My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1460: The difficulty of Luo Xue

Dust↖缘↗文√学? Net Chapter 1460 Luo Xue's Difficulties


Luo Xue took a breath and shook his head, said quietly, "I and him...impossible..."

At this time, Luo Xue turned his back to Liu Guiying and Douding, they couldn't see her face, her expression at this time...

After listening to her, Liu Guiying first stunned, then grinned, and smiled boldly. "I said Xiao Xue, what are you saying? What might be impossible... are you worried about his girlfriend?"

At this point, she waved her hand, "I want you to say that you think too much..."

"The fear of our "arms" is that we are the most dangerous except for the legendary "special size action group". Let’s use the movie to say that we have been the kind of "licking blood on the blade". No tomorrow's day, maybe today we will also "Jian Yanhuan" Tomorrow is "Nine Dead and One Life". The acquired body doesn't know which country to throw it to..."

"It's hard to hear that we all step on the coffin with one foot. Why do you want to do so much? If you want me to say "Like", you will get..."

Liu Guiying said that he took a sip from the beer and said, "Ha, it's so cool..."

When she said this, she had the meaning of ‘now there is wine and now drunk’

"It's just..."

At this time, Douding also nodded and said, "Xiaoxue people don't know if you don't know yet, no matter whether it is our military department, or outside, as long as you climb to a high enough level, there are ‘privileges’ in this respect...”

"A man who really has his own identity and status has no one or two other than his wife except his wife. If you don’t say others, take it last time and protect Dr. Wang. Doesn’t he have two wives and get along? It’s very harmonious like a sister..."

"So, I think Xiaoxue's concerns for you are purely embarrassing to find yourself..."

"If you say anything else, you will be guaranteed that you are not a big sister or a big wife after being with him." Although Dingding is persuading Luo Xue to be true, the expression on her face seems to be somewhat "sincere".

The two little sisters persuaded, but after listening to them, Luo Xue didn't respond for a long time before shaking his head.

Seeing her like this, Liu Guiying continued to persuade her in a frustrating way, "I said, Xiaoxue, why don't you look away, don't open the way? You are wasting time and wasting life..."

"You are not right, do you understand?"

Liu Guiying is like a middle-aged aunt who has opened the conversation box, and she has persuaded Douding to intervene from time to time to help.

But I have to say that although Luo Xue is beautiful and ‘girly’, her temper is stubborn enough to let the two persuade her to be unimpressed.


Luo Xue sighed in his heart ‘What you said... I don’t know why, but it would be nice if things were so simple...’

‘It’s true to see him this time...I admit I’m happy but...but...’

‘Oh forget it, I’ll keep my distance from him like this... is the best choice...’ Luo Xue thought quietly

And Douding here, she said for a long time, Luo Xue didn't respond. She couldn't help but pouting slightly, her cute little face was filled with a depressed look,'Xiao Xue,'re too wasteful of resources, it's rare to have a favorite male The children are showing off, you dare not want me to say what is good for you'

‘Do you know that this is you... If I hadn’t considered our sister’s feelings, I would have been ‘shot’, you, you’re really...’ Douding was very depressed and grumbled in his heart.

"Xiaoxue, you're "Fu Zhong Zhi Zhi Fu"..."

As for Liu Guiying, her expression is more exaggerated to see that her hatred of iron is not more exciting than Douding.

"Forget Xiaoxue, anyway, you are too worried about going so far..."

In the end, she was out of anger and stood up all at once. She pinched her waist in one hand and patted her majestic breast in one hand and said, "You're not going there, I will go up."

"Just don't know if that guy can see me..."

Liu Guiying raised his right arm to make a bodybuilding posture, and pointed his strong biceps with his left index finger. "If he wants me to go to the house with him that night, it doesn't matter. I can see it."

"Ah no"


And when I heard this, Liu Guiying and Douding were in agreement, and they were called like cats with their tails stepped on.

"Look, look, look at you..."

Liu Guiying pointed out Luo Xue, who looked ‘attentive’, “it clearly cares, but his mouth is not hard, you say let me tell you what is good”

"It's fine if you don't let me give it... really..." Liu Guiying looked helpless, grinning and grinning in frustration there.

"Hey wait..."

But after half of what she said, she suddenly remembered something, but she turned to look at Douding and asked curiously, "Douding Xiaoxue said "no", even if you mean "no", what are you excited about?"


