My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1280: Is it a beast?

Dust × Fate? Text ← Learning ↙ Net Chapter 1280 Is It a Beast

"Don't drink... don't pour me, I can't drink any more burps... er..."

"I don't want me to dislike you, I won't marry leave me..."

"Hey, hey, Xiaolian, your new skirt is good, lend me to wear it for two days, OK?"

"Don't lend you, don't you lend it to you..."


Wu Li was held in the arms by Mu Fei. She laughed and talked about her dreams at once. When it was critical, she reached out and gestured twice.


And listening to her sentence is more talkative than a sentence, Mu Fei is speechless

"You must rob Wang Binglian when you dream, you can see how bad you are bullying others. Do you blame others for revenge?"

In fact, before, Fei Mu felt that Wang Binglian was too disgusting

But now Mu Fei thinks that she is really too good, too generous, and too much friendship. If you change a girl, don’t say it’s a bad relationship, maybe you might move with her. Knife

In contrast, Wang Binglian is so particular

"Taking people's love letters as a classmate's face to destroy their first boyfriend who robs others... Gee... How are you guys thinking about doing this is too bad..."

"Alas... It's no wonder that she cut you off and retaliated against you..." Mu Fei sighed helplessly while looking at Wu Liwuli's face.

Who knew Mu Fei woke Wu Wu to himself in a casual way?


I saw this guy, and his mouth slowly opened his eyes to see Mu Fei holding her on the night road

"Student...Where are we going?" Wu Li asked confusedly.

"You don't go back to the dormitory and lock the door when you go home

Mu Fei said to her with a grin and winked, "Open the house and go... Do you dare"

Although Wu Li was a little drunk, she was scared by the reflexive tremor when she heard the word "open house"

But she was just scared for a moment, and she returned to her original appearance in an instant

"Giggle student, do you want to take advantage of me drinking too something bad to me?" Wu Li amorously laughed and laughed.

"What do you say"

"I guess you will not be a junior, even if you are such a bright and decent person, even if you want to do something, it is also a decent way to do it. How can you take advantage of people's danger?" Wu Li answered with a smile.

She was guessed right. Mu Fei was just kidding, and it really didn’t mean anything for her.

Mu Fei didn't continue to tease her, she didn't reply, just "huh..." A slight smile was the default of her answer.

"Oh no"

But who knows that Wu Li watched Mu Fei astonished by the look of surprise, "Student, you... really didn't plan to do anything bad? Are you too... too that"

"This... your behavior reminds me of a joke..."

Wu Li also ignored Mu Fei. She squinted her eyes and talked in a small gesture. "Before there was a boy and a girl who went out to play, there was only one double bed in the hotel. The girl drew a strip in the middle of the bed. The line says'If you cross this line at night you will be a beast'..."

"Although the boy likes the girl quite a bit, he still respected the girl if he thought about it, and he didn't cross the line. The next morning, the girl'slap' and gave him a slap and scolded, "You're even worse than a beast." Something' giggle..."

Wu Li talked about herself but smiled first. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Mu Fei, "Student, you... Are you going to be a beast or a beast?"

After hearing this, the flesh on Mu Fei's face jumped a little, ‘what do you mean, mud girl, to seduce me to entertain me, and you still use different methods to scold me’

This is why Wu Li drank too much, Mu Fei was too lazy to care

Otherwise he would have the urge to throw her in the snowdrift next to him

Mu Fei's slanted eyes flicked her and looked up at the road to ignore her

"Giggle student, you are so cute..." Wu Li looked at Mu Fei's deflated expression and made a strange smirk.

After laughing for a while, she was serious again and again, "Can I ask you another question, student?"

"If it's related to beasts, then you don't have to open your mouth." Mu Fei glared at her, sullenly.

"Cough, don't worry, it's not that..."

Wu Li waved his hand to signal Mu Fei's peace of mind. Then she stared at Mu Fei half-open and hesitated and asked, "Student, do you... do you like me?"

Actually, if you ask a girl like this, Mu Fei will have to beat her heart to guess whether the girl is in love with herself.

However, Wu Li usually plays with Mu Fei too often. Mu Fei is immune, so he just looked down at her and looked up at the road, and ignored her walking

"Giggle...Okay, okay, I'm not teasing you, I'll change the question..."

Wu Lijiao laughed twice and asked again, "Student, you tell me the truth, you say me... it's not pretty"

She said to give Mu Fei a "glamour"

It’s just that her sleepy and drunk eyes can’t fully open her ‘glamour’, it seems there’s really no ‘charm’ at all.

"Pretty" Mu Fei knew she wouldn't be able to answer her without evening her

"Then you say... is my figure good?" Wu Li asked again.

