My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1384: Wrong person

Dust? Fate? Literature ↘ Study → Chapter 1384

I haven’t seen Xu Xiaomeng in the past week. Mu Fei really missed her.

Because of this, as soon as he returned to his room and back to his bed, he brought Xu Xiaomeng over and planned to take care of her.


But when Mu Fei kissed Xu Xiaomeng's lips and touched her chest, she was a little puzzled.

"Taste...not right, the feel is not the same..." Mu Fei wondered

The taste refers to the body fragrance of Xu Xiaomeng. Mu Fei is very familiar with Xu Xiaomeng's body fragrance. Her scent is honey, sweet, yet fresh, and very good.

It’s true that the fragrance in Mu Fei’s nose is quite good, but it’s not the same as before because the fragrance seems to have some cosmetics in addition to the body fragrance.

"Don't I put the broom star on Xiaomeng when I'm not home?" Mu Fei couldn't help guessing

In addition to this fragrance, Mu Fei feels that the part in his hand feels different.

Xu Xiaomeng's chest is very soft, as long as Mu Fei's hands move those delicate "snow balls", they will follow his hands and change into various shapes.

But now the one he touched is soft, yet the toughness is tight and elastic.

'What type of situation is this'

Mu Fei wondered at the same time slowly moved his hand down to stroke Xu Xiaomeng's belly


Mu Fei couldn't help but change his position without moving, because he felt a hard thing on the belly button of'Xu Xiaomeng' and he could feel it. The material of this thing should be metal

"Uh..." Mu Fei couldn't help but grin

The designation of the ornaments hanging on the belly button is undoubtedly the umbilical ring and Xu Xiaomeng did not wear the umbilical ring. This shows that this is the one that he is embracing now...It is the broom star. I went...

After the reaction, the flesh on Mu Fei's face twitched twice.

He opened his eyes and took a closer look to see if it was Zhou Manting who was undoubtedly the one who slept enough to make her do so she didn’t wake up

‘She’s here... what about Mengmeng’

Mu Fei thought about reaching out to the inside of the bed, and finally he touched a soft'thing' again. Mu Fei lifted up a little and was taken a look at Xu Xiaomeng's sleep holding a pillow,'Haha Huha' Sleeping incense

And Xiang Mufei, Xu Xiaomeng sleeping, is tangled

I didn’t know who he was holding just now. Even if Mu Fei thought that he kissed and touched it, it was Zhou Manting. He couldn’t help but have some imagination. Mu Fei didn’t blame Mu Fei for having such a big beauty, full of red fruits in your arms. As long as there is a normal man, it’s strange that there will be no idea

What's more, Zhou Manting is the best figure among all the girls around Mu Fei. It is no exaggeration to say that her figure and appearance will definitely have her place even in the international modeling industry.

Yes, although Xia Xue, Lin Ruoyi, Ye Feng and other people are also in good shape, they still cannot compare with her.

Because compared with her, Xia Xue is too'skinny' and'slim' and Lin Ruoyi is a little'meat' and some'small fat' as for the night bee... Although she has a good figure, her height is slightly short

And Mibebe... I’ll just ignore this cough, this girl is just a pretty girl with a cute style, but her figure of the ‘washboard’ really has no ‘beauty’ at all.

In short, Zhou Manting's figure is extremely perfect beside Mu Fei.

Just thinking of holding such a big beauty and kissing and touching... Mu Fei couldn't help but want to enter Feifei, and his heart slowly rose.

And this is still Mu Fei was "feeding" by the night bee a few hours ago. Now the demand is not strong. If it is time to change, Mu Feisi has no doubt that he may not be able to bear it and may eat her by force.


Another thing that Mu Fei in his heart began to struggle with

In one sentence, it’s ‘touching and not touching is a problem’

Indeed, Mu Fei knows that it is impossible for her to "eat" her, but... it’s okay to touch it twice without touching the meat.

Now Mu Fei was a little irritated at the thought of the wonderful feel just now, and wanted to continue. But then, if he touched it... what would happen if the goods suddenly woke up?

Mu Fei hesitated for a long time of three seconds. After he had made a decision, he touched it, felt it well and felt like he was retreating anyway. Anyway, she didn’t wake up like that, she didn’t wake up this time. Won't wake up

Holding this lucky idea, Mu Fei stretched out his evil hand. When he touched the soft, yet elastic soft again, he felt very refreshed

‘Ha, it’s so soft and smooth...this feel, it’s not cured...’ Mu Fei felt that his choice was so correct for men. It’s such a wonderful touch.


