My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1335: Silly loli

Dust? Fate? Literature? Study?

This night, "Shuang Xiu" Mu Fei actually went from the ninth level of the Qi level to the level of the Ningshen level so that the abnormal efficiency made him feel "open".

Before, he felt that even if Yin Long was injured, he was less than 40% chance of killing Yin Long. And it was because he had to "drug the drug" and "fight desperately" what kind of auxiliary means such as poison and sneak attack. This is the 40% chance

But now he is much more confident

He feels that even if he does not poison or attack him, there is a more than 60% chance of killing Yin Long. It is not that Yin Long is weak, or that Mu Fei's arrogance is that Yin Long's injury is not light and that Mu Fei has'fire tree burning' 'Tianjue', Li Xiaoyu left him a life-saving medicine, these two strength-enhancing effects can be called abnormal baby

It is not too much to estimate the probability of Mu Fei's increase in his own strength and the other party's injury.

And Mu Fei benefited from this night's double cultivation, and the night bee was not much worse

Mu Fei turned his head and looked at the night bee who was doing a lot of work and improving his strength not far from his side. He was very surprised.

Because the night bee is actually the strength of the eighth level of Qi practice, and from her current state, it seems that it can still improve the strength

Even Mu Fei estimates that when she absorbs the remaining true qi, even if she can't reach the ninth level of Qi practice, it is only a matter of time before the upgrade.

I have to say that the strength of the night bee has been improving a little bit recently. She was only practicing the strength of the fifth level of the air level before, but first Mu Fei brought her a'Xuelian Huanqi Dan' to enhance her strength, plus this night double repair She went up three or four levels in a short time

In short, whether it is Mu Fei or Night Bee, the harvest is too great

But after all, the harvest is big, but Mu Fei looks at Yefeng, he always has a little sense, he feels a little owed to Yefeng

He knew that even if the night bee usually called him ‘brother’ to treat him as a ‘dry brother’, in fact, the contact between the two was in the direction of men and women, and the original ‘subordinate relationship’ had already disappeared.

But the problem is... the relationship between the two is far from this

Mu Fei doesn't know what she is in Ye Feng's heart, but Ye Fei in Mu Fei's heart is always worse than his other women's importance and not to mention Xu Xiaomeng, Xia Xue, Lin Ruoyi These three "babies" are even the broom star Zhou Manting, the crazy girl Mi Beibei, the prodigal apprentice Jiang Jindie, and the "worry man trio" are more important than the night bee.

But Ye Feng did this step with him today... Mu Fei felt a bit sorry for her when he remembered it.

But despite all this, Mu Fei did not regret his reaction yesterday, he had to do that

He is not the kind of innocent little boy in the past. He knows that the beauty is active and is a kind of ‘gift’ and refuses this gift to be retaliated.

Not to mention that in that case, he really can’t control himself, even if he can control it, can you not?

The beautiful women are all undressed, and they embrace you, and you are a serious "I am not the kind of person"...Mister, you are not cursing, are you scolding your sister in disguise, which makes you uncomfortable, right?

This is wrong

What do you say in that sentence?

So despite feeling a little owed to Night Bee, Mu Fei has no regrets about his actions

"Well, you must treat her better in the future..." Mu Fei looked at Ye Feng and nodded, thinking so.

But who knows that at this time the night bee, who is adjusting interest and practicing, seems to have a sharp heart, and suddenly opens his eyes

"Although you think I am so happy, you really don't have to think like this..."

She gave Mu Fei a charming smile and explained, "I understand my own situation better than you. You may think that you and I haven't reached that step yet. In my opinion, it's just a matter of time..."

Speaking of this, there was a deep dependence in the eyes of the night bee "Because there is no man in the world who can fully trust me except you"


Although Ye Feng usually has nothing serious to always tease Mu Fei, but after listening to her "confession" Mu Fei was still moved

And the night bee continued to say, "If you are not me, you won't have such a big trouble. In a few days, we will go to Beihe Province. This time, we will increase the dangerous strength. We will be more secure..." "

In fact, the words behind the night bee are basically ignored by Mu Fei

Mu Fei is caring about a problem. She just thought about it and didn’t speak. She didn’t open her did she know that my idea was just a coincidence? Is this too coincidental?


Mu Fei's question only appeared in his mind, and the night bee concealed his smile. "This is also a characteristic of the Dragon and Phoenix exercises..."

"Shuangxiu's men and women will have a certain understanding with each other. Although I don't know what you are thinking about, I can probably guess your heart..." Yefeng explained with a smile.


