My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1448: Are you a boss lady? _on

Dust × Fate? Literature? Learning? Chapter 1448 You come to be the boss lady_上

"Xiao're annoying me" Zhou Manting asked with his head bowed and faint

And her expression, but to start Mu Fei to startle, is to teach you two sentences. Are you as if being dumped...''

It was also because of Zhou Manting's displeasure that Mu Fei dared to follow her words and quickly changed her mind.

"Trouble is either annoyance or anger"

He said that Mu Fei didn’t get angry and continued to teach, "You said you are stupid, knowing that you look good, and the style is easy to provoke the pervert, you are not careful."

"Like today, this surnamed Zhao, who is very good at first glance, is not a good person. He invites you to eat, and you dare to go. You have no head or glasses."

"Yes, I can help you out, save you from being fake, but it's because I'm beside you, closer to you. I arrived in time, but I was far away."

"This time it was that Fatty Zhao wasn't too "scum" and he didn't use strong medicine or medicine with you. In case he gave you those tricks, I wouldn't have time to save you..."

"Do you know if you know..." Mu Fei's hand lightly looked like she hated the iron when she said this.

And Zhou Manting, who was just like being "scratched", now not only complains but complains again that she can't hear Mu Fei, this is caring about her

It was like this that her pink lips and lip corners slightly curled up on her pretty face. A smile of shame and joy appeared. Zhou Manting pulled Mu Fei's sleeve. A flattering tone, "Xiao Feifei, don't train me. Be careful, not enough"

"In fact, I have been careful about all the things you said that I know. This time... I was cheated. This scum." Zhou Manting's face was scolded with anger and teeth.

"Hmm cheated"

Mu Fei twisted his eyebrows slightly. "What's the matter, tell me..."

The Kung Fu duo has left the elevator. While walking towards the parking lot, Zhou Manting will talk about what happened to her today.

It turned out that as she said, she had long seen that the so-called "Mr. Zhao" had an idea for her

However, that surnamed Zhao has always been more civilized and polite, and Zhou Manting also knows that she belongs to the surname Zhao.

Therefore, Zhou Manting has always been ‘treating with courtesy’, ‘respectful and good’ plus ‘respectful and far away’ attitude towards this, and in fact, she has always been guarding against this fat Zhao in her heart.

But it was not the fat man Zhao who lied to her, but a middle-aged woman who was a leader of her modeling company and she had always been called ‘big sister’

This big sister has always taken care of Zhou Manting. What good places do you earn more or have a similar salary? But the easier ones will give priority to Zhou Manting to go to. Usually, she also asks for warmth. She is very concerned about her. Zhou Manting also trusts, thank you, big sister

And today is the last day of this season car show

It’s rare that I’ll stick to the end and there’s nothing wrong with this. The older sister proposed to go out for a meal to celebrate every time a contract is completed, it will be a meal to celebrate. This is almost a rule. Zhou Manting didn’t care.

She and the elder sister and two other models arrived at the place, but they found out that before the fat man Zhao was there, they did the car model cooperation for the brand represented by the fat man Zhao. The dinner he served as the boss was also normal. Zhou Manting still did not care

But eating and eating, Zhou Manting found that something was wrong, and the other two models said they were going to the bathroom, but they didn’t come back after fifteen minutes.

Then the "big sister" who had always been good to Zhou Manting hurried to find a reason and ran away

Zhou Manting thinks that she is not that kind of extremely smart girl but she is not stupid. At this time, if she doesn’t realize that she’s so stupid, she is really stupid.

But if she wanted to run again, it was too late. She excused something to go. President Zhao dragged her off to go to the bathroom and wanted to take the opportunity to slip away. Just went out and found that the driver was actually blocked at the door to prevent her from running away.

"I had no choice but to do this..."

Zhou Manting's small hand explained, "Xiao Feifei can't blame me, it's not that the general is incompetent, but his opponent is too insidious and cunning..."



Mu Fei raised his hand and slapped on her plump, round buttocks. "What insidious and cunning things are still your eyes? Can't see clearly. Lai Ren will show me clearly next time. Can you hear me?"

Zhou Manting was in a good mood, but the pumped **** was a bit painful and lifeless, but he rubbed himself there, "Oh, I said I know..."

And perhaps for Zhou Manting, this matter is over, but Mu Fei’s side is not over. The most intolerable thing is that the people around him are bullied and rectified.