"it is good"

"What about my character, is it very noisy and annoying"

"Er, there is nothing wrong" Mu Fei shook his head

In fact, Mu Fei lied here...or he didn't tell the truth completely

Indeed, Mu Fei's favorite is the kind of gentle little girl, but this kind of "mouth-poor" type is not objectionable. On the contrary, he also feels that it is fun to be with the girls of this character, to talk and laugh.

Of course, what Mu Fei can accept is limited to girls who are "poor in mouth", joking, and noisy, just like Mibebe

But Mu Fei, a girl who is too domineering, thinks she is blessed and suffers, just like the guy he is hugging

And when I think of Mi Beibe’s name, Mu Fei, I don’t know how to suddenly miss her.

‘This dead girl hasn’t contacted me much since I returned from the New Year to now, don’t I know how busy she is studying and how she’s reviewing...’ Mu Fei thought a little while walking

Finally, Wu Li's voice called Mu Fei back


Wu Li was still very satisfied with Mu Fei's answer. She nodded her head and summed up her fingers. "Student, look at my face, I have a pretty face, a good figure, and a good personality. Well, I should like it so much, right?" Any boy who is normal will like me more or less, right?"

She smothered Mu Fei's neck with a pair of dizzy eyes and looked at him with a dizzy smile, and asked, "Are you a normal boy?"

‘I’m asking this question, are you going back?’

After listening to this, the flesh on Mu Fei's face twitched, ‘why don’t I like you, it’s not a normal man’

"You are not normal, Nimei, your family is not normal"

Mu Fei once again had the urge to throw her in the snowdrift

"Sister Xue..."

Mu Fei lowered his head slightly and drew his eyelids straight to stare at her, "You will be entertaining me again, believe it or not, I will throw you on the road and let you sleep on the road all night"


Watching Mu Fei's depressed look, Wu Li once again concealed and smiled more than she even waved her hand. "Just ask you such a simple question. You dare not answer you. How timid..."

"Forget you don't want to say, I won't force you to be cowardly and stingy..." Seeing Mu Fei means'fa biao', Wu Li doesn't dare to make trouble anymore.

She whispered a few words, closed her eyes and let Mu Fei hug her

And she really drank too much, and the reaction was really slow. Until then, she didn’t notice the feeling of being held by Mu Fei... quite good.

She has a little jump... a little bit like it and a little bit... sweet

Wu Li, who lacks love experience, doesn't know how she feels.

In short, she feels very comfortable and comfortable, she likes it very much

It was because she was comfortable that when she closed her eyes she was confused again and soon fell asleep


Seeing her fall asleep, Mu Fei took a breath and said, ‘It’s quiet.’

Five minutes later, Mu Fei arrived at the door of an express hotel

"Could you help me open the room?" Mu Fei went to the front desk and said to the waiter who was eating seeds and watching movies

The waiter looked up at Mu Fei and then Wu Li, who was asleep. When she looked at Mu Fei again... it was like watching a pervert.

"ID card" waiter stared at Mu Fei and asked

"No way without student ID" Mu Fei handed over his student ID

The student card of Qingbei University is both a ride card, a meal card, and a book card. It is more useful than a card, so many students of Qingbei University carry the student card with them.

Now it seems that this design is really useful

The waiter took Mu Fei's student ID and brushed it with the information and Mu Fei's appearance, and the wanted pressure under the desk made all kinds of comparisons, fearing that Mu Fei is a bad guy

Mu Fei was helpless when she looked at her cautiously. ‘Dude, even if he’s not a big handsome guy, but he also has big eyebrows and big eyes, and his nose is just like a bad guy’

However, Mu Fei also knows that after all, Mu Fei knows that after all, he is embracing a sleeping big beautiful woman's family and it's right to be cautious, so he can only bear it.

The waitress gave the student ID back more than half a minute

"And hers" the waiter pointed at Wu Li again

"Ah, she also uses it"

Mu Fei didn't know that Wu Lidai touched her pockets

Wan Xingwuli also brought a student ID

"Give" Mu Fei the past

The student card of the waitress, General Wu Li, was also registered, and then a key was thrown be exact, a key card

"One hundred and ninety-eight yuan for room 3013, a one-night deposit of one hundred and three hundred, let me refund the rest of the check-out..." This girl said

And Mu Fei took that key card and looked at it, blinked and stretched out two fingers, shaking, "Beauty, I want two rooms"


After the waitress froze, she looked at Mu Fei even more strangely.

The look seemed to say, ‘There’s such a big’re going to open two rooms, wouldn’t you... there’s something wrong with that’

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