Mu Fei feels that the novelty is really the world's largest, there is no such thing as this skill, and there is such a wonderful function.


But thinking about Mu Fei is wrong, why she can guess her thoughts, but she doesn’t know what she is thinking.

And if she always knew her thoughts...I wouldn’t it be the same as being peeped when I went there...this is too sad.

"Giggles, you guessed it..."

Night Bee once again realized Mu Fei’s thoughts. She squinted her eyes and showed a grin on her face. “You don’t have any frivolous, silver-dang, bad thoughts. Don’t do anything evil...”

"Otherwise it will affect your image in my heart"


Mu Fei was immediately depressed, "Don’t you talk about it, mud girl? This is too expensive to increase your strength."

‘I’m not sloppy, don’t you think it’s me?’

Mu Fei thought about the trivial things that he often did, such as touching Xu Xiaomeng's sleep while touching her ass, rubbing her chest, etc. If the night bee knew he was afraid that he might even jump off the building

The expression on Mu Feiyue's face that was more and more depressed was not much different from eating a dead fly

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing Mu Fei's exaggerated expression, the night bee couldn't hold back, laughing, she smiled forward and backward, and the flowers twitched

Mu Fei was full of grudges, staring at her with her eyelids sullenly

After laughing for a while, Night Bee felt Mu Fei's increasingly serious dissatisfaction with her, but she was not smiling anymore.

"Oh, don't tease you..."

She waved her hand "It's true that there is tacit understanding, but it's also limited..."

"It's premise is that we are closer or at least can see the other person's face and don't say you are outside. I'm at home. Even if we two are upstairs and I'm downstairs, this'function' is invalid. What"

"So you can rest assured that you will do something bad out there and I won't know" Yee explained

"Seriously" Mu Fei asked if he didn't believe it

"Of course" Ye Bee nodded vowedly


Until then, Mu Fei took a breath and felt relieved that many things were peeped and there was no privacy to say that he would be crazy.

"But I still have questions. Why can you guess my thoughts, but I don't know what you think?" Mu Fei asked again

"That's because you don't know how to do dragon and phoenix together"

"Actually, if you know the exercises, the effect of our double cultivation will be 30% better than now. It's a pity..." Ye Feng sighed with regret.

After hearing so much skill, Mu Fei was distressed. Now that he is at the first level of the condensing order, if he has the 30%, he may be able to reach the second level

"Why didn't you teach me before?" Mu Fei blamed.

"You think I don't want to"

Ye Feng's small hands "The key is that I only know the half of the female practitioners and the half of the male practitioners."


After hearing this, Mu Fei can only accept this fact despite his distress.

‘But anyway, you have to find a way to get the man’s half of the power...’

"Otherwise she can spy on my thoughts but I don’t know her thoughts. It’s too lossy..."

"Well, that's what happened..." Mu Fei nodded and thought to himself


Once again, I guess Mu Fei’s idea is that the night bee is like a big bargain. He covers his mouth and smiles all the time.


And Mu Fei turned her head to think of something


He also smirked and shoved to Yefeng to reach out and hug her into his arms. The two of them embraced the delicate body in Mu Fei's arms. They were extremely warm, soft and delicate.

"Night Bee I ask you..."

"Just now you said two reasons, which of these two reasons is more important?" Mu Fei asked with one hand rubbing gently in front of the night bee breast


Ye Feng pretended to think for a while, and gave Mu Fei a charming look, "Of course it is the first one"


Her little eyes are too hooked. Mu Fei was suddenly caught by her.

"Ha I like this answer..."

"But the second reason you said is also important..."

Mu Fei smiled and pushed the night bee down and gave her a "backward" posture. "Anyway, the sky will be bright enough to sleep. Let's do more"

What Mu Fei said about ‘preparation’ is obvious

But it turned out that Mu Fei thought well but the reality was not as perfect as he thought


He hadn’t started with Yefeng before he heard the sound of a slippers slapping outside and then the door of Yefeng’s room was smashed.


"Sister Night Bee is not good, my brother is missing"


"Sister Yefeng, did you wake up and open the door? Brother is not there"


Outside the door, Xu Xiaomeng called out while patting the door

Hearing this, Mu Fei is depressed

"You **** girl...when do you come, don't you have to come at this time, it's not bad for me, is it a good thing"

But depressed, depressed, he also knows that this preparatory activity cannot continue today


The night bee saw Mu Fei's depressed face and smiled happily...

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