My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1469: Uneasy guy

Dust ← Fate ↑ Text ↗ Learn? Net Chapter 1469 Uneasy Guy

Mu Fei didn't care too much about eating and playing before. Only then did he think of a key question: at to settle these three beauties?

Okay, in fact, Douding and Liu Guiying are followed by how to settle in Luo Xue

You said that the girls didn’t say anything to say ‘go back’. If you’re a man, you have to say ‘I’ll send you back’, isn’t it a bit ‘that’?

But if you don’t send her back to spend the night outside, where would you go?

Luo Xue must have known that Mu Fei had a house in North for the first time to spend the night outside. You didn’t take other girls home, but went to the hotel...... Why do you think you are abandoning others and don’t want others to go to your house?

But if you go home... But the old lady Flynn is at home.

It would be strange if this capricious young lady sees herself to lead a beautiful woman... well, if she brings three beautiful women home

In addition, there is such a dull loli at home. Xu Xiaomeng also has a big natural Liu Guiying...

Mu Fei used to simulate the situation where these people got together in the brain

Terrible terrible

This is why Mu Fei wonders how to settle these three women.

"Sir, you spent a total of 366 yuan to receive you 366. This is a change of 40 yuan..." At that time the waiter handed back the change and the small ticket with a smile


Liu Guiying's toothlessness without a lady's image also hiccups "I said... where do we go next"

Ok this guy hasn't played enough

And Mu Fei knows that the ‘one level’ he just thought could not be avoided.

"Then let'snight..." Mu Fei said to the three girls and he deliberately tried to explore the meaning of the three men. In fact, he mainly wanted to see Luo Xue's meaning.

But who knows that Luo Xue heard him first, then he was stunned, and then the pretty face quickly covered a layer of red clouds

"I'm going back to the dormitory"

Luo Xue did not hesitate to say this, she even glared at Mu Fei with annoyance and a blame. The expression was as if Mu Fei had something to say to her.

Well, in fact, Mu Fei really has a different idea. The key is that there is no suitable place today.

While listening to this, Mu Fei felt very sorry, but he was relieved. At least he didn’t have to be embarrassed, but he didn’t have a follow-up show. Liu Guiying and Douding were slightly disappointed.

After leaving the restaurant, Mu Fei wants to drive the three girls back, but Luo Xue understands that Mu Fei feels tired after playing for a long time. He drives one time and one time, and it takes more than an hour to waste time. She insists on calling a taxi to go.

In fact, the reason why Mu Fei sent Luo Xue was to want to stay with her for a while, but her attitude was so firm that Mu Fei could only "obey"

As for taxis, it is much smoother than expected. The military area was outside the northern city, and they all entered the Beihe province to go to the ``remote'' places. Many taxis would rather be complained and refused to go, and would not go.

But Luo Xue, Douding, and Liu Guiying stood together, and the "beauty aura" was really powerful. When they saw the three of them, their eyes were bright, and they left without saying anything.

As for whether the three women are safe or not, Mu Fei has no worries. Who dares to rob them?

Sending away the third female Mu Fei in a humming minor, he drove home and saw Luo Xue, who had been long away, playing so happy today. He is also in a good mood.

While waiting for the red light signal on his way home, he called Lin Ruoyi

On the one hand, this phone call is a normal contact feeling, and on the other hand, if you want to "travel", you must say hello to your girlfriend.

After the phone was connected, Lin Ruoyi told Mu Fei that she was doing laundry and it was not convenient for ‘long chat’, but you could go online and chat with Mu Fei for a while.


Mu Fei arrived home ten minutes after hanging up the phone

He entered the room and Xu Xiaomeng did not pounce on the lady as usual, and only Mana and her boyfriend Pete leaned together in the living room to watch TV.

In fact, Mu Fei thinks that they are not watching TV and TV channels, let alone the channels of a certain local station in Hua Guo, even Mu Fe doesn’t understand what they are talking about, and it’s strange that they can understand.

Rather than watching TV as to what you are doing... Nimei, please kiss, then you can’t stop ‘squitting’, and don’t get full of saliva... it’s disgusting.

When I think of the sofa I usually sit on, they are all drooling... Mu Fei has a black line on his head.

"Mother, mother fat Sao Ye..."

Seeing Mu Fei come in, Mana hurriedly wiped the saliva from her mouth, and Pete also wiped her mouth there.


Mu Fei hurriedly waved her hands to interrupt her and said in Mandarin Chinese, "Mana will talk to me in Mandarin Chinese later. Your Mandarin Chinese... It’s terrifying..."


Knowing that Mu Fei was teasing her, Mana was not angry, but instead grinned to reveal a row of small white teeth. She took Mu Fei's slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them at the feet of the latter

Mu Fei looked up and looked at his watch less than ten o'clock "Xiaomeng shouldn't sleep yet..."

