My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1328: Amy's concerns

Dust × Fate? Literature? Learning? Net Chapter 1328 Amy's Worries

"Xiao Shao's child... won't it be the second rich man?"

"These rich second generation... are all stubborn and unruly. It's not good not to take girls seriously, Jiajia can't be with this kind of person," said Emma anxiously.

"Oh, sister, you guessed it wrong"

Aunt Shao reached out and patted twice on Ai Jia’s arm to comfort, “Xiao Fei’s child is not a rich second-generation family, and we are almost all poor people, and he has no father like his mother. of……"


Upon hearing this, Amy was even more worried. "Xiao Shao, didn't you say that he helped us pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan? If he is a poor man...where can he get so much money?"

"Oh, why don't I say that Jiajia has found the right person this time? Sister, don't worry, I will tell you slowly..."

"Mu Fei is indeed a child of a poor family, but he is capable. He hasn't graduated yet but he is already starting a business. He is doing business with his friends and is now a'little boss'."

"Besides doing business, he hasn't delayed studying. You don't know. In fact, he is one year younger than Jiajia and one grade lower. He thinks that the freshman course is not difficult to apply for the jump. This is the same as Jiajia in a class. Think about it. How good and clever this child can jump."

"And this kid is also a capable person. You don't know that it was the stall he helped me out yesterday. I think he is more skilled than my old arms and legs..."


Aunt Shao was there to say good things to Mu Fei

After listening to her, the worry on Amy's face faded a lot.


Suddenly she remembered "How do you know this, Xiao Shao"


Aunt Shao smiled mysteriously, "I saw this child's classmates and friends yesterday, and I had a set of words with them. The child's bottom made me come out."

Amy can't help but twist her eyebrows, "Hey, you're not afraid that they will lie to you"

"Oh, don't be so suspicious..."

Aunt Shao smiled and waved his hand impatiently, "Sister, haven’t you heard that? Fish looking for fish, shrimp looking for shrimps, clusters, people. I can see that his brothers and friends are all children. His friends are all "good children". Can you say he can be the kind of "bad boy"?

"Furthermore, even if I make a mistake, I can’t make a mistake with both Jiajia and Jiajia. Jiajia is your girl, don’t you know? She hates the big kid Xiaofei if she has problems. What are you talking about?"

"Even if you don't believe me, you have to have confidence in your girl," Aunt Shao persuaded.

Not to mention Auntie's uneasiness in her mind, she went to a rush in seven, eight, eight, and was relieved a lot. "As you say... that child is really good."

"You can rest assured that you can't make it"

Aunt Shao tapped twice on Ai Jia's arm again. "I'll say that. If one of my two stink boys can catch up to half of Xiaofei's child, I'll be satisfied."

"But...but that's 100,000 yuan. Isn't he owing us so much money Jiajia for us? It's much more difficult to owe others a big relationship." Ai Mu asked again.

"Sister, why do you think about everything badly?"

Aunt Shao gave Auntie a blaming look. "You think that the boy can say nothing, and if Jiajia doesn't know about it, he will pay so much money, then he cares much about Jiajia. He cares so much about Jiajia. Does Jiashe feel embarrassed for her?"

"Hey you say...but you are right..."

This time Amy was completely relieved to smile down her old face with a contented smile

"Uhh, Jiajia in my family also has a boyfriend..." Ai mother smiled proudly at this beauty in her heart.


It was said that the door of the ward was pushed open and Ai Jia walked in. She also carried a plastic bag with a lunch box in her hand.


And she came in and saw that her mother and Aunt Shao both smiled and were very happy. She couldn’t help but stunned.

"Aunt Shao, what are you talking about so happy?" Ai Jiaqiao asked with a smile on her face. Actually, she was not really happy, but it was rare that her mother was happy and she was in a good mood.

"Ha ha……"

Who knows if she didn’t ask, it’s okay she asked Amy’s mother Ao Shao to look at her mysterious smile, Ai Jia was straight haired by their smile

"Ah, why do you look at me like this, don't scare people, OK?"

Ai Jia glanced at her with a blamed look and grumbled as she took her lunch box out

"Come and come here..."

Ai mother stretched out a hand and pulled Ai Jia to her bed, let her sit down and smiled and asked, "Daughter mother asked you if you have anything to hide from us."


Ai Jia was questioned by her. Her big eyes looked at the ceiling and thought, "I don't have anything to hide from you without you."

I didn’t get angry if I didn’t get the answer I wanted. Then I ask you what’s going on in your mouth.


Mu Fei's bad appearance came to Ai Jia's head when he heard the word stingy

And when I think of Mu Fei Aijia, I can’t help but think of the fact that he was taken to the infirmary yesterday, and also...


