My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1265: Only owe Dongfeng

Dust ↘ Yuan √ Literature? Study √ Net Chapter 1265 Only Dongfeng

After taking the "Xuelian Huanqi Dan", Mu Fei "suffocated" in the room for two days to fully exercise the ‘Quiet Secret’ he practiced to absorb the medicine

Although this step is similar to the "plot" in the movie, TV, but it is also somewhat different

After taking medicine in TV and movies, you have to work hard. You can’t be slack and can’t be disturbed. Otherwise, you will vomit blood, many liters, and get into trouble.

In fact, Mu Fei found that there was no "Evil Hu" after taking the medicine, and the medicine power would turn into a kind of "Qi" that can be absorbed by people.

However, the "qi" contained in the meridian of the trainer is limited. If the qi produced by the medicine cannot be absorbed in time, it will flow out of the body along with the person's mouth, nose and pores.

In other words, you can do whatever you want after taking the medicine, even if you don’t have the ability to absorb it, go to the movies, play mahjong, and even chat with your younger sister to drink tiaoqing, as long as you are not afraid of the waste of the medicine.

And others don’t waste, Mu Fei didn’t know that he was reluctant to waste this medicine worth millions of dollars, so he always tried his best to run the exercises and absorb the medicine.

When Mu Fei fully absorbed the medicine, it was already two days later.

The effect of this pill has neither exceeded Mu Fei's expectations, nor disappointed. He is now in the mid-level of the Qi-Level, and it is only one step away from the peak of the Qi-level.



Mu Fei waved his fist a few times in the room, all of which brought a broken voice, a sense of power, and he felt good all over his body.

"It's too expensive to be a good thing, and it's too expensive to use a second one. It's as good as one third of the first one. If you can eat more..." Mu Fei smashed it. I don't know. Foot talk


He opened the door and went out to go downstairs to the classroom to see that Xu Xiaomeng was watching "Crayon Xiaoxin" on the sofa

"Brother, you come out, you're closed," Xu Xiaomeng hurriedly came over and asked with a smile

"Retreat, have you watched more TV recently?" Mu Fei touched Xiao Loli's head and said

"Hey, he said that in the martial arts movie, and Xiaomeng also said that it was more professional." Xu Xiaomeng nodded his head and answered seriously.

"Oh, don't stop selling things and talk about business..."

Mu Fei gently nipped at her little nose, "Is there anybody looking for me on my phone?"

"Someone finds but there is nothing important..."

Xu Xiaomeng snorted and turned back to take the phone from the sofa and Mu Fei to unlock it and swipe it twice. "Sister Xue and Sister Ruoyi both called you but they just greeted each other." , I'm just talking to you. Xiaomeng said that you were so busy recently that they didn't let Xiaomeng call you..."

"Well, Brother Weichen also asked you to call you back after you were busy. Xiaomeng thought he should be looking for you to have something serious." Xu Xiaomeng introduced Mu Fei to Mu Fei like a secretary.

"No, just do something like that." Xu Xiaomeng handed over the phone with a smile

"Well, that's OK, Xiaomeng, then you can watch it. Brother went upstairs and called them back."

"Xiaomeng doesn't watch it anymore, it's time for Xiaomeng to make dinner..." Duluo Li said to stop the TV and ran into the kitchen.


Che Weichen is calling me, Mu Fei probably guessed

Before ‘closed’, Mu Fei handed over the formula of ‘Xuelian Huanqi Dan’ and ‘Breaking Qi Po Medicine’ to Che Weichen and asked him to find someone to see if this medicine could be mass produced

It's true that Mu Fei is now close to the peak of Qi Qi, and that the drug is basically no longer needed. If it is used, it is only one or two, but Mu Fei still wants to try to produce this drug.

The reason is obvious

The first is that he doesn’t use it but his brother and his subordinates use it.

Whether it is the night bee who is also practicing the Qi class, or Zhou Haibin, which is only one step away from the Qi class, Li Zhaonan, the elephant, Li Zongwei, and his prodigal apprentice Jiang Jindie will use these drugs sooner or later.

But this time I only bought myself and Yeebee, so Mu Fei had enough meat to choke. There were so many cost a lot of money.

Mu Fei felt terrible

The second is that even if these medicines don’t need to be able to make money by themselves, it will be a huge profit.

Mu Feisi has no doubt that if he can produce this medicine in large quantities, even if other businesses are closed, it is enough for him to become a rich man.

Of course, the second use of Mu Fei is just an idea.

