My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1276: Bingguang's cousin

Dust × Fate? Article ← Learning ↙ Net Chapter 1276 Bingguang's Cousin

"Who the **** are you, the idol?" Che Weichen asked


The mention of Wang Binglian Mu Fei is depressed "That guy is called Wang Binglian"


After listening to the three words ‘Wang Binglian’, Che Weichen’s face was like ‘live to hell’. Generally, his mouth widened, and the smoke in his mouth didn’t have time before, and he fell to the ground.

"You said... Wang Binglian" seemed to hear that he was wrong and asked again


Seeing his expression, Mu Fei also stunned a little, "You know what you do"

"I'll call you in a minute"

Che Weichen touched the phone and pressed a few times and dialed in the past. "Xiaoguang came out and went to Betty. It's useless. It's near the idol school. Come over and call me. I'll tell you more." location"

Hang up the phone, Weichen took Mu Fei's shoulder, "Go, idol, find a place to sit, sit down and talk"

"Actually, you want to drink and talk" Mu Fei whispered in his heart

Despite the fact that Mu Fei thought so much, he nodded and accepted Che Weichen's suggestion. The two went out to find a hotel.


A small hotel in the back street of Qingbei University

"Why didn't you flirt with me... Are you sure you are not kidding?" After listening to Che Weichen, Mu Fei's surprised eyes widened like hell

"Oh idol, look at you, can I make a joke with you?"

Che Weichen sipped his wine and tapped on the table with his finger, a serious way of saying, "Wang Binglian is really Xiaoguang's sister, although it is just a cousin..."

That’s right, Che Weichen just said to Mu Fei that ‘Wang Binglian is Situ Bingguang’s cousin’

"Mud Horse..."

After hearing this news, Mu Fei felt that there were many grass and mud horses running in front of him, and he once again had the urge to scold his mother.

‘This north capital... is too special, is it too bad for me to have a mental illness and actually be a relative of a brother’

"Moreover, they have a surname of "Situ" and a surname of "King", they can't get anything together."

"What the **** is going on?"

For a time, Mu Feijue was a bit ‘thundering’ in this matter

And Che Weichen also saw Mu Fei's doubts and explained, "Don't you remember the idol, when I brought you to the'Prince's Club' last year, I told you one thing that Xiaoguang is from the'North Capital's family'"


After listening to Che Weichen's explanation, Mu Fei remembered it as if it really happened.

Che Weichen continued to explain, “In fact, Xiaoguang’s real name is not called ‘Situ Bingguang’, it should be called ‘Wang Bingguang’, but it’s just that for some reason he didn’t change the surname of ‘Wang’’s family to surname...”

"If you think about Wang Bingguang and Wang Binglian again, does it sound more pleasant this time?"

"Huh" Mu Fei nodded and really listened more

Although I am a little curious about why Bingguang is not surnamed Wang but Situ, Mu Fei now has no time to struggle with this Wang Binglian is enough for him to be depressed

And Situ Bingguang's speed is also very fast. Mu Fei and Che Weichen sat down not long before he rushed in.

"I'm thirsty to death..."

He said that he picked up Mu Fei's goblet, "Dunk", and drank the beer inside, and then a breath came out. "Sigh..."

"Look at this big night, hurriedly looking for me," Situ Bingguang sat down and asked Che Weichen

"By the way, I threw away a lot of work and ran out. You don’t say nothing is to eat. If that happens, don’t blame me. I’m really angry with you." Situ Bingguang pointed at Che Weichen and added.

"Look what you said we have been like for so many years, am I really serious?"

Che Weichen waved his hand and pointed at Mu Fei, "Your boss and your cousin got smashed into his car and were smashed."


Upon hearing the news, Situ Bingguang's chair flicked and almost didn't sit on the ground.

He grinned unbelievably and asked, "Which one of my cousin?"

"Which can you not be a cousin?" Che Weichen said

"No, it's really her, Wang Binglian," Situ Bingguang asked again.

And he knows that Che Weichen's words are not credible. He looks at Mu Fei with interrogative eyes.

Mu Fei nodded and gave him a positive answer


Situ Bingguang's embarrassment and helplessness, "Boss... who do you have trouble with? You have to talk to her, what is going on?"

"That's why idols are on the bar. You haven't told me yet. It's just that Xiaoguang is here. Please talk about it."

