My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1358: Combat plan

Dust? Fate? Literature ↘Learn→Chapter 1358 Battle Plan

Mu Fei, Ye Feng and others waited for two days

On the third night, he finally waited for the good news brought by Lan Jiang. He could have found Yin Long’s hiding place.

"Yin Long is not in our city but in Mianyang, which is 200 kilometers away..."

It was still the last bar, the last box Lan Jiang saw Mu Fei and other people came in and started introducing it. "I got this news and immediately arranged people to investigate and finally got accurate information..."

"The place where Yin Long hides is a nightclub named "Ji Le Night Paradise". Actually, I also found out after investigation that this night club is also one of the industries owned by Long Feng. I was in charge of this stall in the gang, but I never knew it. So this place is obviously there, it is a'retreat' left by Yin Long in advance..."

"As for the condition of Yin Long... he is not sure that he has fully recovered. It is certain that besides the "imperial doctor" Xu Lao who treated him, there is a woman who has been most liked by him in recent times. There are also seven or eight of his diehards..."

"However, I just mentioned them by the way. Those who are under his hands, you don’t need to care too much. When he attacked you last time, they were almost elite and powerful. But who knows that you are in ambush? The most powerful of these people who are more powerful and wounded are only the sixth level of the practice level, and only two of them are not even practicing the third level..."

"On the other hand, in addition to you as the main force on our side, I and the Saint Girl...Oh, Night Bee. Both of us are practicing the eighth level of Qi, plus the people under my hands are not a problem to deal with them..."

"In short, the other questions are that the most difficult problem is still that..."

Lan Jiang fingered and tapped twice on the map on the table "How to deal with Yin Long"


After listening to him, Mu Fei pouted, "You continue..."

"Uh... I came to you. In addition to introducing you to this situation, I actually want to discuss the countermeasures with you. If you simply deal with Yin Long, it is not difficult..."

"These are the things I bought from Hua Xiumeng in order to deal with Yin Long..." Lan Jiang said, drawing a few things from a large black bag next to each other and putting them on the table one by one.

"The first one is the'hunting beast net gun'. When you pull the trigger, a net will be launched. This net is made of special wire. It is extremely strong, but once it is hit by this gun, the net will shrink quickly. I bought five guns. As long as two can hit Yin Long, Yin Long will be able to escape, and he will be caught..."

"This second one is the "Thunderfire Gun". Its principle is similar to that of a normal gun, but he fires a special Thunderfire Bullet. This Thunderfire Bullet is extremely powerful, even if Yin Long is a Master of Condensation Order, he will be somewhat injured by this gun. And I bought ten of these guns, each capable of firing ten rounds of thunder fire..."

"If you can use the "Beast Hunting Net Gun" to stop Yin Long and use this "Thunderfire Gun" to set fire, even if he is very powerful, Yin Long will have to be seriously injured..."


Speaking of which, Lan Jiang has a heavy meal, "Even if there is a way to deal with him, it is useless because we have no way to approach him at all now."

"Is there someone next to Yin Long that I just told you to come and you come over and I will talk to you about the most important thing..."

Later, Lan Jiang's fingers began to introduce on the table and the map with circles and circles. "This is the nightclub where Yin Long is located, "Ji Le Night Paradise"..."

"First of all, although Yin Long is not the kind of person with special intentions, but he is a suspicious person. Since he regards this place as his "retreat", the designation of this place is very eyeliner. I don’t need to think about it. There must be a camera. Monitored for 24 hours..."

"This is the first problem. In this case, it is absolutely impossible for us to attack him without knowing it. If there are fewer people, he will not be able to keep him. Perceived that he must run away..."

Lan Jiang said that he looked up at Mu Fei and others

And Mu Fei, Zhou Haibin, and Night Bee all nodded to understand

"If the first difficulty is not solved, then we have only one way. That is to have multiple people to force him to run away, but this time there is a second problem..."

Speaking of this, Lan Jiang pointed to several circles on the map, around the "Elysium Night Paradise", and said, "Look at the location of his nightclub to the west, there is a small square, and the square is the Second Ring Road. There are a lot of shops in the commercial street on the east and north of this place... the residential area on the south..."


