My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1301: In trouble

Dust ← Fate ↑ Literature ↗ Learn? Chapter 1301 is in trouble

Beidu, midnight

"Call... call..."

Mu Fei is holding the soft, warm dull loli Xu Xiaomeng is sleeping comfortably, but the bedside is the vibration of the phone

"Well...who is this special in the middle of the night?" Mu Fei murmured sleepily.

When I touched the phone, I saw an information card with the words "Protestant"

He pressed twice on the phone

"I... rely on..."

It’s better not to press it

Because Jiang Jindie’s text message has only eight short words, ‘wrong posture, wake up and fall asleep’

"Sleep your sister again" Mu Fei scolded unpleasantly

How could he not know that the prodigal man is teasing himself

Actually, Mu Fei had to scold her for another time, but now he is really sleeping soundly, he doesn’t want to be disturbed, so he is too lazy to worry about her.

"Prodigal stuff, don't need you to be proud of you

"At that time, I will not beat your **** into four petals. You are my master and I am your apprentice."

I have to say that Xu Xiaomeng's dull loli feels so good. She hugs her warm, soft, and fleshy, and she still has a faint'daughter fragrance' Mu Fei turned over and hugged her. After two minutes, I'm going to sleep

"Someone is calling, please answer the phone."

Who knew that Mu Fei was going to fall asleep, his phone rang, and he was shocked.

Okay, he's completely spirited now

And when he touched the phone again, there was an urge to beat people

"What do you want to do to prevent people from sleeping?" Mu Fei shouted angrily.

That's right, this call came from Jiang Jindie

"Master Hahaha, don't be so angry, auntie...cough, I just want to be your master, just give me a call and greet you as for being so fierce with me" Jiang Jindie grinned badly

"Greetings greeting your sister"

"When do you greet you, you have to pick in the middle of the night? You are greetings, and what are you doing? Are you like this?" Mu Fei kept roaring.

"You haven't seen a greeting call in the middle of the night, that's not surprising..."

"That's because you didn't meet me... you've seen it before if you met me early... Hey, hey..." Jiang Jindie grinned again.

"you you you……"

Mu Fei is angry and depressed

You said that the apprentices received by others are very clever, filial and clever, pouring tea to the master, pounding his legs on his shoulders, and waiting behind him in front of him can take this apprentice himself... If you don’t wait for the master, it’s fine. Make fun of masters and abuse masters...

Nimei collected this...what a strange thing is so special, so sad?

"Call... call..."

Mu Fei took two breaths before he let down the fire in his heart

"The bad guys do not talk to you as a teacher in the middle of the night. You have nothing to do if you have nothing. Just say nothing... For the teacher, you just hang up the phone..." Mu Fei knew that he was angry with this guy and could not afford to discuss it. Said

"Giggle, okay, Master, I don’t want to make trouble with you for your good attitude. Actually, I have a serious business call to tell you..." Jiang Jindie was more serious.

"Uh something"

Mu Fei stunned a little, "Say what?"

"Actually...I just want to say a word to you...that is the wrong posture, get up and fall asleep...hahahahaha..." Jiang Jindie laughed exaggeratedly over the phone

And the meat on Mu Fei's angry face was beating

"Official business, this is what you said, I am your sister"

"Again, is this different from the text messages and content you just sent me?" Mu Fei roared again

"It's exactly the same, but whoever asked you not to send me a text message, I thought you could only call you and tell you if you didn't receive it..." Jiang Jindie's tone of "I'm accountable"

Indeed, in Mu Fei’s mind, the ‘lost apprentice’ belongs to the kind of character that ‘makes me happy and makes me worry’, but Mu Fei still missed her after seeing her for so long.

But today, she was teased by Mu Fei so that the few "missings" in her heart were all gone. Instead, they were full of "grievances."

When he remembered that Jiang Jindie's ill-treated tooth had been itchy before, he couldn't get angry.

Now Mu Fei is waiting for her to come back. When she comes back, there will be revenge and revenge.

