My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1482: Kaihoku

Dust↖缘↗文√学?网 Chapter 1482 Back to the Northern Capital

"She has an accident..."

Listening to the voice on the phone, Mu Fei’s smiling face sank instantly after a few seconds ‘what’

"What's going on now, she... how is she?" Mu Fei quickly asked

There are not too many simple words on the phone to introduce the situation

"Okay, I know. I'll go back immediately." Mu Fei hung up the phone and drowned.

Luo Xue was also shocked to see Mu Fei's change in her face. She almost never saw such a "sullen" Mu Fei even when he was almost in desperation during the previous mission.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Luo Xue experienced Mu Fei's eyes and expression at this time, she was a little afraid

"A Fei... what are you doing?"

Luo Xue saw that Mu Fei was not in a calm mood and leaned over and gently squeezed Mu Fei's hand twice, asking tentatively

And her comfort is still very effective. Just now Mu Fei still almost murdered his expression and turned his head to look at the gloomy moment on Luo Xue's face, but he still had a strong eyebrow and a bad face.

"My girlfriend has an accident and I have to go back to Beidu" Mu Fei replied without a joke


Luo Xueliu's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. She was puzzled by Mu Fei's answer. "What happened, what's serious?"

"Hey, wait for what you say about you, you will not return to the North, will you return to the task of the North Capital at this time..."

Luo Xue hasn't finished asking the question yet, Mu Fei has stepped up to find Jiang Han

"Captain Jianghan, I have important things. I have to go back to the north to go." Mu Fei didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point. Back to the north, it was because of something... He didn't want to see anyone.


It wasn’t just Luo Xuejiang who was flabbergasted by Mu Fei. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Mu Fei like a fool.

It's no wonder Jianghan responded but he hasn't seen this situation in his military career for so many years. This is less than ten minutes away. The soldiers have to go to the task. The soldiers have something to go... What should you do if you have gone the task? Let alone you are the main force of this mission...

Jiang Han has many complaints in his heart about Mu Fei

But after all, he also knows that Mu Fei is not the kind of insignificant, unscrupulous, and unreasonable to make trouble. At this time, he must be really something. Anyway, looking at his face firmly, it seems useless to say that he can’t do it. Good temper...

Jiang Han was thinking fast in his heart

"what? What"

But who knows that Jiang Han hasn't spoken yet? That month, Shao Rui popped up again. "What do you say with the surnamed Mu? Do you have a bean in your head?"

"When is this possible, and you still have to go back, is it still possible to say that you are simply scared, and you flinch to be a deserter?"

"Don't you know that you have to be shot during your anti-Japanese war?" Yue Shaorui stood beside Mu Fei as a leader, pinching his waist and pointing lessons.

"I'm running away from your sister. I'm not kidding. I really have something to do." Mu Fei twisted his eyebrows and irritated him. He didn't want to take care of it, but it was too annoying

"What's wrong with you?"

When I heard Mu Fei's words, not only did Shao Rui not know how to converge, but he worked harder. "I ask you if your personal affairs are important or your tasks are important, and the country is important. Can you distinguish the priorities?"

"You have never heard of'Military Order Like a Mountain'? Have you escaped to the battlefield for your own sake? Are you right? Do you deserve the oath when you joined the military? Do you deserve the National Emblem? The sense of responsibility and honor of your soldiers." It means there is no end to it

In fact, according to his ‘mouth strength’, he couldn’t say it at all. This was the ‘chase’ when his officers criticized them before.

"To shut up"

Mu Fei could not help but to scream angrily if it was not something in his heart and no effort to take care of it, he really wanted to go up and beat him up

He pointed his finger at Yue Shao Rui's nose "I tell you you are a soldier but I am not"

"In your words, I am just a hilarious, just an overwhelming number of you. Don't ask me for rules, honors, responsibilities, etc."

While speaking, Mu Fei shook his hand annoyed

In fact, Mu Fei said that there is a grudge component in it. He did not have an opinion on the soldiers. On the contrary, he admired those soldiers who had a good opinion of the soldiers.

One reason why his father is a soldier

On the other hand, it is also because of the practice of giving priority to tasks in the choice of ‘housework’ and tasks for the purpose of giving up his personal affairs, he feels that he cannot do it

For example, when he was still in elementary school, there was a flood in a certain year, and many soldiers were washed away in their own homes, but they were still in Binnan, helping Binnan to resist the disaster.

