My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1445: You can't go

Dust? Fate? Text √ Learning ← Chapter 1445 You can't go

Get that fat man Zhao Fei walked around Zhou Manting's slim waist

But as soon as he got out of the door of the box, he saw a group of security guards running towards these people, but there were a lot of them, hula la, and a bunch of people looked like a dozen or so.


The leading security guard pointed at Mu Fei and Zhou Manting and shouted. While he shouted, the rest of the security guards also ran over to block Mu Fei and Zhou Manting.

"I'm sorry, you two can't leave," the leading security guard said to his subordinates with a crooked head and signaled them to enter the house.

Several security guards and waiters quickly stepped into the box and as soon as they entered, the sound of "calling" came

"Mr. Zhao, how are you?"

"Wake up and wake up..."


"The captain is not good"

Immediately after a security guard ran out of the box "Mr. Zhao and his driver were both injured and the table and tableware were smashed."

"If the situation is serious, send it to the hospital quickly"

After arranging this, the security captain turned his head and looked at Mu Fei's eyes slightly. "Customers, we welcome you to dine, but hitting people is not very good, so it can only delay you for some time."

The tone of the security captain's speech is still polite. There is no way to be able to come to this place to eat. People who are more or less a bit capable. He can be guilty and not guilty. For him, as long as he keeps Mu Fei and other officials here to deal with it Just fine

"Why don't you let us go"

"Which eye do I see if you hit me?" Mu Fei opened his eyes and said nonsense, but he didn't admit it

It was also coincidentally that at this time, Fatty Zhao was helped out by a security guard and a waiter, as if he was going to the hospital, and when he came out, he saw Mu Fei suddenly caught fire.

"He's the one he beat me. You hurry him up"

"Stinky boy, you dare to move me, and I will never finish with you. I want to kill you. I want you to survive, not to die."


Okay, this one looks at the helper, he has the ability again

"You have nothing to say now"

The captain of the security team also had some confidence to understand the truth of the matter. "So, before this matter is understood, you should still be wronged and you should stay."

This security guard is still polite


But Mu Fei was a little helpless and said in his head: all the kung fu just wasted in vain just now and didn't scare the goods


Just now Mu Fei and the surnamed Zhao were flickering, threatening, and frightening. He wasn’t idle and fooling around. He had a purpose for him when he eavesdropped on the phone. Some understand that this product is not a big man in Beidu, but it does have some strength, especially his connections.

And the trouble is this kind of opponent

If you say that he is'light' with him, just slap him, he will never remember, not only will he retaliate, but will continue to harass Zhou Manting

But follow him ‘ruthlessly’... It seems that he is still civilized, not too much like fighting the stupid and stupid, it’s too serious.

Besides, he can be mixed up with him so much that the background really hurts him, and he still has to deal with those backgrounds one by one...I am not afraid of it, but Zhou Manting

Also troublesome

Therefore, what Mu Fei had spent so much time on before was fooling and threatening is that he wanted to "frighten" Zhao, so that he would not dare to retaliate.

But now it seems... Mu Fei's idea did not reach

Otherwise, the response of this product should be: ‘It’s not him who made it myself’, instead of clamoring like now


Mu Fei sighed in his heart, ‘I’ve been playing for so long...’

‘I knew it would be better to stun people and go away’

"If I go to a fart hospital, I will treat him if I don't go"

"Stubborn boy, it's useless to pretend that I won't let you go"


Just as Mu Fei was thinking, the fat man Zhao was still clamoring there even more energy

"Xiao Feifei..."

Looking at the situation is not good, Zhou Manting is a little nervous, she tightly held Mu Fei's arm

"Relax, okay..."

Mu Fei comforted her and reached out to touch his phone, he already had a plan

That fat man Zhao is already calling for rescuers. The size of the'Donghai Dragon Palace' is not small, and the boss must have some backstage. In this case, you can't "threate force" by yourself. There is no way to find someone who can "shock" them. Off

This is how Mu Fei looked for the name of Che Weichen on the phone's history

‘Hey wait...’

However, Mu Fei turned two pages before he found the name of Che Weichen, but he saw a ‘missed call’ number.

After hesitating for a moment, Mu Fei did not continue to look for the name of Che Weichen, but called the missed call back. Although Mu Fei did not save, he knew that this was Feng Hongguang's number.

