My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1485: Not allowed to go online

Dust √ Fate × Literature? Study × Net Chapter 1485

Jiang Han said a few precautions and turned to leave

And Jiang Han was only walking on the front foot. Shao Rui grinned and pressed the fist "Gaba Gaba" straight to Mu Fei. Mu Fei could see that this product really resented himself. He smiled, and his mouth was almost grinning. Ears are gone

But after all, he has a grudge against Mu Fei... Mu Fei still holds a fire in his heart and has nowhere to send it. Why would he let go of the vent pouch that was delivered to the door?

"Boy, I will let you know today, how many pounds and a few do you have?" Finally, I had the opportunity to teach Mu Feiyue and Shao Rui that he wouldn't be polite to say that his kung fu clay pot fist greeted Mu Fei.

And Yue Shao Rui directly Mu Fei is more direct than him. Yue Shao Rui also said one thing. Mu Fei even saves the words directly to avoid Yue Shao Rui's attack and hits on the face of Yue Shao Rui.

Mu Fei's speed is extremely fast, only a moment his fist has left Yue Shao Rui's face, not even ten centimeters


Looking at the fist that suddenly appeared in front of me, Yue Shao Rui was shocked enough to choke this kid... It's not easy, I underestimate the enemy

But now I realize that these are too late, he has no time to react


With a solid muffled sound, Yue Shao Rui felt the scenery in his eyes twirled and he flew out.

"Good... so strong" Yue Shao was shocked

He had to be shocked that the players of the two teams of Dragon Soul and Tiger Soul argued that the singles are mostly his opponents. Even if they can beat him, no one can take advantage of him within three strokes.

You must know that these two teams are the elite among the elite of the Chinese soldiers.

But the kid in front of him... this guy who hasn't seen the parallels in his eyes, and the overcharged guy actually beat him up with a single stroke. How could he not be surprised or accept it?

Indeed, this has something to do with his underestimation, but even then he dare not underestimate Mu Fei’s punching speed and strength...all too strong to be much stronger than his ‘professional’

Now Yue Shao Rui prays that this product is just good physical fitness, and is just a rookie in combat skills. Otherwise, I am afraid that today he is really fierce.

It was because of unshakable month that Shao Rui suffered a loss and did not admit defeat. After standing up, he rubbed his aching face and raised his fist again to attack Mu Fei.

"Ha ha……"

But Mu Fei just raised Chen Jiao slightly and smiled provocatively. She waved her hand to Yue Shao Rui and made a ‘come’ gesture.

Yue Shao Rui suddenly became big in the team. He was considered an elite in the team. Both the officers and the brothers gave a high glance, and no one dared to provoke him, so his power on his fist was two more points.

But then he found that what he was most worried about happened. Not only was the strength and speed stronger than him, but his fighting skills were not weak even within two minutes. He had been beaten by Mu Fei for five or six times but he did Not even Mu Fei's clothes corner

At this moment, he finally understood why the No. 3 chief wanted to pull down the boy, ‘please’, to run this mission. This guy is really strong.

Anyone who is a soldier, there is no combative and this people's congress has a common feature is respect for the strong

It is precisely because although he has never played Mu Fei, but seeing that Mu Fei has the real ability, Yue Shao’s dissatisfaction with this Mu Fei not only did not increase, but decreased somewhat.

And seeing the gap between himself and Mu Fei, Shao Rui naturally knew that this frame could not be played anymore, because no matter how it was played, it must be a result that ended in failure.

However, when Shao Rui realized the reality and was about to concede defeat, he found something that made him depressed.



He wanted to say ‘stop’, ‘I admit defeat’ but when it came to his mouth, it was a hoarse voice


Seeing this scene, Mu Fei grinned and shook his fist. "Jiang Jiang just said that he can't fight anymore"

"Then the other way around... as long as you don't admit defeat, you can keep on playing myself"

Seeing Mu Fei's smirk suddenly, Shao Rui had a bad hunch... It was almost what he expected. He only thought of seeing Mu Feilian fist with his feet here

"I told you to look for something, I asked you to look for ballast

"Dude don't show off your powers, when I am a sick cat, aren't you awesome? You're still awesome..."

"I will ask you if you are not convinced, will you beat me if you are not convinced?"

"Quiet brother to sing and conquer..."


For a while, the sound of punching, kicking, and screaming startled the birds...


Fat beat that month, Shao Rui had a anger in Mu Fei's heart. He felt that the whole person was a lot easier and it was half an hour after he got the guy back to the tent

Gently pull open the door of the tent and drill in. Look again Luo Xue has already laid down

I have to say that Luo Xue's figure is really good, even now she is wearing a camouflage trousers and she is covered with a thin blanket. She can still see her slender, slim figure.