Because he knows that every business, every area, every area has its own rules and regulations. Even if this medicine can be mass-produced and want to ‘push’ out, it will take some effort. It will not be as smooth as it is said.

Mu Fei dialed the number of Che Weichen

In the past, Che Weichen answered the phone very quickly, but this time it was not the same as usual. He answered very slowly. Mu Fei had to hang up on his side before answering the sound.

"Hey idol, I’m busy here, with two important guests, you’ll be busy with you first, I will call you tomorrow morning."

And his voice is very low, and the surrounding is very noisy, it is obviously inconvenient to speak

"Uh, then tomorrow, but you tell me how I asked you to inquire," Mu Fei asked.

"What are you talking about? What is the prescription you gave me? It just doesn't work."

"Why is something wrong?"

"It's... Hey, I can't tell you in three words, and I have other things to find you. I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Che Weichen is talking about here, Mu Fei heard someone call him over there

"Well, I will wait for your call tomorrow," Mu Fei said


After hanging up the phone, Mu Fei curled his lips and thought, ‘80% of this matter is going to take a break.’

At about 10 am the next day, Che Weichen called and asked Mu Fei to go out for dinner

Mu Fei drove to the agreed small restaurant before he entered the car. Weichen also arrived and ordered a few dishes, sat down and talked

"Yesterday you said that my prescription is not right, what is wrong?" Mu Fei asked after sitting down

"Tubo idol, you said it was because of this prescription, I was ashamed..."

Che Weichen drew out the prescription from the pocket inside the suit and handed it back to Mu Fei. "I went to ask three or four masters, old professors and other'ruthless people'. They all said that this prescription is fundamental. It is impossible to achieve impossible to make..."

"What do you mean specifically?" Mu Fei didn't quite understand

"I have to tell you from the beginning..."

Che Weichen changed positions and Mu Fei sat in a row. He opened the prescription. "Look at the raw materials used above. These medicinal materials are expensive but you can get them all..."

"The following processing method has no problem from this first step, all the way to...then to the ninth step, but the problem comes to the tenth step..."

"In this step, a, B, and three medicines should be fused together. But do you know if these three medicines want to be fused, at least the temperature should reach 458 degrees or more and the pressure should reach... how many kilopascals? They told me that I forgot..."

"Ah, in short, it is a very high value, and this value is equivalent to the value of general light industrial products during processing. It can't even reach this value in the pharmaceutical assembly line, or even this tenth..."

"I said that, you understand"


Che Weichen reached out and tapped twice on the prescription. "Unless the machine is specially made, this medicine will not be produced at all."

"What can I eat if I can't produce it?" Mu Fei grinned uncomfortably.

At the same time, Mu Fei also realized that one thing is that the disciplined martial arts are still some ways.

‘Well, Weichen has a lot of connections. The people he knows should be some weight. The three professors said no. That’s really no way...’

‘However... How did those martial arts refine this medicine?

"Forget about it, go back and ask Xiaomeng..." Mu Fei groaned in his heart while touching his chin.

And Mu Fei was about to take away this prescription. He remembered another thing. "Well, Weichen, do you have any money for me to practice this medicine?"

"I don't count on this, but it doesn't matter that these medicinal materials are just hard to get, expensive, and not completely impossible to get to you. I will ask you to check it later."

Che Weichen said that he took out the phone and pressed a few times to call it, and then told the name of the medicine over there, let the other side check the price

However, Mu Fei noticed something'abnormal'

It was the voice of a woman who answered the phone over there

"Hey, what's the matter with the's the "Che's Head"" Che Weichen called and Mu Fei asked with a smirk on his shoulder

"Hey, hey, idol, this is what I'm going to tell you..."

Che Weichen also smiled at the sight of the silver, "The good news is that our company is ready for everything and owes Dongfeng...Ah, just wait for a lucky day..."


He reached out and patted on Mu Fei's chest. "When we do, we will make the happy event and open it, and we will become the "total". Hehehehehe..."

‘Let’s take this happy event, I’m so disgusted,’ Mu Fei thought, pulling his eyelids awkwardly.

A meal car Weichen is very excited

Mu Fei felt that it was almost the same as eating and talking time

"Forget about eating and leaving" said Mu Fei got up to leave

"Hey hey idol, what are you going to do?"

Che Weichen's expression never meant "I haven't had enough of it yet. Come with me to order more."

"No, I still have classes"

" are all bosses, what lessons can you escape?"


Mu Fei grinned and smiled, "I'm not just for class, I still have a "play" to play"

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