Mu Fei basically did not conceal the thing that Wang Binglian found himself "learning" Wu Li, but was pitted by half a million people himself. Of course, he was not like what was asked to lick his shoes. He didn't say it.

"Oh, he's still so domineering... This is really her character," Mu Fei said with a chuckle after Che Weichen said

"Well, if it involves Wuli, then I really understand it." Situ Bingguang touched his chin and nodded.

"Xiaoguang, what do you mean and Wuli and your cousin? What are they doing? I am confused," Mu Fei quickly asked.

"Actually, quite a long time ago, I remember my cousin. She and Wuli had a very good relationship. They weren't said to be'sister sisters', but they weren't much different. That's what many girls said... …Is the'girlfriend's friendship' holding hands in the toilet......"

"But probably when I was in junior high school, I didn't know what was wrong with them.

"Finally... these two people who were like sisters and sisters have become opposites. They are not convinced of each other and find each other troubles. And the two people's "opposite" status has been going on for several years..."

Speaking of this, Situ Bingguang spread his hand. "This can understand what you just said..."


Mu Fei also nodded and nodded his head and thought, ‘It should have been his own guess, there are really some stories between the two’

And Mu Fei as a silver-handed person naturally thought whether these two women would be'because of love to hate' or'forbidden love between two girls' or'two women fighting for one husband' or whatever. Wu Li abandoned Wang Binglian

Wait, wait... Mu Fei has all kinds of gossip in his heart

In the end, it was Che Weichen who put the words into the topic "Don’t be idols, don’t listen to Xiao Guang pulling those two girls..."

"Now how to resolve the conflict between you and the girl from the Wang family is this the real issue" he pointed to Mu Fei

Mu Fei nodded again. How could he not know how to smooth out the surname Wang, but the question is how to smooth it out

And Che Weichen was still thinking there and said, "Idol, you don’t know the girl of the Wang family, don’t look at her younger age and she’s a girl, but if she really starts, she still has some "ruthful means". See you two or three times in troublesome ways. I guess she should just want to teach you a lesson, and not really want to use "rule hands" to fix"

Che Weichen thought to Mu Fei again, “Idol, since she didn’t treat you as an enemy, she was just fooling around. Don’t you know her like that, let Xiaoguang find her, and persuade her to talk about it. Come on... see if you can do it"

"Ah me"

Mu Fei hasn't spoken yet. Situ Bingguang's eyes widened and pointed at his nose. "You don't know my cousin's character, she's a word, a word, a deed, and a style that's better than me. "I'll advise her ...She can't listen too"

Situ Bingguang said embarrassedly

"If you can't do it, you have to persuade"

Che Weichen used chopsticks to order Situ Bingguang out of thin air. "Even if she is overbearing, the masters are neurotic, and you are not reasonable, you are also her family. You have to think about how much she has to say to her."

"Furthermore, if you don't persuade your boss to continue fighting like this, is it just a small fight now? It's better to say that if there is a real fire, it's really noisy."

"Uh..." Situ Bingguang couldn't help grinning, he understood

Indeed, his cousin is domineering, unreasonable, and quite ruthless, but his boss is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he is really hot, he may be more terrible than his cousin.

And the two men fought... No matter which side happened, it was not what I wanted to see.

"You must be persuaded not to let them fight"

Situ Bingguang made up his mind in his heart and said to Mu Fei "I will go to her company tomorrow morning to find her and try to settle her"

"Oh this is the best"

Che Weichen raised his cup, "Come to idol Xiaoguang, let's go one..."


When Mu Fei and two brothers were drinking and getting away, he did not know that at the same time, a beautiful girl was scolding.

The reason for being scolded is because of Mu Fei

"What's going on?" a man in his fifties, who looked serious, asked while tapping his fingers on the table of the coffee table

In front of his coffee table, a beautiful young girl in casual clothes and long orange wavy hair is standing there with her head down to be criticized

This beautiful girl is naturally Wu Liwu. The man who is teaching her is her father.

"I asked you what happened," Wu Wu asked again when he saw Wu Li.

But Wuli still does not speak


Wufu said that there was also a fire, he reached out and patted the table and shouted, "I told you to talk, you can't hear it."

Wu Li still kept his head down and said nothing

Wu Lijia’s house rules are stricter and more traditional. Even if Wu Li’s 23-year-old girl is punished by her father, she is still dared to resist and talk back.

But dare not dare to convince her?

the answer is negative……

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