My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1511: Break through

Dust √ Fate × Literature? Learning × Net Chapter 1511 Breakout

'Hey, feed Xiaoxiaomeng, you haven't finished it yet?' Mu Fei asked in his mind that Mu Fei was referring to the auxiliary control system that allowed Xiaoxiaomeng to invade this ship. Virus is planted

‘Don’t rush me, I’ve said that this system is their island country’s military Chapter 1511 breakout

'Hey, feed Xiaoxiaomeng, you haven't finished it yet?' Mu Fei asked in his mind that Mu Fei was referring to the auxiliary control system that allowed Xiaoxiaomeng to invade this ship. Of the virus

‘Don’t rush me, I’ve said that this system was developed by the island’s military alone. There’s no data here. I can only forcely invade. How can it be so fast?’

‘Okay, then you get it slowly, I’m in a hurry...’

'Hey, but I really look forward to it. I don't know how the islanders reacted when the virus broke out...they must be so violent that hahahaha...'When I think of those island ships, they kill each other and bombard each other Mu Fei Unscrupulous laughter

He thinks his idea is too high, too bad, too bad, so bad that he admires himself a little bit, why do you say I am so bad, so bad? Hahahaha

Mu Fei laughed unscrupulously in his heart

And as Xiao Xiaomeng said, forcibly cracking the system of the island country ship, it is really time-consuming. Even if Xiao Xiaomeng's CPU is far beyond the highest level of current technology, it is more than ten minutes before it is considered successful.

"Good news for the host is done" Xiaomeng replied that she was a little excited in her voice

‘Great, hey, let’s retreat now’ Mu Fei said to take the glasses back and put them on the bridge of his nose and walked out without saying anything

And when he opened the door, he was slightly stunned.

An island soldier was about to knock on the door of the captain's room, but before his hand hit the door, he hit Mu Fei face to face. In fact, Mu Fei was a bit smug. If he pays close attention to the surrounding environment, someone will be found. close

"You..." The soldiers of the island country saw Mu Fei's strange face and wondered

Before the flight, it happened that Mu Fei'arranged' the captain who collapsed into a chair and sat down on the chair. The guy just slipped to the ground and watched his captain fainted. The soldier of the island country suddenly looked like a ghost, and his face changed a lot. When can't you know what's going on

'not good'

Mu Fei secretly raised his hand and smashed it on the island soldier's neck

"Enemy attack"

But he was still one step slower. The island soldiers had already shouted out. Although he fell down after he shouted, he still shouted out his honeycomb.

"Enemy attack"

"Buzz buzz--"

"Where is where"

"It seems to be going over there in the captain's room"


For a while, shouts, alarm bells,'crackling' footsteps, and various strange collision sounds all sounded together, especially when the alarm bell was ringing, and the red light in the cabin corridor was very impressive. Upset

And although the sounds have no pattern at all, they have one thing in common. These sounds are coming closer and closer to where Mu Fei is.

"What's so... It's so big"

Mu Fei twisted his eyebrows and grumbled and ran out quickly

And he hadn’t run up the stairs. Several island soldiers ran to this side. They were more cautious than they were just now. They looked at strange faces. They didn’t raise their guns.


"What's your name and which group?"


The soldiers of those island nations were holding a gun with a nervous look like a close enemy

And Mu Fei also knows that he can’t hide in this situation.

"Don't, don't shoot me..."

When I think about it, I do Mu Fei's words and half raise my hand and shoot

Although these island soldiers are also well-trained, in the final analysis, they are ordinary people who have no room to resist in front of Mu Fei's "trainers" and "powers".


The fact is that the three or four soldiers of the island country were hit by a pistol shot by Mu Fei before they responded

Mu Fei no longer hesitated to continue to rush past the island soldiers and grabbed the mini submachine gun so as not to cause suspicion that the one he had brought was thrown into the sea before boarding.

The same thing happened to Mu Fei in the following period, but Mu Fei found that the more soldiers he ran out of these island countries

Although he can kill these island soldiers in seconds with his "super-accurate" ability, which is far faster than ordinary people's reaction speed, those island soldiers are really a little bit more, so Mu Fei has a sense of "can't kill", which is very uncomfortable.

