My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1403: Gifts

Dust ↗ Fate ↙ Text × Learning? Net Chapter 1403

Wu Li left and accompanied Wang Binglian to cut the cake there

At this time, Mu Fei had to sigh that this rich man is different.

Like she used to buy a cake, cook two favorite dishes, and call her mother to say hello again, even if it's'birthday', even if her own "favorite" has been good in the past two years, it is only Lin Ruoyi and Mi. Babe and others all got together to have a meal together and have a lot of trouble, just like this Wang Binglian has a dance party and a cocktail party.

I know it’s just a young girl who doesn’t know her birthday.

"Ah, the life of this rich man, I can't imagine it..." Mu Fei thought while looking around

Not to mention Wu Li and Wang Binglian's movements are pretty fast, they will be back in three or four minutes.

"Student gives"

Wu Li said to sit next to Mu Fei and handed over a piece of cake

"Thank you"

Mu Fei smiled politely and took it over.


As for Wang Binglian next to Wuli, she took a long breath when she sat down, and she looked tired. She could not see that she should serve these people.

"Xiaoyang, help me rub my shoulders, I'm exhausted," Wang Binglian said, shaking her slender jade neck

"Oh yeah"

Yang Xiaoyang finally put down his phone and stood behind Wang Binglian. Two small hands massaged her

"Miss these gifts, let me help you load them into the car"

At this time, Secretary Liu joined her and asked Wang Binglian by shaking two oversized bags full of gifts.

"Well throw it in the car," Wang Binglian nodded in response.


It was also mentioned that the gift Mu Fei suddenly thought of it

He hurriedly found a long box from the pocket of his clothes and handed it to Wang Binglian, "Happy birthday, this is a gift. Fortunately, Secretary Liu mentioned it or I will forget it."


In Wang Binglian’s beautiful eyes, she suddenly expressed surprise. Her expression seemed to say, ‘No, it’s you... and I can prepare a gift for me. My sky is coming out from the west’

Just guessing what she thought in her heart, Mu Fei could not help but squint her eyelids, staring at her annoyingly, ‘I...Is that so stingy’

"Why don't you think that you don't want to count it if you don't want it..." Mu Fei saw that she hadn't picked up the gift for a long time.


Wang Binglian suddenly stretched out a slim jade hand and snatched the small box to see her looks like she was afraid that Mu Fei really withdrew it.

"Oh, the reaction is similar..."

Mu Fei smiled with satisfaction. "Open it and see if you like it. I have to declare in advance that it is not a valuable thing. Don't be disappointed after reading it..."

"Uh huh"

When Wu Li heard that Mu Fei wanted to give Wang Binglian a gift, she was more curious than the latter.


I saw that Wu Li grabbed the gift box in her hand as soon as she lifted her hand. As she opened the lid almost rudely, a silver-white necklace slid down, and a sapphire on the pendant was crystal clear, flashing cold under the light. Glamorous, mysterious light


And seeing this necklace, whether it is Wuli or Yang Xiaoyang, is a surprised expression, even if Wang Binglian, who is well-informed and has seen various treasures and jewelry, is also very concerned about the wide-open eyes.

"The effect is good..." Mu Fei thought with satisfaction in seeing this scene

This gift was carefully selected by Mu Fei for Wang Binglian, of is impossible

Indeed, although Mu Fei now feels that Wang Binglian is a good person and worth paying, but before, he had a lot of views on Wang Binglian and Mu Fei was so lazy. How could he possibly give this kind of guy who is not even a friend, and carefully prepare gifts? Is it right?

So the origin of this gift is easy to imagine

He gave him the small jewelry he had returned from the'wholesale' of Moguo. Okay, actually, Flynn bought it for him and asked him to hand it over to'sister and sister'

Mu Fei is not a fool. If he really gave this to Sister Xue and said to her,'I found you a sister again, this is what she gave you.' Sister Xue can't die herself. Just know that Mu Fei doesn't Maybe it's okay to find something and really give this to Sister Xue and Lin Ruoyi

Now it’s Wang Binglian’s birthday, Mu Fei feels that it’s really bad to be empty-handed, so he borrowed flowers and offered them to Wang Binglian.

In fact, if it is pure value, this gem necklace is not too precious, but it is definitely not cheap. It must be at least 80,000 or 90,000 yuan to be converted into Chinese national currency.

But if the value is removed, there is really no "sincerity" in this gift.


Seeing this thing, Wang Binglian yelled at him before he said anything about Wuli.

"Student you, have you made any mistakes? I have known you for such a long time and I haven't seen you give me anything. You only know Xiaolian in a few days and you will give her such a precious gift."

"You... you're too eccentric," Wu Li said with a look on his face.


