My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1375: Who flickers who

Dust × Fate? Article ← Learning ↙ Net Chapter 1375 Who Fools Who_上

Lao Ai explained the contents of the contract and looked at the plateau with a smile. "Ohara this can sign it"

"Cough this..."

Gao Yuan didn't agree or refuse, just turned his head to look at Mu Fei and raised his eyebrows.

Mu Fei and his'brotherhood for many years' naturally understood the meaning of his action. He said it was time for you

"Ha ha……"

And Mu Fei was naturally not the character of stage fright. He chuckled and took over the contract in Lao Ai’s hands, without looking at it and putting it on the table. “Uncle Ai, don’t worry. I have two questions. I don’t understand. I would like to ask. "


When Uncle Ai saw Mu Fei suddenly came out to help the plateau, he was slightly stunned, but after the reaction, he immediately reassured him that he saw Mu Fei so young that he did not put Mu Fei in it.

"It doesn't matter that you are a good friend of Xiaoyuan to help him come up with ideas is also normal. If you have any questions, just ask directly," Lao Ai said generously.

Naturally, Mu Fei wouldn’t be polite and asked directly, “The fat man told me that he now owns 40% of your shares, and you two each account for 30%, and this company sells for 35 million...”

"In this way, it should be that the plateau is divided into about 14 million, you two are 10 million each, he is more than you..."

Mu Fei said that he opened the contract with doubts and asked, "But why does the contract say that you two people each have a plateau of five thousand and only five million? Is this wrong? How can I not figure it out?"

"Uh, this is the case..."

Although Lao Ai seemed calm, Mu Fei opened his contract and looked at it a little bit of confusion, but Mu Fei clearly saw it in his eyes.

"When we were working with your uncle Gao, I invested 900,000 yuan each with the old gold, but when your uncle Gao was tight, he could only get 300,000 but because he had the recipe of "secret sauce bone" We will discuss the allocation of the "secret sauce bone" formula to 900,000. Only two of us, each with 30% share, and your uncle Gao account for 40% of such shares..."

"But according to this calculation, now the company wants to sell the formula and it should change hands together, right? After all, the formula still accounts for 30% of the shares."

"But now Ohara disagrees to take out the formula, so that the company's 100% stake becomes 70%, and I and Lao Jin each account for 30% and Xiaoyuan 10%..."

"According to this calculation, the company sells 35 million in total. We two each account for three-sevenths of which is 15 million. Xiaoyuan accounts for one-sevenths of five million. That's right," said Elaine. Take a look for granted

"Oh, that's how it is. You said that I understand..." Mu Fei's expression suddenly realized

Looking at Mu Fei's ‘Tortoise’, Lao Ai took a breath and then sneered in his heart, ‘It’s a joke to pick me wrong’

‘You’re so stinky, I’m too ignorant, I’ve crossed more bridges than you’ve walked, just go home with you if you want to fight with me for another ten years’ milk,” Lao Ai thought contemptuously.

And Mu Fei's next words scared him a bit

"Simply put, if the plateau refuses to sell secret recipes, you can only ask for less money, right?"

Mu Fei nodded here and then pointed to a few lines of the contract "But why is this contract written differently than what you said..."

"I’ll read to you that after Party B receives the 35 million transfer payment, it needs to complete all transfer matters within one month and provide the recipe of "Gao's Secret Sauce Bone". If Party B cannot complete the transfer within the specified time, Or if it is deliberately delayed, Party A has the right to demand from Party B 100,000 yuan in daily damages based on the time limit exceeded..."

"Look at this statement... Isn't it the plateau and you can't get much money and you have to hand over the recipe? But this is a loss to the wife and the soldiers, the blood is nowhere..."

Mu Fei said that he handed the contract back. "Who made this contract? Wouldn't it be...the two of you"

"If not, that's the best, but if it's really you two... We have to wonder... Do you have any "ideas"?" Mu Fei stared at Lao Ai and Lao Jin.

Mu Fei's words were "sharp" directed at Lao Ai and Lao Jin and felt the question in Mu Fei's eyes, suspecting that Lai Ai suddenly had wet temples and he was sweating

This contract is naturally what he planned. He had previously thought that the plateau had no experience and no culture, and it must be very good. But he did not expect that he came to such a ‘knowledge’.

‘He... he didn’t understand at all, right, he didn’t understand, he seemed to be a little expert...’

It was also at this time that Lao Ai realized that he was a little underestimated.

However, he will never admit his guilty conscience at this time, "Hey, it was really written that way."

I saw a strong "surprise" look on Lao Ai's face too. He took the contract and looked closely

After reading it, an annoyed expression appeared on his fat face.