When Mu Fei spent a lot of effort to polish the two pistols and a machine gun finally rushed to the'cabin exit', he found something that made him even more fierce. He only showed up at least thirty or forty around him. All kinds of guns are pointing at him

Obviously, the islanders seem to know that Mu Fei is so powerful that they can’t afford to provoke them. Instead of rushing, they must follow Mu Fei’s only way to ‘stand by and wait for the rabbit’.


"Bang bang"



For a time the gunshots sounded together

"Mud Horse"

Mu Fei hurried back to the cabin and looked at the half-sized cabin door, which was also terrified. He just scolded his mother just now that he didn't enter the defensive state and didn't use his true energy to cover his body. If he reacted slower, he was hit. It’s an exaggeration to be killed but you can’t run away from being injured


Suddenly Mu Fei felt a little mushy and touched his forehead hair again...Niemei scorched a piece. In other words, it was another three or two centimeters. This bullet hit not his hair but his forehead.

These ambushes made Mu Fei feel a little hot

"Your sister, I am so kind, so kind, I want to keep you a life, you dare to play with me really"

" want to play that grandpa will accompany you to see if anyone can laugh to the end." Mu Fei gritted his teeth and thought to make sure to pay attention in his heart, no longer be merciless

Yes, Mu Fei wanted to be'sympathetic' and this sympathy was also due to his character

In fact, Mu Fei is not a ‘good guy’

Who is he

For example, if he walked in front of a "bad guy", "thief" and the like, as long as Mu Fei didn't see these guys doing bad things and wouldn't provoke him, he wouldn't "go into trouble" to catch this bad guy of

But on the other hand, even if it is a ‘good guy’ who dares to provoke him, no matter if you are a good guy or a bad guy, even if you beat him, he will find a way to retaliate against this guy.

Basically, those eight words ‘people don’t offend me, I don’t offend’ is the most authentic portrayal of his character

That's exactly why Mu Fei was unhappy with the soldiers in these island countries, but he didn't want to'catch them up' to kill them at most. It was to abolish their arms and prevent them from using guns or knives as soldiers. Xiaoming

But now he is merciful to these island nations, these island nation soldiers actually want to kill him... is he cool?

"What a good person can't do it, I will never be a bad person again" Mu Fei scolded himself again and started to fight back

I saw that he reached into his trousers pocket of his military uniform and took out a grenade tooth. After biting and pulling the pin, he threw it outside the door without aiming.

"Grenade Hiding"

"Flash off, flash off quickly"


There was a sudden scream outside



"Ah my legs"

With the explosion of the grenade, several hapless islanders screamed. Obviously this was the trick of Mu Fei.

"It's now"

And at this time, Mu Fei moved him to run Qi, wrapped his whole body and jumped out of the cabin door.

"Da Da Da Da Da Da..."



Mu Fei's machine gun spit out bursts of flames, another island soldier screamed and fell down

"kill him"

"Shoot and shoot quickly"

The island country soldiers who didn't make a move called and tried to fight back against Mu Fei, but they didn't even reach them for five seconds before they found out that they were naive. This unexpected guest, who didn't hide or ignore, completely ignored their bullets and stood there. Volley

Their bullets have no effect and this "uninvited guest" shooting method is so unprecedented that there are dozens, even hundreds of brothers on their side, falling one after another, and in a blink of a half, there is not a big half

"Come, come, come, come again"

"Let an Laozi kill one, two kill a pair"

"Why don't you just give your face a shameless face and die? Hahaha. Who else will come again?"


Mu Fei has a thrill of ‘revenge’ there. He’s shooting there while exaggerating the ‘haha’ laughs like a lunatic

At this time, the surviving island soldiers were finally scared. This machine gun could not be killed. Is this still a human?

"Ahh, run!"

"Ghost ghost"

This group of guys were finally afraid to fight back, but turned their faces in shock and fled.

Actually, if they were "polite" at first, some of Mu Fei couldn't embarrass them, but now Mu Fei's anger has come up, which can make them run away

"Why is there such a beautiful thing to want to run?"

"Da, Da Da, Da Da..."

Mu Fei sneered, changed the gun and fired a shot, another island soldier fell

So far, Mu Fei was unscathed, but the bullets of some machine guns didn't stop being hit. It was a bit painful. Looking back at the island country... there were no corpses in Mu Fei's field of vision...

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