My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1298: Apology of the Iceberg Girl_上

Dust → Fate ← Text ↖ Learn × Net Chapter 1298 Ice Mountain Girl's Apology_上

The next day was Sunday, but on this rare day of rest, Mu Fei couldn’t sleep awake early in the morning, and kept calling at his phone at eight o’clock.

First of all, Situ Bingguang called to thank Mu Fei for saving her cousin.

Then Che Weichen called again to ask Mu Fei about the situation and whether he was injured.

Even, his ‘cheap kid’ Feng Hongguang also knew about yesterday’s things. He called and asked Mu Fei to eat nonsense like ‘boss, heroic, mighty, and domineering’ on the grounds of asking about the situation.

At the same time, he has good news to tell Mu Fei that the culprit, Lu Man, who had caused them to fight together last time has been ‘sent’ to the hospital.

And he did it exactly according to Mu Fei’s request. They knew that Lu Man was the main player of the school football team, so he didn’t move his leg and just ‘accidentally’ fractured his two arms’.

In order to express his apology for breaking his arm, Feng Hongguang specially sent Lu Man to the hospital and arranged a single ward for him. Not only did he specially arrange for him two beautiful nurses, but also found two young ladies and ordered the ward for him. Striptease' service

Presumably, Lu Man must have been quite "sexful" after this time.

"Uh huh"

And although Feng Hongguang’s words have a very obvious inviting merit, Mu Fei was still unmoved, just ‘ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ong with it's response, it seemed like he didn't understand

Mu Fei knows that this guy is so good at slapping horses and pleases himself that he really wants to learn boxing from himself, but Mu Fei thinks that his boxing is not so cheap and can be learned casually, so naturally he will not promise him.

How can Feng Hongguang not know Mu Fei?

Although disappointed, he can only give up temporarily, let Mu Fei teach him the boxing plan


On Monday, Mu Fei was still at home in the morning and went to school lazily as usual

It’s just that occasionally he didn’t have a car. He was really awkward and a little uncertain about the time. When he arrived at school, he had a class for a while.


Knocked on the door twice. Mu Fei gave the professor an apologetic look and walked towards the back of the classroom.

However, when he was passing the first row, he found that Ai Jia was sitting on the seat with a yawning look of drowsiness, which was a little bit of ‘slackness’


This situation immediately attracted Mu Fei's attention to know that Ai Jia is a 100% "student" class character. Every time her class, her big eyes are staring like Tiyuyuan, like a bull's eye, afraid of falling past the professor. A word

Things like being distracted in class, yawning... how could this happen to her, this is definitely not her style

In particular, she has taught her the ‘Little Tiger Boxing’ with strong physical effects. She is now at level 5

Just because this physical quality is not far behind that of a trained soldier, how can it be so easy to get tired?

In short, Mu Fei feels a bit strange

And now that the class is in progress, Mu Fei also said that he can only put his curiosity in his heart, slipped to his seat first, and started the class

It's three o'clock by the end of this big class

"Oh... yawn..."

At this time, Ai Jia was still in that tired look. She picked up a pile of books and walked out in a daze.

"Hey, hey, squad leader..."

Mu Fei leaned in to reach out and pat her shoulder


Ai Jia was startled and turned her head back to see that Mu Fei was relieved. "It turns out to be you"

"What's the matter... oh, yawn..." she yawned again.

"Supervisor, I have nothing to ask you..."

Mu Fei stretched his finger and pointed at her pretty face. "What's wrong with you? Look at you... What a ugly look, and **** eyes, what makes you boiled?"

"You boiled a fart, you are a crab, and you let people cook it." Ai Jia gave Mu Fei a "big white eye", and she turned her white eyes to look good.

She yawned again and explained, “I’m nothing. I have something to do at home recently. The new semester student union also has more work, plus clubs and competitions. All these things come together and I’m a little busy but I’m just coming... "


Mu Fei touched his chin, "I don't need my help"


After listening to Mu Fei's words, Ai Jia's mouth was upturned and she smiled very well. "Come on, you can do your job as an "accompaniment". If you don't let me train you, I will thank you. You still help me. Stop it..."


Mu Fei scratched his head and said helplessly, but I want to help you so you won't hurt me like this

"But thank you for not using it, though..."

Ai Jia patted his shoulders carelessly. "This little thing, I don't care about it. I'm sure I can hold it up."