His ‘Broom Star’ was inexplicably, almost ‘sold’, could he not be angry if he didn’t give that person a deep lesson then he would not be Mu Fei

‘Besides dealing with the model company and the ‘big sister’, I can’t let Xiao Tingting continue to be a model, it’s too dangerous...’

‘Is there...I should get something like ‘alarm tracker’, ‘signal transmitter’, etc.’

‘After all, whether it’s Xiao Tingting or Ruoyi, it’s too beautiful, it’s too easy to provoke rogues, perverts, etc...’

"Apart from them, this young lady Fulin is not a fuel-efficient lamp... and my prodigal apprentice and policeman are also in danger..." Mu Fei touched his chin and thought in his head

In fact, this idea has already appeared in his mind, but he has been forgetting about it.

But what happened to Zhou Manting today and what happened before Lei Xinzong made Mu Fei feel more and more that this idea needs to be implemented and the sooner the better

"Hey Xiao Feifei, what are you doing?"

At this time, Zhou Manting saw Mu Fei didn't speak for a long time, and asked him

"It's nothing……"

Mu Fei thought for a moment and reached out a little bit, "Xiao Tingting told you something, you don't want to do any modeling in the future, I will introduce you to a job..."


Zhou Manting's grin caused by Mu Fei's "Large-Span Thinking" Why did it come here again? "Introduce work what work I can...can I do it"

"You don't have to listen to me slowly..."

Mu Fei waved his hand. "My two friends and I just started a company. Although this company is relatively small, in my personal perspective, the prospects are still quite good, so you should work in this company and develop better than you do car models... …"

"As for whether you can do it, you don't have to worry about the lack of people in all aspects of the company because of the start. The most missing thing is someone like you who can fully trust..."

"So as long as you are not a big-headed nerdy, you must have a job you can do..."

Mu Fei was still looking at Zhou Manting's chest while talking

"You can't have a big mind when you go..." Zhou Manting was so angry that Mu Fei gave a blank look. She added a sentence in her heart, "That's right, but this girl is not brainless."

And Mu Fei's suggestion is also in her arms

In fact, this is not the first time she has encountered this kind of thing. The former in Binnan did not say that she worked in Beidu only two or three times during this time, but she ran away more cleverly.

And she knew this and told Mu Fei that the latter would be worried that she would also be trained, so she didn’t say

Especially for today’s affairs, she thought that even her own company and her colleagues who had been so good before would pit herself. She was really afraid to do it anymore. Maybe she would be sold to that day and she might regret it too late. Off

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Manting accepted Mu Fei’s suggestion in his heart: ‘Well, if Xiao Feifei is reliable in this place, it might be good to change jobs...’

Zhou Manting still has full confidence in Mu Fei, even if Mu Fei pits her, even if she is really desperate for this world

"Ok then I'll listen to your arrangement..."

Zhou Manting nodded, "Yes, Feifei, what is the name of your company and your friend?"

"Weichen Pharmaceutical" Mu Fei replied casually


Upon hearing the name, Zhou Manting's saliva almost sprayed Mu Fei's face

"What are you doing, you are spraying water dragons, you" Mu Fei roared angrily while wiping the saliva on his face

"Wei, Weichen Pharmaceutical is the launch of Weichen Pharmaceutical, which is hailed as an epoch-making beauty product "Huahua Washing Cream"" Zhou Manting beauty stared at the hell

No wonder she was surprised that the Weichen Pharmaceutical Company's recent advertisement was a bit big

Many fashion, beauty, and women's magazines use large articles to introduce their products and the evaluation is quite high... Perhaps the simple'high evaluation' can not describe this situation. It is simply that their products can be said to be ugly. "Goddess of Goddess"

In fact, if you change some media or a few people, the readers will definitely think that this advertisement is "scrapping". After all, the effect is too exaggerated.

But the problem is that these media are all ‘authorities’ and there are many industry experts and masters in the beauty industry, who almost never advertise, also respect this few products of Weichen Pharmaceutical.

This can't help but those readers do not believe at all

The normal school where Zhou Manting is located is mostly girls and they are all ‘love girls’ who pay more attention to their own image. So the names of ‘Weichen Pharmaceutical’ and ‘Huanhua Xiyanshuang’ are not new to them.

It's just that the products of Weichen Pharmaceutical are not only expensive, but also have a small amount of shipments. Now the school in Zhou Manting is big except for some girls with good family conditions, extremely rich, or a few girls who recognize rich godfathers. Most girls can’t buy it

They looked at the skin of the girls who bought ‘Hua Hua Xi Yan Chuang’

Among these "envy" includes Zhou Manting...

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