"Hey Hey……"

Seeing Luo Xue has fallen asleep, Mu Fei grinned and grinned and lived with such a big beautiful woman, don’t take advantage of it, I’m sorry, right?

But just as Mu Fei brushed his hands and secretly reached out to Luo Xue's cocky buttocks, Luo Xue suddenly turned over and stared at Mu Fei.


Luo Xue pursed the group's mouth slightly, Jiao hummed, and the expression seemed to say: How did I get caught, I knew you would


Mu Fei was suddenly embarrassed, grinning and scratching his head, "Actually... Actually, I just want to see if you are asleep..."

Luo Xuena believes that his ghost words give him a big eyes

Then Luo Xue sat up and pointed at himself and Mu Fei's floor, which were actually two open multi-functional sleeping bags plus a thin stall

"I'm sleeping here..."

"You sleep over there..."

Then she drew a line between the two of them

"If you don't see this line, don't allow it..."

After stroking, she and Mu Fei's little fist threatened. "If you dare to cross this line, you will die."

"Um, rest assured, I won't cross that line," Mu Fei nodded and answered without thinking.


Seeing Mu Fei so simply, Luo Xueleng ‘what is he...he agreed’

‘No, it’s not like his style... he’s so mad... how could he agree?’

Luo Xue didn't expect Mu Fei to agree so happy that she could not accept it for a while

Just when he was puzzled, Mu Feidong answered her doubts

I saw Mu Fei stretched out his arms very calmly and took Luo Xue up, then turned back to put Luo Xue on his floor and lay down. Then he pulled the blanket and covered both himself and Luo Xue.

"What are you going to do, big fool?"

Luo Xue reached out and patted Mu Fei's chest lightly. "But you said you can't cross the line."

"No, I haven't crossed the line..."

Mu Fei nodded solemnly. "You are over the line. Look at my site and my blanket."

As soon as Mu Fei said, ‘His quilt’, Li Luoxue felt his heart beating faster and his face was feverish, but you brought me over.

"The cutting process is not important, what matters is the result..."

"I don't care how you come anyway. You're over the line..."

Mu Fei's rogue, "You said you just said I'm going to be dead when I cross the line." Then you have to be punished when you cross the line. I want to punish you."

Talking about Luo Xue's waist and mouth, kissed her delicate soft lips


Luo Xue didn't come over anyway and was kissed by Mu Fei

‘I knew he was so naughty and would take advantage of me to take advantage of it. I knew it would be like this...’

"This... this big idiot is too bad..."

"Rogue villain"

Luo Xue was so embarrassed that she ‘cursed’ Mu Fei in her heart

At the beginning, she was still struggling, but a strong man like Shao Rui couldn't help Mu Fei. How could her little arms and legs escape Mu Fei's'Magic Palm'

And she found that the more violent Mu Fei's punishment was, the more fierce she felt. She felt a bad thing to pry open her teeth and domineering in her mouth. Besides, her lilac tongue was also sucked by Mu Fei to his Sucking and biting gently in the mouth

Still, Luo Xue had never talked to her boyfriend before about her first love and first kiss, especially for kissing Fei, who is a rookie like her.

Three times or two, she was paralyzed by Mu Fei's tender body, unable to struggle. She could only admit her to let Mu Fei'bully'

But just when she was about to get lost and half asleep, she suddenly found out that when a bad hand had slipped into her vest, she gently held a plump breast.


Mu Fei's actions are so excessive that Luo Xue is really embarrassed

"You stupid... what are you doing"

Luo Xue yelled away from Mu Fei's lips and taught him to "take your hands away"

"I fell asleep...huh..."

Okay, Mu Fei applied Xu Xiaomeng's moves to Luo Xue. When he spoke, he squeezed his hands twice.

Watching Mu Fei's boyish performance, Luo Xue couldn't help crying, "Come on, take it away, don't you want me to be angry?"

Luo Xue did not move just now and struggled again

"Lolo, don't move, don't move first..."

Seeing Luo Xue really had a tendency to be angry, Mu Fei hurriedly retreated and asked second, "I don't move, and I don't touch you anymore, just let me hold you like this and sleep like that."

"Then...then you have to say it can't be overdone" Luo Xue glared at Mu Fei sideways with a blame.

"Well, when I said it, I must say it, hey..." Mu Fei hurriedly promised to say that he still laughed, but it was a pity that he could not "eat" Luo Xue, but it was quite enjoyable to hold her like this

Get Mu Fei's assurance that Luo Xue is a compromise, no longer struggling, no more disturbance

But when the two talents negotiated and finished preparing to sleep, they heard the sound of busy footsteps outside...

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