Just when Wu Li grumbled, Wang Binglian suddenly reached out and snatched the necklace, took it to her eyes and looked at it like a treasure. She was very satisfied with the gift.

It is true that the value of other things she received is much more expensive than this

But the problem is that she knows that someone gave her a gift. It is simply exaggerated to please her. She said that maybe she will get her a gift today.

But it can be seen that Mu Fei's gift is sincere and sincerely blessed, and the nature of those people's gifts is completely different.

It is because of this Wang Binglian that this gift is good, she is very satisfied

Wang Binglian didn't even know that when she thought of her, her mouth was slightly upturned, and her former iceberg face now had a warm smile.

"Xiaoyang put it on for me" Wang Binglian raised her hand and handed the necklace to Yang Xiaoyang

"Hey, okay..."

Yang Xiaoyang took off Wang Binglian's original necklace and put on Mu Fei's

Not to mention Mu Fei, this gift is really a blind cat and a dead mouse.

Wang Binglian was originally the kind of iceberg and cold glamorous beauty. This cold, cold sapphire necklace matches her very well. After wearing this necklace, her skin is more white and delicate. The whole person's qi field is also stronger.

"Wow Sister Xiaolian, this is really good for you."

"Li Fei's "Mu Fei" is very good at picking gifts..." Yang Xiaoyang looked back and praised Wu Li for two steps.

"Sister Li, wait for you to be too beautiful. Let me take a picture..." Yang Xiaoyang said and touched the phone again to take Wang Binglian

"You guy..."

Wang Binglian was in a good mood and hurt her, but still let her shoot

"How is it" Mu Fei asked with a smile and two statements


Wang Binglian smiled extremely rare, "I like thank you very much"

At this time, Wu Li couldn't bear it anymore. "Student, don't pretend to stop listening to me and ask you how can you be so eccentric"

"I met you first, I am your school sister, we two are relatively hard, okay, why are you so conscienceless?"

Wu Li complained of ‘envy, jealousy and hatred’

"Oh, okay, don't tease you..."

Mu Fei laughed and waved his hand to signal Wu Li calm

Then he took out a small box from his pocket and handed it over, "I knew you would send this to you..."


Wu Li was slightly stunned first, and then the face was full of surprises and grabbed the jewelry box.


When I opened it, I saw Wu Li's pretty face, just like that.

The gift that Mu Fei gave her was the same as the one that gave Wang Binglian the necklace and the style was not much different.

It’s just that Wang Binglian’s one carries sapphire and Wuli’s one is a dazzling ruby.

Obviously, it is more suitable for Wu Li's appearance and character than Wang Binglian's ruby ​​symbolizing warmth and enthusiasm

And Wu Li didn't take it politely, took off the necklace on her neck three times and two times, and put it on Mu Fei to send her. It can be seen that she is also a little excited, otherwise she will forget how she wears it. Let Mu Fei help her wear it

"How good is the younger brother?"

After putting it on, Wu Li put her hair up and smiled, posing with Mu Fei quite charmingly


After seeing it, Mu Fei couldn't help but swallow. "Good, good-looking..." he replied with a smirk

Mu Fei did look good without lying

But what he said was not the necklace itself. The necklace was a little long. Wu Li was wearing a low-cut dress. Once she wore this pendant, it caught the deep gap in front of her chest.

So instead of saying that Mu Fei was looking at the necklace, he was looking at Wu Li's ditch

"Student, you're so real..." Wu Li found Mu Fei's eyes abnormal, she wasn't annoyed, but she looked red and smirked.

"Hey, what about me?"

Yang Xiaoyang leaned over and pointed to his nose and asked Mu Fei looking forward.


She was embarrassed to ask Mu Fei, "This...I don't know you from here,, you can only wait for the next time"

"Ah, it's really biased..." Yang Xiaoyang grumbled and dissatisfied.

"Xiaoyang, don't stop it. Mu Fei is right. He didn't know how you can prepare gifts for you before." Wang Binglian said to Mu Fei at this time.

"The words say that...but..."

"Don't be it, don't you like my sky-blue high-heeled shoes? I'll give it to you" Wang Binglian said

"Ah, really, hey, I know Sister Xiaolian, you're better..." Yang Xiaoyang hugged Wang Binglian's waist and acted like a baby

"Oh, okay, don't make trouble, don't make trouble..."

Wang Binglian spent a lot of time to "comfort" the excited Yang Xiaoyang

Then she looked up at the time and turned her head to look at Wuli. "Lili you... don't drag on what you promised...should it also be fulfilled"

Wu Li was playing with her new necklace there. She suddenly turned blushing.

And after she secretly glanced at Mu Fei, her face turned red.

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