Just when Lan Jiang introduced the situation, Zhou Haibin touched his chin and smashed his mouth and interjected, "He is a place with a good selection..."

"Huh" Lan Jiang raised his head

And Zhou Haibin pointed on the map and said, "He is in this place, on the west side of the Second Ring Road and further north, that is, the out-of-city highway is very easy to escape. The other three directions, whether it is a commercial area or a residential area, are very good. 'S hiding place..."

"It's very easy to escape in this direction no matter which way he runs, but he is almost impossible to chase and find in hiding..." Zhou Haibindao

And Lan Jiang couldn't help but give him a thumbs up "professional"

"Yes, our second question is this..."

Lan Jiang took the words and said, "It is impossible for us to quietly kill Yin Long's designation, but once he finds that we have to run so many paths, which way does he go, how can he stop him..."

After finishing the talk, "This is the place where I want to discuss with you. We can't divide our "force" into three or four parts and leave a part of our brothers on each road, which is almost the same as dying..."


Speaking of which Mu Fei nodded, he also knew the embarrassment of the Blue River

But knowing Gui knows Mu Fei but has no good idea for a while

At this moment, Mu Fei suddenly saw a small circle on the map that did not introduce

"Where is this place?" Mu Fei asked, pointing at the circle that was not introduced.

"Oh, I'm about to say here. According to my investigation, it is a hiding place and a "retreat" of Yin Long, just like the nightclub just now, but this place is a private house, a small villa, not a public place..."

"What I want to say is that if Yin Long can get to this place, it will be easier to deal with... our brothers will put this little villa in a package, and he will really be difficult to fly."

"Of course, this is just an idea..."

"After all, as long as we show up, we are "snapping the grass". He should guess that since we can find the nightclub, we should also be able to find that the villa will not go there in 80%..." Lan Jiang explained


But when Mu Fei heard this, it seemed to be slightly bright in his mind... What did he notice?

‘If we forced him out, he wouldn’t go to the villa, but if someone forced him out… would he go there?’ Mu Fei couldn’t help thinking.


Mu Fei felt a cigarette and bit in his mouth and leaned back on the big sofa while smoking and thinking

After a while, he opened his brows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He had an idea.

"Come on……"

Mu Fei waved to Lan Jiang "In your impression...Is Yin Long a particularly arrogant person?"


Lan Jiang wondered slightly why he didn’t know why Mu Fei asked this but he nodded and replied "Yes."

"Then you said...if someone wronged him...well, for example, someone said he was a strong x offender and the police had to take him back to the police station to investigate... what do you think he would do?" Mu Fei asked again Tao


Lan Jiang touched his chin and thought for a while, "Just like Yin Long, he was very arrogant, not to mention the police. Whatever the mayor and the mayor, he didn't even think about it if there was a policeman who wanted to torture him. ..."

Lan Jiang thought about it for a while and then replied, "I'm afraid that not only will he be beaten, he'll have to be beaten by him, or's possible that he will be beaten and killed."

"Oh, that's easy..."

The smile on Mu Fei's face is even stronger. His glasses reflect a certain kind of light, which makes people feel like they are "insidious"

"Come and let me tell you..."

Mu Fei waved to Lan Jiang again and treated him quietly, mysteriously, "You are like this...and then like that...He must be...we will then..."

And Lan Jiang was not so good at first, but his eyes lit up when he heard Mu Fei’s plan.

"High, good idea." He couldn't help but give Mu Fei a thumb

"Oh, what do you think of this plan and the chance of success?" Mu Fei asked with a smile.

"I predict……"

Lan Jiang thought for a while and held out his right index finger and thumb, "At least 80% or more"

"The probability is not low, let's... just do it," Mu Fei asked tentatively.

"That's right..."

Lan Jiang stood up as he said, "Save night and long dreams, I will arrange it now"

"Well go..."

Mu Fei nodded. "When looking for someone, you must be smart and bold. Don't be afraid of trouble. The acting must be real."

"I'm relieved that I'll go and call if I have something to do," Lan Jiang said and got up and left.

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