The guy got angry again and Mu Fei had lost his patience to continue

"The bad guys are very solemn, prudent, and'serious' warning you. If you dare to call again and trick you, you will drag your number to the blacklist and you will not be taught martial arts after you are expelled from the teacher. To speak for the teacher and do the "Mu Fei is very serious"

"Oh no"

And Jiang Jindie was honest when he heard this, "Master, you're not so careful, you're really angry"

"Master, don't be mad, I didn't want to make fun of you, at most it's just a joke with you..." Jiang Jindie was a little nervous and quickly explained


Mu Fei interrupted her suddenly, "Say things if you have something, don't talk nonsense when I'm fine, I still have to sleep."


Jiang Jindie's tone was full of disappointment. "My study here is almost over for a week or so. If it is slow, I can go back in 11 or 2 days."


Upon hearing this news, Mu Fei's eyes lit up, ‘So say... Isn’t it time to avenge the revenge? Hey, hey, hey, hey, it’s too hahaha’

In Mu Fei's mind, there has been a cheerful scene of the brutal Jiang Jindie

Even though Mu Fei thought so, Mu Fei would not say this and he just pretended to be indifferent.

"Week to twelve days, okay, I know there is something else," Mu Fei said unreasonably

"No, no..." Jiang Jindie disappointed

"Since that is the case, bye bye" Mu Fei sternly hung up the phone


And when the phone hung up, Mu Fei grinned again. "This prodigal thing is coming back. Haha. It's great... wait until she comes back to see how I can clean her up."

"When she comes back, I will have a ‘hip whip and cold water’. I think she’s not honest. If I don’t put the clothes she packed up, I call her the master’s hum.” Mu Fei ‘cursed’ in my heart

While he scolded his heart, he also felt a rush of urine

Although he doesn't like to leave the warm blanket, or the soft Xu Xiaomeng, but peeing can't be replaced by others.

"Well, even if she comes back, even if she's angry again... it's also that my apprentice is not that she has traveled for so long. It's not easy to come back... not to pick her up, right?"

"Furthermore, if someone else picks her up but she doesn’t, she’s all alone... how lonely, how shameless."

"Well, it’s a master anyway, even if you’re a teacher, you can’t pick up with this apprentice, so let’s pick her up.”

Mu Fei walked to the toilet while touching his chin to himself

Okay, Mu Fei admits that he is a cheap man. The prodigal student is so angry with himself, he has to think about her for fear of being lonely, and picking her up. Isn’t it cheap?


After the water was released, Mu Fei returned to bed and planned to continue to sleep

"Someone is calling, please answer the phone."

But who knows that the phone rang again when he was about to fall asleep

At that moment Mu Fei felt mad

"You're so bad that you never let people sleep!" Mu Fei roared as soon as the phone was connected


And the other person on the other side of the phone was yelled by Mu Fei "I was talking about me all the time"


It was not until this time that Mu Fei discovered... It seemed that he had made a mistake on the other side of the phone. The man’s voice was on the other side. This call was not from Jiang Jindie.

He picked up the phone and glanced at it again. It was an unfamiliar number. It was the cell phone number of Beihe Province.

"Sorry to admit that you are the wrong person...Which one?" Mu Fei wondered who this could only ask very politely.

"Who am I is not important and you don’t know if you just remember a little..."

Speaking of this, the man gave a slight meal "Be careful of the dragon and phoenix killer, remember"

The man hung up the phone with a click

"Be careful... Dragon Phoenix... Killer" Mu Fei was a little dumb, he repeated it slightly

"Hey, why are you here? Who are you?"

Mu Fei, who responded, hurriedly yelled at the phone, but he was still a little late and hung up there

And when he dialed this number, what he got was a ‘prompt tone when the other party’s phone was turned off’

Although he didn’t say much about Mu Fei, he still cares a bit because he remembered it

Before Yin Hu came to assassinate himself last time, he also had a cell phone number in Beihe province to call himself and remind himself to be ‘Beware of Dragon and Phoenix Killer’

Although this number is not the last one today, Mu Fei can hear this person...the one who called me last time

It’s true that Mu Fei can’t figure out who is calling him now, but judging from the ‘accuracy’ of his first reminder...this reminder also...should be true

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