My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1501: Improve food_上

Dust? Fate? Text ↑Learn↘Net Chapter 1501 Improving Food_上

Early morning on a small island in the South China Sea

"Hey, let's get up, let's see if it's more than eight o'clock, and still get up and get up quickly." Mu Fei is holding Luo Xue's slender waist to sleep lazy. The voice of a talented girl came from the tent.

Hearing her voice, Mu Fei was very depressed, ‘Do you have a girl like you, mud girl?’

And it’s not just Mu Fei’s Luo Xueqiao’s face that is full of frustration.


With a sigh, she shook her head at Mu Fei and sat up to comb her hair and organize her clothes.

As for Mu Fei, he opened the door of the tent and stared at the little girl who probed the brain.

"Hee hee good morning..."

Looking at Mu Fei's uncomfortable complexion, she was not only angry but more happy. She squinted and smiled, waved her hand to say hello to Mu Fei.

And Mu Fei replied to her with a heavy "hum"

"Don't get in the way..."

Mu Fei said she would pull her out

"Hey hey wait for you..."

The little talented girl pushed Mu Fei to prevent him from leaving, and then pulled her sleeves to hand her slim, white jade arm to Mu Fei's eyes.

"I was bitten by several mosquitoes yesterday, but itchy it. You can help me deal with it..." Xiaocai said, pointing at some red dots on her arm.

"You still want me to help you Hehe you think too much"

Mu Fei grinned and grinned badly, but suddenly he smiled, but his face suddenly fell. "I changed my mind and I don't want to help you anymore, so please help yourself..."

After Mu Fei said another shot of the little girl’s arm, he turned and left

No wonder Mu Fei is angry that the girl who made him ugly yesterday hasn't counted yet. This girl actually came over early in the morning today to destroy his good things...Can he be happy?

'Is it easy for me? I spent a lot of energy to drive Liu Guiying and Douding away, and finally I can hold our family Lolo to sleep for a lazy night. You come every day to harass me and destroy our two Isn’t it annoying that the light bulbs are not so bright?' This is Mu Fei's idea

It is precisely because he thinks of him that he is even more annoying when he looks at young talents

And the little talented girl didn’t know the reason why Mu Fei was upset. She hurriedly said good things, "Oh, yeah, I was wrong yesterday, but I didn’t all apologize to you. You just don’t remember the little talented girl." "

"Brother Mu Fei, I called you "brother". Can you just watch me suffer and suffer? You can't because you are not that cruel person." The little girl's delicate little face is full of flattering smiles. She still blinked. Her big eyes that are comparable to little swallows are so cute

In fact, a few days ago, when the little girl first called "Brother Mu Fei", she almost gave herself to "awkward" death. It was disgusting and nauseous, but she didn't expect that her adaptability was so strong. Four days, one call a day, not only is she no longer awkward, she is also a little bit smooth, but now she is called'Brother Mu Fei', it's effortless, and she doesn't feel embarrassed even if she blurts.

But after all, Mu Fei also thinks that the current talented girl is really cute and not fake, but he is the kind of character that ‘his own woman is the best outsider is not as good as his own’.

It’s just that the little girl is so cute he doesn’t even buy it

"go with……"

Mu Fei didn’t take it again and took off the palms of the talented girls again. “I’m not your brother, you are not my sister. I won’t be kidding you anymore, don’t call me here.”

And the little talented girl is also a little depressed now ‘this guy... isn’t he kidding you? Are you so stingy?’

Although she thought about it like this, she would never say it naturally because she knew she couldn’t take Mu Fei. She looked at Luo Xue with the help of "seeking help" "Sister Luo Xue, you help..."

But who knows that she hasn't finished speaking yet, Luo Xue first asked, "What happened yesterday...What happened yesterday?"

Luo Xueliu's eyebrows were twisted into a pretty character, and his face was full of doubt

"Er, nothing, nothing..." Mu Fei was startled and quickly waved his hand, saying that Luo Xue knew that he was a "private royal film", which was not a big deal, but... but shameful, wasn't it?


Luo Xueliu's eyebrows are more twisted and more puzzled

"Ah yesterday's thing cough hehe..."

The little talented girl was coughing with a smirk that had succeeded in conspiracy. She also cried Mu Fei, and her meaning was already obvious. "I'll tell you if you show me"


Unexpectedly, the talented woman threatened herself with this matter

And looking at Mu Fei's self-improvement, which was both annoying and embarrassed, she was dark in her heart, ‘I’ll call you to bully me... I’m the one who blamed me for your anger

Mu Fei stretched his finger to the little talented girl for half a day, and finally spit out the three words "count you ruthless"

After that, he pulled the arm of the little girl to help her deal with ‘mosquito wounds’

"Ha ha ha ha nothing is nothing..."

