My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1326: Stubborn Ai Jia_下

Dust? Fate? Literature ↘Learn→Chapter 1326 The Stubborn Ai Jia_下

"Aunt Shao, you just said that her mother was hospitalized...this time is very serious" Mu Fei asked again

"Ah yes..."

Aunt Shao sighed, "This time Jiajia's mother is really sick. Before, at least she could still have hot meals at home, and she could take care of herself, and she could take care of herself without being accompanied..."

"But I don't know what happened. It was... about ten days ago. She suddenly became seriously ill. Now she is afraid that she can only eat a meal by herself. She can't stand up now, except Lasa. Take care of a day or five or six hanging bottles to do a few inspections, she must have someone to watch it can not be separated from people..."

"It's not these days. I helped Jiajia watched her at night. She looked at me. Fortunately, she could sleep at night, just busy. But Jiajia was miserable. She took care of her mother at night. She still has to go to school during the day and make money after class. I said I If you want to help her for two nights, this child will still be so distressed that I won’t let me help her..."


Speaking of this, Aunt Shao couldn't bear it anymore. She smashed her mouth. "This child is too bitter..."

Mu Fei was glad to hear this, but thankfully, if he came over, if he didn’t come, he wouldn’t be able to hear these Ai Jiade's “very good”.

"Can Aunt Shao Aijia's mother's illness be cured?" Mu Fei asked

"Then I don't know. I only know that her mother got a kidney disease. The name is awkward. Anyway, I can't remember it, but it's pretty expensive to cure the disease..."

"It is said that at least one hundred thousand yuan would be required for that operation..."

Aunt Shao shook his head again, "Jia Jia, who has to go to school, feed her family, and buy medicine, is usually good enough to eat food. Where can she get tens of thousands of dollars?"

"Don't talk about herself, even if I helped her and our family together, we couldn't make up a third of those..." Aunt Shao was embarrassed.

Hearing Mu Fei's heart was not so good again. He knew why Ai Jianing's hungry stomach hurts and she couldn't spend money to eat a meal and sell it. She was reluctant.

"Xiao Fei is still the same. In fact, according to Jia Jia's character, she specified that I would not tell you this. And the aunt told you that I wanted to ask you to help Jia Jia. The child is already very bitter and tired. How are you, but Auntie hopes you can help her a little while at school... She is not easy..." Aunt Shao said

"Aunt Shao, don't worry..."

Mu Fei gave her a reassuring look, "Ai Jia is my friend. I don't know these things, even if I know them, I won't do it. I will definitely help her."


Aunt Shao nodded comfortably, "I'm relieved if you say..."


Aunt Shao was very busy, Mu Fei got greeted by her and left.

Although he seems to be walking aimlessly, in fact he is thinking about how to help Ai Jia

To be fair, in fact, simple "help" is not difficult for Mu Fei. Whether it is Ai Jia's dilemma or her mother's illness, Mu Fei can easily help her solve it. Indeed, Mu Fei is not a local tyrant but helps her with the cost of surgery. There are still

The key to the problem is how to help Aijia accept

Mu Fei and Ai Jia haven't known each other for a short time. He also has some understanding of her character. This guy is not only stubborn, but also has a very serious self-esteem.

In fact, Mu Fei believes that her behavior of preferring to be exhausted by herself rather than asking for help is a "pathological" performance. This is how Mu Fei is embarrassed.

Don’t say that she lent her the money she lacked, just give it to her

And you can find Xiaomeng's special effect medicine or ask Mo Bai to help

But the question is... how can I make her accept with peace of mind

In addition to her mother's condition, there is a question of time

She is now taking classes during the day and taking care of her mother's busy night

Even if you can ask Mo Bai to take action, it will take some time for Mo Bai to perform the task. I don’t know when I can come back. And even if I come back to treat Ai Jia with her mother, the old lady can’t do it right away.

So now the question is how can I help Ai Jia to give her time to rest without being so tired

I want to help her...but I can't let myself be a man to take care of an old lady to eat and drink Lhasa, even if I don't dislike the old lady, and I don't want to spend money. I don't have to think about it. Ai Jia will never accept it. of

"Well, this guy is really troublesome..." Mu Fei thought helplessly

And Mu Fei was thinking about walking while he looked up. He found that he walked around and then came back. Not far away was Aunt Shao’s stall.