Aijia's face turned red in an instant, and the color was just like a ripe apple

"Mom... what did you say? How could I say "little spirit"? You must have heard it wrong..."

Ai Jia was embarrassed, she quickly digressed on the topic, "Mom, I'll make you and Aunt Shao's roasted eggplant and tomato scrambled eggs. You'll have to eat it soon."

Aunt Shao smiled amusedly by Ai Jia, "Jia Jia, don't hide it, hurry and confess that your mother and I both know that you are not happy to say it"

"Ah, I know you, what do you all know?" Ai Jia asked blushing and questioning.

Ai Jia blushed because she remembered that Mu Fei's villain secretly took advantage of her, but what her mother and Aunt Shao said, she really didn't know that she and Mu Fei really didn't have that relationship.

"Hehe Jiajia, look at you and don't say..."

Aunt Shao pointed her finger at her pretending to be dissatisfied and said, "If you didn't say it before, even now everyone is coming to Xiaofei, you don't tell us that you are too ridiculous, but you're wrong."

"Little, Xiaofei, you... mean Mu Fei"

When I heard Mu Fei’s name, Ai Jialeng, she couldn’t figure out ‘where and where is this’

And when it comes to this, she turned her head and saw that there was a fruit gift basket on the window sill of the ward, and then thought of the aunt Shao's saying, ``everyone came to the door''. She kind of guessed what was going on.

"Aunt Shao, you mean... Mu Fei came" Ai Jia asked with a little uncertainty.

"Not chanting"

Auntie Shao couldn't help speaking before answering

She pulled Ai Jia to the bed again and asked her to sit down. "Jia Jia quickly told her how long you had talked to Xiao Fei about your friends... how are you getting along?"

When I asked this, Amy's face was ecstatic and eager

"Mom and Fei..." Ai Jia wanted to deny it when she turned her eyebrows

But half of what she said saw the joy on her mother's face, but she couldn't say the rest.

‘This...this makes me say...’

"Alas, the doctor said that her mood is also good for her illness... Since she is happy, let her misunderstand it first and wait for her to get better when she is discharged and then tell her the truth..." Ai Jia thought so

But at this moment, another thought appeared in her mind ‘if that stingy... really it’s her boyfriend’

And thinking of Ai Jia's heart, she couldn't help but feel sad that she knew it was impossible because the stingy ghost was already famous.

And even if he doesn’t have a famous flower... he is almost impossible to be his boyfriend.

Not to mention that the other girl was Wu Li alone, which made Ai Jia feel very stressed.

"Jia Jia, don't blush, just talk..." Ai Mu urged to see Ai Jia for a long time

She didn’t say that fortunately, Ai Jia’s face was redder.

"I, me and him...I and he...just talked about it, not long..." Ai Jia was very guilty and she said a word for half a minute before she said that she blushed even more. The color is not much different from the snake fruit

"That you……"

"Oh mom, don't ask me..."

Ai Jia really ‘can’t bear the bird’ and hurriedly interrupted her mother’s words, “I, I talked about my friends, I haven’t figured it out yet, how can you be so thorough and thorough”

"Hurry up and eat, don't ask. You should take care of your illness first and wait for you to be discharged. You want to know what I'm telling you." Ai Jia blushed.

Upon hearing this, Amy also knew she was anxious

"Just don't ask mom, don't you ask me first? Isn't it alright as long as mom knows this, I'm relieved..."

And when it comes to this, the old lady’s face suddenly becomes serious. "But Jiajia has a little mom who must say that your boys are so good to you, you must be good to others."

"The two are together to respect each other and to be humble with each other. If you are not allowed to move, just let your donkey temper know," Ai said seriously.

"Good mother, you can be at ease, you know what I said," Ai Jia replied

In the speaking room, she opened the lunch box and put it on the mother's table. She handed the spoon to her mother, "Mom, please eat it first."

After seeing her mother eating, Ai Jia looked at Aunt Shao and waved her hand, "Aunt Shao, come on!"


Aunt Shao smiled and went out with Ai Jia

After going out, Ai Jia seemed afraid that her mother would lead Aunt Shao to go a little further when she heard this. Then she asked, "Aunt Shao, what's going on? How do you know Mu Fei's things"

Speaking of Mu Fei Aijia's face red again

"Oh, you girl Xiaofei has done so many things for you, you don't know"

"Okay girl, I will tell you from the beginning..."

Aunt Shao dragged Ai Jia to the bench in the corridor and sat down with Ai Jia to talk about how Mu Fei found her yesterday and how to ask her for help, including letting Wu Changgang and others help her out, let her help take care of the patient, and today Mu Fei told me about the deposit

However, the rise of Aunt Shao's side did not notice that Ai Jia's face grew deeper and heavier...

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