My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1431: Lin Father's Belly

Dust? Fate? Literature √ Learning ← Chapter 1431 Lin Father's Belly

Regarding Ren Yili Mufei’s decision to get her to Long Haowen, it’s more appropriate for the police to come forward. If Lin Fu and Lin Mu know that they are tying the goods, what will they do to themselves? Bad view

Thinking of this, Mu Fei immediately called Long Haowen for a moment and answered over there

"Why is Brother Kazakhstan thinking so hard today that I called my brother?" When the phone was answered, Long Haowen made a joke with the voice of "Beiduqiang"

I can hear this guy seems to be in a good mood

Mu Fei and he are also kind of friends who are not polite, so they didn't say those scenes, "Dragon brother, I have something to do with you. Where are you?"

"I'm still at work, chant you"

"I am in Binri District..."

"You're back, I rely on"

Mu Fei didn’t say that it was better to say that Long Haowen started training immediately, “Your kid doesn’t pay attention. When you return to Binnan, you don’t tell me, and you don’t accompany us to drink. How to take the exam to Qingbei University, you think you are a “talent”, Don't take my brother's eyes away"

The other person in Long Haowen's "we" naturally refers to Jiang Zhengjun.

"Why is there no way I can't put you in my eyes, I haven't come back, I haven't reached it yet"

Mu Fei interrupted Long Haowen’s words, “Long brother’s drinking, I’ll tell you later that I have a little thing. You have to help me. Don’t worry.”

Then Mu Fei briefly said his thing

And as long as he had imagined, Long Haowen agreed to say nothing after listening to it, "How old is this?"

"No problem. I'll wait for you in the bureau. Come over directly."

Long Haowen finished hanging up

Mu Fei didn't need the elephants and others to send them away for the time being. He took Ren Yili to the branch office where Long Haowen worked to call Lin Fu and Lin Mu and called them to pass.

Of course, before he went out, he untied the ropes on Ren Yili. If her image was seen by Long Haowen, he would say he was abnormal.

Even if you don’t tie this Yili Mufei, she doesn’t think she can run away under her own hands.

In fact, Mu Fei's car didn't drive slowly from going out to the destination, but it was only ten minutes, but he did not expect that his father and mother were not slow. He just threw this Yili into the inquiry room and had not followed Long. Hao Wen said a few words

"Uncle and aunt here..."

Mu Fei waved his hand to Lin and Lin and pointed to the interrogation room, "Ren Yili is inside, you go in..."

"Xiaofei, did you ask?"

Father Lin wanted to ask Mu Fei but he waved his hand, "Uncle, don't ask me anymore, you still ask her, you will know everything"

Lin Father nodded and said something, and stepped inside

Before going in, Lin Lin still glanced at Mu Fei with a profound meaning: She had no hope for Mu Fei before, but she didn't expect that Mu Fei really helped

Lin Lin went in and saw that Mu Fei did not come in. He turned his head to Mu Fei, "Xiao Fei, come in too..."


Mu Fei stunned and pointed to his nose "I'll go in too"

"Well, come in," Lin Father nodded and said

Although I don’t know what Lin Lin’s meaning meant, or his concerns, since he called himself Mu Fei, he didn’t refuse to follow him in.

"Professor Lin..."

In the inquiry room, Ren Yili saw her father Lin Linmun suddenly lowered her head and felt ashamed of her face.

She was ashamed because she was afraid that she felt sorry for Lin Lin, but because of Mu Fei

In fact, the former Yili was still a little bit unconvinced. She wanted to live in Mu Fei first, but she had the opportunity to immediately ask for help when her godfather arrived and cleaned up this guy.

But then she found something wrong

The first is that she knows that the owner of the fitness club is a very powerful person with a background no worse than her own godfather, but this boss... actually smiled on the enslavement of these guys who tied themselves up. The meaning is very obvious

The second is that when she arrived at the police station, she found that the guy who had sent her, was actually very familiar with a police officer in this station, and he was not lower than her godfather by looking at the police badge.

She thinks of the fierce look of the plateau and elephant before, she finally realizes that she is in a situation where she is annoying.

Although Ren Yili is arrogant and a little proud, she is not stupid. She knows that she is just a ‘plaything’ in the eyes of the two godfathers.

Let them spend a little money for themselves or teach them less about how small characters can really meet stronger characters. They will never conflict with themselves and others.