While Mu Fei was proud, he heard the beauty in his arms suddenly whisper


Mu Fei was suddenly taken aback, his movement stopped

‘Wouldn’t she just want to wake up, I shouldn’t carry it that way’ Mu Fei thought a little worried

No wonder Mu Fei is really embarrassed that Zhou Manting will wake up at this time

"Don't move...Don't move...Don't move and go to sleep...Then sleep..." Mu Fei didn't dare to move and read'Spell' in his heart

"Um... um..."

However, contrary to expectations, Zhou Manting not only didn't sleep but hummed and turned over, meaning to wake up

‘Mid sister is dead, brother...’

Mu Fei scolded him while Zhou Manting turned over the inside of the bed. He hurriedly sneaked out of bed

Then he crawled on all fours and crawled towards the door

"Don't...don't wake up at this time..." Mu Fei thought while climbing.

But again, "It's counterproductive"


Just listening to Zhou Manting's suspicious hum, and then a "slap" sound, the lamp was turned on and the room was lit


The flesh on Mu Fei's face twitched twice. He looked back and saw Zhou Manting sitting there, his eyes wide open, looking at his pretty face with surprise.

Seeing this scene, Mu Fei almost burst into tears.

No wonder Mu Fei thinks that he knows his image must be ridiculous. A naked man wearing only four-corner underwear is still sneaking on the ground in the middle of the night. Isn’t it ridiculous? This is only in those spoof movies. Plot is good

But ridiculously ridiculous, Zhou Manting couldn't laugh a little, although she was a little confused, but she vaguely remembered the things just now

‘Xiao Feifei this bastard... actually... actually gave this girl a first kiss while she was sleeping...’ Thinking of Zhou Manting’s good temper here, she was a little annoyed.

Indeed, if the first kiss is Mu Fei... she can not only accept the possibility... there is a little thief

But the point is... she was taken away from her first kiss when she was confused. She didn't even feel what it was like. The first kiss was gone.

‘First kiss... That’s the girl’s first kiss. Actually, it was taken away in this situation. Oh, that’s a precious first kiss only once in a lifetime...’

"Xiaofeifei you you..."

Zhou Manting wanted more and more, and finally she couldn't help being angry.

"Xiao Feifei, you bastard, you go shit"

I saw that she touched the mobile phone at the table and smashed at Mu Fei

"Ah, hey, don't, don't be a gentleman, don't talk... Ah yuck, Yin Zi doesn't talk..." Mu Fei hurriedly waved his hand to signal surrender, truce.

However, Zhou Manting ignored him and smashed the mobile phone, charger, alarm clock, and pillow next to him, and Mu Fei hit Mu Fei like an acrobat. To the ground

Mu Fei suspects that this is not a move, Xiaomeng. Otherwise, she might have to throw that dull loli over and smash herself.

In the end, Zhou Manting threw away everything around her. It was really thrown away. She covered her ears and screamed again.

‘I’m here...’

Mu Fei was startled and hurried to cover her mouth

"Um, uh..." Zhou Manting struggled

And Mu Fei will not let her go now and hurriedly talk to her ear, "My aunt, please spare me, don't call me... don't ask me to let go, we have something to say, OK?"

"Hmm..." Zhou Manting struggled again for a long time to see that he really couldn't get rid of it. Then his eyes burst into tears and nodded slightly.

"If we adults want to talk, you can't call it..." Mu Fei like to coax the child to finish, slowly relax his hand strength

And Zhou Manting did not tell Mu Feicai to let go slightly, and she clicked Mu Fei's palm with a loud click


She was not light, even if Mu Fei had a good endurance, she was bitten by her breath. Mu Fei dared not use real gas to defend her teeth.

I don’t know if she was angry or watching Mu Fei grin and distressed her. Then she released her mouth and she didn’t speak, so she stared at Mu Fei with her eyes flushed.


Mu Fei scratching his head, "Sorry"

In fact, he’s embarrassed now. It’s true that he’s wrong first and that he’s a man, he should be the first

But the problem is this... this kind of thing... how can I apologize?

"Xiao Tingting is actually... actually..."

In the end, Mu Fei still said daringly, "Actually, I didn't intentionally take advantage of you. This is just a misunderstanding... I... I treat you like Xiaomeng..."

Mu Fei can only tell the truth

And he didn’t say that fortunately, Zhou Manting was so angry that she was even more angry...

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