Ai Jia smiled happily. She didn't know why Mu Fei noticed her tiredness, and offered to help her. She was in a good mood.

Even the fatigue that has accumulated for a few days has dissipated a lot

And Mu Fei here, through this period of contact, he also knew that Ai Jia is also a stubborn character. She said no, that is no need, if you have to help her, she will not only accept, not thank you, maybe you will be angry with you.

Knowing that these Mu Fei did not force her to go with her

"Well, it's up to you," Mu Fei said

"Huh" Ai Jia smiled sweetly and nodded. She shook the mushroom hair style on her head gently after doing this action. It was lovely.

Speaking of which, Ai Jia looked up at her watch. "My student union still has some work...I will go first."

"Okay, go busy, call me if you have something"

"Um today...thank you..." Ai Jiaqiao blushed

"If you are polite, you can help your friends." Mu Fei gave her a smile and waved her hand.

I can see that Ai Jia really has something to say. After she finished, she took two slender legs and walked out quickly.


And when Mu Fei walked out of the classroom slowly, he couldn't help but wonder a group of boys in the corridor standing in a row looking towards the stairs

"What are these guys... doing?" Mu Fei whispered and leaned in.


And when he saw the target of these people's eyes, he couldn't help but grin, "This guy... came here in person"

At this time, the only way to go downstairs is a beautiful girl dressed in ol costumes and high-heeled shoes, standing pretty and there.

To say that this girl's appearance...really very beautiful, she is definitely a school flower class, even if she stands with Ai Jia and Wu Li, she is definitely not inferior

It’s just that this girl is pretty, but her face is cold, and her temperament is very cold. She stands there like a big ice block, exuding the idler to avoid the nearness, as if walking her a few steps. Frozen in general

It is because of this that many boys around there stand far away and watch her not dare to approach, but also reluctant to leave to discuss

"This girl is so beautiful..."

"Yeah, it's beautiful and cool. Who is she?"

"Who knows I haven't seen it, but... it shouldn't be from our school in terms of clothes"

"Fart, that's why you guys are so rare and weird, right? Hey, tell you, she is a student of our school." A little fat man with an expression of "I know"

And after hearing this, many **** men around were attracted to look at the little fat man. "She is the real fake of our school."

"It's you who lied to me, why have I never seen her"

"What the **** is going on, don't sell it quickly"

The people around me urged the little fat man to introduce himself with pride. "I didn't lie to you. She is really a student of our school. You don't know, I haven't seen it because she was just named in the school. She doesn't come to class often to tell you. But it’s so powerful, Bai Fumei,

"Her name is Wang Binglian, who is a "double-management" master of "business management" and "high-tech electronics". Don’t look at her as we are in their early twenties, but she was a large school when she was a freshman and when she first entered school. CEO of an electronic technology company worth 10 million"

"It is precisely because she is busy, and she is relatively low-key, so she is only famous in school and usually does not come often. That's right. You may have heard that when she first entered school, she was also a candidate for the four major school flowers. "The people on the but because she is very low-key, do not want to make herself famous, so let the master who appraised the "Four Great School Flowers" remove her name..."

"That brother is also a force to tell you that Bai Fumei has spoken to you and you are not honestly obedient. He could actually take this matter as a threat and want to be friends with Wang Binglian. Can you say such a thing, Wang Binglian can bear?"

"As a result, Brother Shi was expelled from the school the next day and the school also ordered that the incident should not be arbitrarily disseminated. Otherwise, it would be punished because of this matter. The average person didn't know..." That little fat man's Big mouth like a trumpet

And the color men around here heard their eyes light up

"Wow, if you say...if you can find her as a girlfriend, wouldn't you have been worry-free in your life?"

"That's inevitable. Didn't you listen to the fat man? This is the real beauty of Bai Fumei."

"I want to say that returning a girlfriend is as long as she can be a friend with her... Oh, not only if you have a little friendship, then the work will be smooth and the future is boundless."

"Uh, it's too powerful..."

I have to say that the imagination of the otaku and the **** man is very rich. In one sentence, they have already thought of the perfect ending of "Hold the Beauty"

In the end, there was a person who interrupted the fantasies of these people. "By that, you guys did she come here who she was looking for"

"Yeah, yeah, we will see who she comes to later."


These **** guys said it again


Mu Fei sighed helplessly, and he walked towards Wang Binglian with the glance of these men...

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