn't promise you to help"

"You don't agree"

"Miss Wang, your bodyguard has extraordinary skills, and the bodyguards are still driving more than half a million cars. From this point, you can see that your energy is not like the "big lady" like you. Why don't you have to find me if you don't arrive?" Mu Fei explained

"My busyness has nothing to do with people and ability, only you can help me..."

"So... I can't help it anymore"

"You can refuse me but I will also be very sincere and continue to invite you to help me. I am confident that you will be moved by my "sincerity"" Wang Binglian said

"Huh..." Mu Fei exhaled helplessly

He can see that Miss Wang is spending with herself

But anyway, this time she said it was polite and human.

"Forget about anything, let's hear it..."

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