Douding suddenly turned blushing, she glanced guilty at Luo Xue's stuttering, "I, I, I, I, I said, help Xiao Xue said..."

"Yes, that's what happened..." Douding nodded and thought deeply.

"Oh..." Liu Guiying responded casually, she was a rough nerve, did not think much

In fact, Douding is very worried that she knows that she is not good at hiding her mind. She does not know if Luo Xue will have any ideas.

But things proved her worries were superfluous. Someone saved her at this critical time.

"Ding Dong... Ding Dong..." The electronic doorbell rang


Liu Guiying sighed helplessly and walked to the door. She was close to the door and she opened the door naturally.

Fortunately, the Beidu Military Region is a ‘military place’. All facilities are relatively complete. Take their temporary dormitory for example. The doorbells are all the kind of visual electronic doorbells.

When Liu Guiying walked to the door and saw the outsiders from the display, she suddenly opened her eyes and opened her face with a surprised expression, "Small, little little snow..."

She kept waving her hands and screaming, pointing out "Come...He, he came..."


Luo Xuexue's white willows and eyebrows are slightly wrinkled

"Also, who else is Mu Fei?" Liu Guiying took for granted

"Mu, Mu Fei"

Hearing the name Luo Xue couldn’t help but hold the pink fist and jumped in the heart ‘He’s here’

Compared with the tangled Luo Xue, Dou Ding was obviously even simpler. Without a word, she jumped out of bed and ran to the door to twist the door open.

"Yo two of you are here too"

Mu Fei saw the three of them smiling and waving to them, "I haven't seen you in a long time..."


Liu Guiying smiled boldly like a man, she pulled Mu Fei and put him on the shoulder. "A Fei, it's a coincidence that you rushed. We're just thinking about you, and you're here... Do you say this is a good heart?" Hahaha..."

This guy said, and slapped Mu Fei's shoulder desperately, Mu Fei grinned straight at her

And Douding is obviously more than Liu Guiying's "Wen Jing". She just blushed slightly and nodded to Mu Fei, "A Fei is good, I haven't seen you for a long time... are you okay recently"

"Hah, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm fine."

Mu Fei waved his hands casually and greeted them "How about you"

"I... it's okay..." Douding whispered that she felt her face a little hot and couldn't help lowering her head slightly. She always felt that she had good language skills, but how can it be so hard to talk now?

"Haha, we are also very good, because after entering the "Dragon Soul", there are too many tasks, and the task is tired. The task is like a dead dog. After the task, I don't want to do anything except sleep..." Liu Guiying naturally does not have beans. So many things she answered with a big smile

"You are now one of the most elite soldiers in China. The tasks that naturally come to you are all tasks that others cannot solve and cannot complete. You can imagine even if you are tired..."

"But there is no way anyone can make you the elite among the elites. The talented ones work harder..." Mu Fei stall slapped silently.

"Haha said it well, I love to hear..." Liu Guiying replied with a bold smile

Although for Mu Fei, seeing Douding and Liu Guiying, he also felt a long absence. I was so happy that I missed each other, but Mu Fei naturally cared more about Luo Xue than them.

After chatting casually with these two girls, Mu Fei turned his head to look at Luo Xue in the house

"This time...I see how you hide..."

A smile of'conspiracy succeeded' appeared on Mu Fei's face. He didn't politely throw off his shoes three or two times and entered the house and walked to Luo Xue

"Why don't you answer my phone?" Mu Fei asked Luo Xue's eyes.


And when she heard Mu Fei’s question, Luo Xue was suddenly embarrassed, and her eyes were also somewhat dodge. She naturally didn’t answer Mu Fei’s phone or contact him. There was a reason for this.

Indeed, there are some reasons like Douding and Liu Guiying said just now, but that is only a small part of Luo Xue feels that their affairs are much more complicated than they thought.

Everything has to start from their mission

Luo Xue thought Mu Fei had already died at that time and said ‘martyrdom’ was exaggerated, but she was really heartbroken.

In that case, whether it was out of a comrade-in-arms, a friend, or a girlfriend, she naturally had to inquire and investigate Mu Fei’s family situation and take a look at his home.

But if she didn't check it, it would be good if she found that the big fool who made her feel mysterious and mysterious, his true identity was was just a student...

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