It is like the Sichuan Earthquake that happened a few years ago, and it is obvious that his home is also affected, but he still insists on completing the tasks of the first line of disaster relief and returning home to see his home again.

Mu Fei thought about whether he could do it and the answer was no

It is precisely because he can’t do the kind of selflessness of the Grand Duke, Mu Fei admires those who do these things with the country and the troops first.

"Hey, hey, it seems that there is a quarrel" The young talented girl who was not far away at this time also heard the quarrel here

"Haha is great..."

The little talented girl looked back and saw that the quarrel was Mu Fei, her happy, all kinds of schadenfreude. "No, this is a good opportunity. I can't miss it. I have to go and add some oil to the lively fire. This is lively..."

"It's time to revenge and revenge"

The talented girl whispered and leaped like a lively rabbit


However, when she wanted to make up for the fact that Mu Fei was hurting her, she changed her mind temporarily. She saw that Mu Fei's face was not good, she was terrible and she dared not speak.


As for Yue Shaoru’s dumb speechless speech by Mu Fei, he’s still not a person who is particularly capable of quarreling, plus what he said just now is that he’s talking about Mu Fei now. He was thrown back by Mu Fei, he really didn't know how to refute

At this time, Jiang Han thought for a moment and said, "Okay..."

Jiang Han raised his hand and looked at his watch. "It's 3:05. I will give you one hour and fifty-five minutes... We can wait for you at most until five o'clock."

"If you can come back before five o'clock, then you have nothing to say, but if you don't come back at five o'clock... then you will confess to the No. 3 chief," Jiang Han nodded.

"Hey, Captain Jiang, you..."

Yue Shao Rui didn't expect Jiang Han to actually agree to Mu Fei's request. He was surprised that there was never such a thing. Because a soldier's personal reasons delayed the mission. This is simply impossible. If everyone is like this, it is still impossible. Where are the rules and regulations

But Jianghan just waved his hand, "You can rest assured that I know

"I will return"

Mu Fei said that he turned and ran towards the car

"Hey wait..."

Luo Xue shouted to Mu Fei and turned his head to Jiang Handao. "Captain, I will look at him. I will try to prevent him from delaying time and bring him back as soon as possible."

"Uh hurry up"

Jiang Han agreed again


Luo Xue responded quickly to Mu Fei, "A Fei, wait for me"

And it was only when Mu Fei walked away that the little girl was relieved that she was pointing in the direction of Mu Fei’s departure and shouted, “Let so many people wait for you Cat"

After the scolding, she was refreshed and she just watched Mu Fei go away. If Mu Fei was here, she would not dare to scold

"what did you say"

After the little talented girl shouted, she felt that one hand grabbed her ear. She looked back and looked at Dr. Xiaoyan, who was looking at her with a kind face.

"Hey, hey, I didn't... I didn't say anything... Hey..."

But Dr. Xiaoyan didn’t buy a sneer and looked at her with a sneer. "Okay, you are a little girl, I promised you not to pick things up half an hour ago. Are you fooling me? Did I see what I said, and you still didn’t listen? ..."

"Come here, come with me, and I will talk to you again," said Dr. Xiaoyan, and walked into the car while grabbing the young girl

"Auntie Xiaoyan, I'm wrong, I'm wrong... I didn't pick things up, I just made a joke. Really"

"Auntie Xiaoyan, I beg you, please don't teach me ah, help..." When the little talented girl thought of Dr. Xiaoyan's terrible "language education", she couldn't help shaking, and finally begged for mercy...



Half an hour later, a military helicopter slowly fell and finally stopped in front of a hotel

Although this behemoth often appears in movies and TV, after all, it is very rare in reality, so this guy caused the people around to point and stare at him again and again after he appeared in the city.

At this time, BMW, Chevrolet and Ferrari are all not good, so the momentum in front of this product is all shorter by more than half, which is too special.

After the plane landed and stopped, two guys in camouflage jumped down and hurried towards the hotel

I have to say that Mu Fei's luck is still very good. When he was going out, an officer of the Beihe Military Region realized that he was really in a hurry. In order to prevent the delay of the mission, he sent such a big guy and sent Mu Fei back to Beidu.

Originally, it took at least an hour and a half from the military area to the northern city, even if the ‘light’ was running through the red light, I was afraid that it would be the fastest in the hour.

But this big guy came back just a little more than half an hour, Mu Fei

But then again, it is only Mu Fei who is so embarrassed to let the military district send a plane and help himself with private affairs

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