It’s because of this that she couldn’t resist the frustration of being so honest.


But Father Lin didn’t beat her, nor did she scold her, but she took a breath and asked calmly, "I think, you should know what I want to ask."

Ren Yili nodded

"Then say why do this..." Lin father said again

Still, Ren Yili was a little scared where she dare to hide what she said to Mu Fei again, but in the process of speaking, she made herself more innocent and some Ye Junxian worse. 'some

And after her "Ye Junxian" three-letter export, Lin Father and Lin Mother's reaction was as usual as Mu Fei's face. Their faces were full of surprise... Even they were surprised that they didn't expect that it actually had something to do with the goods.

In fact, Lin father is better because he has heard a statement among students before: that the child Ye Junxian has the ability to not leave, but his private life is not checked, he often changes girlfriends and has a narrow mind, and he has a small belly. This is also why he does not want Ye Junxian to pursue Lin The reason for Roy

Looking back at Lin Mother, her expression is quite wonderful. She was quite optimistic about Ye Junxian's boyfriend who wanted him to be Lin Ruoyi. Now I heard that her promising future son-in-law is actually such a person. , Can't see the good or bad

She doesn't doubt Ren Yili's words

Because she did say to Ye Jun first, to introduce Lin Ruoyi to him as his girlfriend, she also said, "As long as you agree, Auntie, try to match you both"

And after she was rejected by her for the last time, Ye Junxian's resentful eyes also remembered quite clearly. At that time, she wondered how the child looked at herself with such eyes.

Now she understands the emotions. This is just the wolf himself. This is "leading the wolf into the room."

It is also the thought of Lin Gui's feeling of guilt rising in his heart after the reaction, "Lao Lin..."

"Don't say anything..."

Lin Father waved his hand to interrupt Lin Mother's words, "The last thing is at least this matter, let you see what kind of child it is.

Although Lin Lin said this to be comforting, Lin Lin also scolded Lin Lin before hearing the guilt in her heart. Why did it happen because of her?

"Professor Lin..."

At this time, Ren Yili couldn't help but interrupt her, and she knelt on the ground. "I'm wrong. I really know that I'm wrong. I tell you everything I told you. I also give you the money Ye Junxian gave me. I don't want it. ..."

"I beg you, forgive me, I don't want to go to jail..." Ren Yili pleaded slightly.


Father Lin sighed and shook his head. "You are a smart boy. I won't say anything else. I will leave you with two sentences: First, you are my student. I can see this for our teachers and students. I don’t blame the past, but this time it’s me, if you have the next time, you don’t necessarily have such good luck..."

"The second gentleman loves wealth and has the right way. You value material life. There is nothing wrong with it, but the way to pay attention to you. If you keep touching the bottom line of morality because of will not be far away from the accident..." Lin Fu With a sad face, persuasive persuasion

But after listening to Lin's words, Ren Yili's face was surprised

"Professor forgive me." She didn't seem to think that Lin Lin was so good at talking so easily.


Father Lin did not answer him but looked at Mu Fei. "Xiao Fei, although Ren Yili is wrong, she is confused and blinded by Ye Junxian...she..."


However, Mu Fei smirked and shook his head unconsciously. "Uncle, this is your business. What do you do? You don't have to discuss it with me if you make up your mind..."

In fact, Mu Fei just said this in his mouth, but what he thought was: This old man is really a good old man...

"Thank you Professor Lin, thank you. I'm really sorry... wooh..."

Ren Yili's apology just pretended but now, she is really touched by Lin Father’s belly and sincerely apologizes

"Hurry up, kid..."

Lin Father raised his hand on his palm to signal Ren Yili to get up

"Hey Lao Lin, there is a leaflet on your school side... I'm so foolish that the leaflet was so good to him before, it turned out to be a wolf."

"I'm asking your school, what to do with Ye Junxian" Lin Lin asked Lin Lin's sleeve

But her question was to ask Lin Lin to tell him that Lin Lin has ‘learning’ but it’s not false, but he’s just a ‘teacher’ after all, and he still has the honest character

So in this kind of thing, he really doesn’t have any experience in dealing with it. It’s appropriate not to know what to do for a while.

Mu Fei looked at Lin Father for a long time, and he said: "Uncle, if you are embarrassed and don't know what to do, then I would like to give you an opinion.


Lin Father turned his head to look at Mu Fei, "Now Xiao Fei, please talk about..."

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