To be honest, today, Loli didn’t welcome him, she fell in her arms and Mu Fei was a bit uncomfortable.

"What about Mana Xiaomeng"

"Did you buy the things she used for her?" Mu Fei asked again

"I bought it back. When I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables in the afternoon, Pete and I brought it back, but Xiaomeng's sister has been upstairs after dinner and hasn't been downstairs.

After hearing Mana’s words, Mu Fei nodded his head without saying that Xu Xiaomeng was helping him get the ‘tracker’

"How about Navelin?" Mu Fei asked while changing shoes

"Oh, Master, after you left, the lady didn't wake up until noon. She was very energetic in the afternoon, but it seemed that she hadn't fully awakened to dinner and she fell asleep early after listening to music..."

"But Master Mu Fei, don't worry, although Miss hasn't been "sleeping full" yet, she is not uncomfortable..." Mana replied

"Oh, all right……"

Knowing that this young lady is fine, Mu Fei is at ease

"I went up to go on..."

Mu Fei pointed upstairs, "There is also a little bit of saliva for hygiene"

After listening to Mu Fei, Mana didn’t blush, she just grinned at her boyfriend Pete, who also had a similar expression. Of course, they might be blushing, but Mu Fei couldn’t see it.

After all, these two products are too dark

As Mana said, as soon as Mu Fei went upstairs, he heard a jingle in the room. Mu Fei pushed the door and went in. "I'm back..."


Just listening to a soft cry from the house, then Xu Xiaomeng ran out with a thunderous thunder and opened his arms to Mu Fei's arms, "Brother, come back"

Silly Lolly said, and wiped Mu Fei with her small face, "Brother Xiaomeng misses you..."

"Oh, I haven't thought about it so much in a day"

Mu Fei touched Xu Xiaomeng's head with a smile and ruined her until this time his feeling of "awkwardness" disappeared


"Information brother, someone will give you information"

But at this time, Mu Fei's phone was called, it was a special ringtone that Xu Xiaomeng recorded for him.

"Okay, don't be cute, let me look at the phone" Mu Fei pats Xu Xiaomeng's back

"Oh, it's just that Xiaomeng is going to wash her face"

Xu Xiaomeng said, let go of Mu Fei's hands and turned to walk out

And Mu Fei was about to touch the phone and looked down. The flesh on his face suddenly jumped twice. The t-shirt that was white a few seconds ago was now a big piece of chest.

"Xiaomeng you wait..." Mu Fei cried out


Xu Xiaomeng looked back at Mu Fei and smiled sweetly, "Brother is doing something wrong"

Mu Fei looked at the meat on her small face and jumped twice again. He knew how dirty his clothes were. At this time, there were many black oil stains on the face of Loli Qiao, two small hands, and the clothes. Looks dirty

She looks like she just came out of a dirty factory floor

"Dead girl you..."

Looking at Xu Xiaomeng’s black face, Mu Fei, who was blackened, got angry.

‘I don’t need to wash my clothes, but you can’t do such a scourge’

‘And you know that your face is dirty, you are going to wash your face, and you rub against me...would you think about your head’

"Are you a fool, you"


In short, Mu Fei is annoyed and can't wait to beat her ass

But after all, Mu Fei looked at Xu Xiaomeng's squinted, dumb smile, but he couldn't bear to teach her anymore.

‘Oh forget it...’

Mu Fei sighed in his heart and waved her hand to signal her ‘Go’


But at that time, Loli was suddenly with her eyes wide and her face full of curiosity, but she saw a small hand pointing at Mu Fei's clothes, "Brother, your clothes... why are you so dirty?"

Not waiting for Mu Fei to answer her little face and instantly changed from curiosity to blame

"Brother, why are you so careless?"

"Look at the clothes... made it so dirty, don't you know that Xiaomeng is very hard to wash clothes and cook every day?"

"How can you be so uneasy that such a big person can actually get dirty clothes..."

"Do you know how expensive the water and electricity bills are now, and it's easy to live a life? It's hard for someone to buy "four generations of apples" for his wife

"Ah, no..."

The goods actually pinched the waist with one hand, and the other finger pointed like a'little housekeeper'. The first two sentences of this girl were okay, but the latter sentences, obvious off-topics, needless to say, this girl recently specified and watched a new TV series. This is the line inside

At the beginning, Mu Fei didn't want to take care of her, but seeing that she hadn't finished, Mu Fei could not bear it.

"Dead girl, you are so kind to ask me"

"You don't know how dirty my clothes are"

Mu Fei shouted at the dark piece of his clothes...

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