"Fortunately, fortunately, if you look at it, or else... otherwise we will lose money and get home..."

Old Ai said that he felt the phone annoyed and said, "Wait for me, I will call that guy now and ask him what he means."

Seeing his exaggerated expression, how can Mu Fei not know that he is acting?

But it doesn’t matter if he’s playing Mu Fei, isn’t he also acting? And the key words haven’t come out yet. Mu Fei’s drama must continue.

I saw that old Ai pretended to dial a number for a while and dialed it again and again for a while. Finally, he reluctantly hung up the phone again. "This **** actually shut down is really unreasonable..."

"I'll beat him later. I must ask him what he really means."

And he didn’t seem to dare to worry more about this issue. Once he hung up the phone, he quickly digressed. “By the boy, you and Xiaoyuan are good friends. Good buddies, please persuade him quickly. Both I and Lao Jin advise him. I sold the "secret sauce bone" recipe, but this kid didn't sell it."

"You said that his dad'goed away'. He neither knows how to cook, nor does he mean to be a cook, or to open a restaurant. You say what he keeps this recipe for. It's a monumental thing. It's the treasure of the old Gao family, but no matter what. , No matter how meaningful it is, you have to make the best use of it. For this secret recipe, if you keep it, don’t sell it, if you keep it, you can save it or eat it.”

"Especially this opportunity is really rare..."

"Actually, this time, this person originally wanted to spend 50 million yuan to collect this company. Of course, this included the recipe of "secret sauce bone". Later, when he heard that Xiaoyuan did not sell the formula, he immediately reduced the purchase price from 50 million yuan. When it reached 30 million, it was me and Lao Jin who tried their best to talk about the price of 35 million..."

"In other words, Ohara’s formula is worth 15 million yuan. You can hear it. It’s not 1,500 yuan. It’s not 15,000 yuan. It’s 15 million yuan."

"The money is not only enough for Xiaoyuan to spend alone, even if he divides your little brothers into 500,000 each, and the rest is enough for him to spend his whole life. By the time, how many of your brothers are willing to be smart and how smart, but this kid is awkward. Just don’t listen..."

Saying Lao Ai turned back to look at the helplessness of the plateau, "You said your boy, me and your dad are like brothers, you are my nephew, I'm your uncle, I can still fooling you, pit you, why don't you Just don’t believe me

When I said this, I had a special appearance of "sincere"

What he meant is very clear is to let Mu Fei go to the Kouyou Plateau. As long as the plateau sells the secret recipe and exchanges money, he also has a share.

But this old Ai was wrong.

It is true that he is tempting enough, but he can fooling others, but Mu Fei will never be fooled by him. Although Mu Fei is not young, he has experienced too many things in the past two years. His psychological age is far more than his appearance. mature

So his little abacus was already seen by Mu Fei

In fact, this is what the plateau pays attention to. He wonders what happened to these two kings and bastards. He is also a friend of the father. Leave a face to them, even if they want to turn their faces, they must let them turn their faces first

If Yi Fei's temper had already ruined them,

"Oh, don't worry, I haven't finished asking my question yet. If I'm satisfied with all the answers you gave me, I will naturally advise you..."

Mu Fei pointed at the plateau and continued to ask again, "I want to ask our two companies... what's the profitability recently?"

"Well this..."

Old Ai pressed his mouth slightly and wanted to answer, "It used to be very good, but since Lao Gao left, this company has been a bit chaotic and a bit downhill."

"How much profit last year before Uncle Gao left" Mu Fei asked again

When asked about this sensitive topic, Lao Ai could not help but twist his eyebrows. "This... this is basically a trade secret. It's not easy to say."

"Ha ha……"

Mu Fei smirked and ignored him, but looked at the plateau, which means ‘he doesn’t say what you say’

Needless to say, the plateau and Mu Fei's tacit understanding will be understood immediately.

"Uncle Ai can't say to outsiders but Afei is the best buddy I grew up with. He's not an outsider to let him know it's alright"

After Gao Yuan said this, he turned his head to Mu Feidao, "there were a total of more than 33 million profits last year."

"Oh, I don't understand..."

Mu Fei turned his head to look at the old Ai. "You said... projects that earn more than 30 million a year. You actually sold 35 million yuan at such a low price. The whole company was sold with a year of profit."

"Who did you sell it to? You sell it... It's too cheap..."

"Why do I feel... it's not sold, it's like "free delivery"" Mu Fei's skeptical expression when he said this

And the cold Ai Khan, who had just calmed down, came down again, ‘This kid... is too amazing’

No wonder Lao Ai is guilty, in fact, the ‘buyer’ is his newly created ‘trumpet’...

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