As for the reason why he found Feng Hongguang, one of them is that Mu Fei's impression of him has changed. Some of these guys are always fooled except for the regular "two-to-one", but they are still very particular about the words of friends.Wu Li or Che Weichen should be Won't lie to myself

2. His attitude of trying to learn boxing from himself seems to be sincere

Third, Mu Fei remembered that Lei Xinzong's own reasons at Wang Binglian's birthday party last time, he was well-organized by Wang Binglian, and he lost his face.Although there is still no movement in this product, Mu Fei always feels that he has suffered such a big loss. Just swallow it, this is not the character of "Lei Dashao", he will definitely retaliate.

For other people, it’s okay, but even if you’re "Lei Dashao", even Che Weichen and Situ Bingguang are also "bad".

Although Wang Binglian is easy to use, but... cough for her

In short, Mu Fei is not afraid of the "Lei Dashao" after all, many friends, many ways, more friends, good things to do

And Mu Fei found Feng Hongguang, although related to Article 3, but the main reason is that if one and two are Feng Hongguang, it’s not that the person who pays attention to Mu Fei won’t contact him.

And Feng Hongguang was very naive and Mu Fei's phone call was over there and I answered it immediately.

"I depend on the sky, the earth, it's so rare, Fei Ge, you call me and the sun doesn't come out from the west."

"Feige, Boss Mu, if you say something, are you or your phone lost..." Feng Hongguang was exaggerated and very excited.


Three black lines appeared on Mu Fei’s head, ‘Isn’t it just a phone call?

"You have to stop playing tricks. I have something to ask you for help..."

Mu Fei wasn't too polite to say directly, "I have a little trouble at Beihai Dragon Palace, can you please..."

"You're in trouble. Oh, I'm going to Tete. I'm so happy and happy, so popular..."

Mu Fei hasn't finished talking yet, Feng Hongguang called over the phone, excitedly called

"What do you... say?" The flesh on Mu Fei's face flicked twice, and the blue muscles on his head were ‘well’.

"Ah, nothing, nothing. Fei, you misunderstood me..."

Feng Hongguang hurriedly apologized and explained, "I don't mean to be gloating. I just feel that I finally have a chance to show it. It's not exciting..."

"Brother Fei, I'll go over there now. Tell me, what's the situation?" Feng Hongguang asked again. After that, Mu Fei heard that there were lumps and crackles in his side. All kinds of sounds should be packing things up.

Mu Fei didn’t say too much. It was just a brief introduction: My friend ran into a gangster during dinner and hit the gangster himself. Now the restaurant will not let him go. The gangster is also calling ‘salvage’

"How old do you think it is?"

After listening to Feng Hongguang's tone, it was full of lightness and disdain. Obviously, he didn't even take this matter into consideration.

"Tema's grandchildren, if they don't clean them up in a few days, they will itch and bully others, even if they bully my boss..."

"Brother Fei, wait five minutes for me to arrive," Feng Hongguang finished and hung up the phone.

In the kung fu that Mu Fei just called, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather jacket with a leadership look also hurried over to check on the situation of Fat Zhao, who pointed to Mu Fei while confessing in his ear Why does he nod from time to time

Obviously these two people know each other and seem to be quite familiar

After Fatty Zhao finished talking, the man walked to Mu Fei's face with disdain and ‘condescending’. “Mr. I’m the front office manager of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. I’m afraid I will be wronged for a while before this matter is resolved...”

After saying that, he waved to the side and said to the security captain, "Both people took it away"

Although his mouth is "polite", but his expression and tone are not polite at all. Obviously, he did not take Mu Fei and Zhou Manting in his eyes.

‘Dog eyes see people low’ is about people like him

"Oh, you can rest assured that I won't go..."

"As for "take away", there is no need. I'm here waiting to see how you deal with this..."

Mu Fei shrugged his shoulders with a smile, hugged Zhou Manting and returned to the previous box to find a chair at random. Zhou Manting originally wanted to sit in the chair beside him. Mu Fei hugged her slim waist and let her sit on her lap, Hold her in her arms

Zhou Manting tried to struggle a bit and didn’t break away. She blushed and glared at Mu Fei with a weird look. ‘This villain doesn’t matter the occasion, it’s really...’

Although she thought so in her heart, she did not dislike it. On the contrary, she was still a little happy. This level of contact with her was still acceptable.

But it turns out she thought Mu Fei so well

She acquiesced to Mu Fei's behavior, no longer struggling, she felt a bad hand slipping from her waist, and finally stroking her hips...

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