Seeing Aunt Shao Mu Fei twirling her brows over there, she seemed to remember something

"Looks like... feasible..." Mu Fei nodded after thinking for a while

Then he took out his phone to find out Wu Changgang's phone number and called him in the past. "Hey boss, your name is Captain Ke, and He Xiaohui has come out. I invite you to eat and discuss the matter of the big sister..."

After listening to Mu Fei, Wu Changgang agreed happily


More than ten minutes later, Wu Changgang and three others found Mu Fei in a small barbecue restaurant. At this time, Mu Fei was ready to wait for them to come.

"Hello, how did you hear about the situation?" Wu Changgang asked as soon as he sat down.


Mu Fei nodded. "The eldest sister's mother is sick and is being hospitalized..."

Mu Fei did not say about the situation of Aijia's family, she just told her three things that she was very busy taking care of her mother recently

"Do you have any way for this matter?" Wu Changgang asked after listening to Mu Fei.

"I think so. You eat and I tell you..."

Mu Fei pointed to the food on the table and asked the three to eat and listen to "Ai Jia's current situation has a total of two problems..."

"The first is her mother's illness. I have a way. You don't have to worry about it. The key is the following..."

"The second is that she is too busy. She has to go to class during the day, busy with school and the team, and has to take care of her mother all night at night, so she can't sleep at all, so she is tired like this..."

"You have been in contact with her for longer than me. You should know that she has such a good personality and she is too strong. If she is exhausted, she will not ask for help. So our question is not whether to help her, how to help her... "

"How is it so that she can accept our help comfortably and this is the key..." Mu Fei tapped the table twice


Wu Changgang, Ke Shengnan and He Xiaohui nodded and agreed.

"Continue" Kesheng South Road

"I think so. First of all, she is the vice president of the student union, the assistant teacher, and the monitor of the school. Even if it is the matter of our basketball club, she can't get away from school without her. She can't walk away, so she wants to let her rest during the day. It can’t be only night..."

"But she has to take care of her mother at night..."

"This'work' we can't help her. Our group of grandpas are inconvenient to take care of an old lady. Ask a part-timer, nanny to help her. She can't agree, nor can I be assured. I think there is only one person who can help her. That is the aunt and aunt Shao of her neighbor..."

"This Aunt Shao and the elder sister are old neighbors. They are very familiar with each other. She takes care of the old lady and the elder sister is appointed. You can rest assured. I think the elder sister still respects Aunt Shao. Aunt Shao will not refuse her..."

"In this way, her stress can be relieved and not so tired" Mu Fei said his thoughts



Wu Changgang and the three others nodded and looked at each other.

"I haven't finished speaking..."

Mu Fei waved his hand, "That Aunt Shao helped to designate is a help, but her family's conditions are not so good. She depends on the night market to make fried skewers, and to make a livelihood for two children to go to school..."

"Let’s ask her to take care of her elder sister, her mother, she can agree to it, but we can’t let people throw away the business to help us, and don’t eat, don’t you say we can’t do that, so the elder sister knows that she needs it. Excuse me...but let's give her money and she specified that she can't..."

"So I think if we can do this, let her help take care of the elder sister's mother. We will replace Aunt Shao at night so that no one will be embarrassed except for us wasting some time and we are just out of it. Sister Li will not be too disappointed, what do you think of my statement?" Mu Fei asked

"it is good"

Wu Changgang clapped his hands and gave a thumbs up, "Youngest, you have such a great idea."


Who knows He Xiaohui can't help but grin, "It's okay to help, but... but I haven't done those things yet"


Ke Shengnan raised his hand and slapped him on the head. "Idiot wouldn't, you can't learn so much. You can take the exam to Qingbei University. If you can't learn how to fry skewers, you will hit the wall." It's rammed to death"

Ke Shengnan turned his head and said to Mu Fei, "A Fei, I think you have a good idea and we will do so."

"Since this is the case, let's be so settled"

Mu Fei pointed to the string on the table. "Let's finish eating as soon as possible. I will go to Aunt Shao to say this..."


After the meal, Mu Fei led the three people to find Aunt Shao's intention in the future.

In fact, Aunt Shao has always been worried about Ai Jia’s things. She was worried that she wanted to help her dead girl but refused to accept. Now Mu Fei opened her mouth and Mu Fei went to tell Ai Jia that she could no longer refuse to say no.

Taking advantage of Wu Changgang and Ke Shengnan's kung fu, where he practiced fried skewers, he asked Aunt Shao about her mother's illness

But who knows that Aunt Shao is also confused, it's not too clear, there is no way, Mu Fei can only ask the hospital and the ward number to plan to go to the hospital tomorrow to ask...

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