The talented woman glanced at Mu Fei with the winner's eyes and turned to smile at Luo Xue. "Sister Luo Xue is really nothing. In fact, I quarreled with him again yesterday and said some excessive words. Seeing that he is still angry with me now. ...It’s such a little giggle..."

Although Luo Xue is not the kind of ‘smart and clever’ girl, she is definitely not an idiot looking at the talented girls and Mu Fei. How can she not know that these two people are ‘catly’?

But Luo Xue also knows that even if there is something between them and concealing himself, it will never be an important thing. The two of them are fighting together, and what kind of "sentiment" can be produced. It is completely impossible for those who are greasy. It's nothing more than noisy, noisy, etc.

So if they didn’t say Luo Xue, they didn’t ask, they just smiled and shook their heads.

"You two stay here, I'll wash my face..." Leave this sentence Luo Xue left with the toiletries

During the time Luo Xue was away, Mu Fei ignored the little talented girl and the little talented girl did not speak, and was there from time to time, giggling and laughing a little on her small face. Today, the little talented girl was bitten in more places until Luo Xue returned. Mu Fei didn't finish it for her

"Sister Luo Xue, do you have anything else to eat? Bread biscuits, drinks and snacks will do."

"Oh, you little boy..."

Luo Xue's helpless smile spread his hands, "Don't I tell you yesterday? The bread you ate, the last one is really gone, I can still lie to you"

"Oh..." The little talented girl responded. In fact, she also knew that Luo Xue could not lie to her... but she didn't believe Mu Fei. That's why she asked me. Of course, she didn't have much hope now that she seemed to guess with her. same

"Ugh... I want to eat potato chips, I want to eat Haagen-Dazs..." The little talented girl was disappointed and groaned in there.


And her greedy appearance amused Luo Xue

"Little talented girl, didn't we say that our task was going smoothly, and it would be over in two days? Do you have to wait for a while and then go back and say it. When we come together, I invite you to eat..." Luo Xue comforted.

"I want to eat four (Hagendas) balls" The little girl hurriedly extended four fingers

"Oh no problem, don't say four **** and eight **** are fine," Luo Xue responded with a smile.

"Very good, Sister Luo Xue, you are so nice..."

"But I don't just want to eat Haagen-Dazs. I also want croissants, seaweed glutinous rice balls, takoyaki, and... and..." Xiaocai said, counting her fingers.

It can be seen that she is really very able to eat snacks, and she has seven or eight kinds of snacks and snacks with more names than those mentioned yesterday

"Wow, I can't talk about thorny..."

And speaking of it, she couldn't bear it first. She already drools. This drooling is not ‘exaggeration’. She is really drooling.

In fact, Luo Xue said that the talented girl is greedy. In fact, she and Mu Fei are stronger than the talented girl. They have a limited amount of them. They compressed the cookies and chewed them down in the mouth. The taste is not exaggerated. Now they are suffering unless they are really hungry. No, otherwise they would rather be hungry and don’t want to nibble the compressed biscuits anymore.

"Hum, you are a pig, you can eat it that way," Mu Fei said, not so angry.

Instead of being angry, the talented girl shook her small head and proudly said, "Hey, what can I eat? I just can eat it, but I don’t get fat. How can I envy it?"

She said she patted her flat belly

"Not fat, hahaha, really not fat..."

But Mu Fei smirked and glanced down at the little girl’s chest that was comparable to the airport. "Not only shouldn’t it be fat, it shouldn’t be fat... nor fat... haha..."

While talking, Mu Fei has helped her treat all the injuries

"What are you talking about?" How could the little talented girl not know what Mu Fei said, and suddenly stared at her eyes when she heard this?

However, Mu Fei ignored her ‘hey’ and grinned and took her toiletries. “After washing your face, go to haha...”

Finished talking

" bastard"

And the little talented girl looked at Mu Fei's abominable smile, his straight, gasping, flat chest, ups and downs

‘Okay, okay, you big toad no longer cares about you, but you’re so angry with me... I change my mind, I want to avenge you’

The little talented girl suddenly turned her head and looked at Luo Xue with a smirk

"Sister Luo Xue, do you want to know... why the nasty ghost will be afraid of me, do you want to know what happened yesterday?"

"Hey, guess what I found in his mailbox yesterday," he didn't wait for Luo Xue to answer and she whispered in Luo Xue's ear...

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