My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1513: Windfall

Dust ↑ Fate ↓ Literature ↙ Learning? Chapter 1513 Windfall

"Where is he"

The ninja reached out with his finger in the direction where Mu Fei left


Another ninja took a sip, and the two jumped up and down precisely. They landed on the speedboat they had previously ridden, and they could see that they did have some effort, that is, two big men landed at the same time. The speedboat did not shake very much.

The leading "Shang Ren" didn't jump down, but waved to the two followers, Zhong Ren, "You go first"


A Zhong Ren didn't ask why, he started the speedboat with a sigh, and the speedboat was drawn in an arc on the sea towards Mu Fei's direction.

At the same time, "Shang Ni Ren" was crouching next to the wounded man and asked him about the details of the battle. He could sneak in alone and score dozens or even hundreds of people alone. It is very obvious that this is a "spellmaker" ','Trainer'

Tolerance is very high, but the "trainers" of China are famous all over the world. Even he has to be cautious.

However, as a result of this inquiry, he was disappointed. He didn’t get any useful information from the wounded. As for the ‘not afraid of bullets’, many ‘abilities’ and ‘trainers can do it.

Needless to say that they are tolerant, even those who are good at ‘body skill’ can completely ignore the attacks of these light guns.

No results were obtained. Lord Ninja did not continue to ask the crew of the ship who had not been attacked, and they all ran out to rescue the injury treatment site without worrying about him.

He jumped up on the railing just like the patience just now and looked around to find the speedboat's position

"The Musashi Stream Mystery and the Righteous Strike"

He took a few taps, took a sip, and leaped forward... Another amazing thing happened. He didn’t ‘fall’ into the sea, but instead stood like a water spider, only with his feet, on the water.

Slightly adjusted for a second or two, he bent down, his feet were a bit more on the water, he was like a cannonball, he shot it out, and his speed of was not slower than the speedboat just now.

In a blink of an eye, he ran out far away on the water, leaving a few small splashes


Wangshan ran a dead horse...Now Mu Fei is "Wangdao Youde Man"

Mu Fei looked at the lush green island and the environment was good and not too far away. He decided to go there ‘tour’ but it’s better not to’s so far away

Even if his physical fitness is excellent, and his speed is almost "fish", he has been swimming for more than ten minutes.


Mu Fei took a breath after landing

And at this time his state needless to say that his whole body was wet all over his body

Mu Fei felt that the camouflage suit was uncomfortable, he couldn't wear it at all, and he used steam to'steam dry' the vest and camouflage pants. Then he walked toward the green jungle in the middle of the island. It’s safer to be able to use “Silent True Qi” to stealth, although he doesn’t think those islanders will chase them, but there is no change, just in case.

The environment of this island is almost a little smaller than the one they used to go to the center of the island, that is, the carefulness of this small forest. Mu Fei randomly found a place to sit down and find out the positioning equipment that Jiang Han gave him before sending the signal. Go out and wait for rescue

After he finished, he took another breath without accident. Luo Xue and others should be able to leave him safely.

But just now I was so busy, now that Mu Fei is idle, he just has to wait. He actually feels a little bored.

‘It looks like the buddy is really the kind of person who can’t calm down...’ Mu Fei thought so

In fact, he used to think that he was quite "quiet". There was nothing to do at home for two or three days and he was not bored, but now he discovered that he was able to be "not bored" because there was that dumb loli Xu Xiaomeng who could accompany him and let He bullied himself now... can't he be bored?

Thinking of Xu Xiaomeng and Mu Fei couldn’t help but smile ‘I don’t know how she and Missy are staying at home... I hope they don’t demolish my house...’

‘Master, Master’

And while Mu Fei was idle and thinking blindly, he suddenly remembered Xiao Xiaomeng's voice in his mind

"What is it?" Mu Fei asked

"Giggle hehe hehe..."

When Mu Fei asked Xiaomeng, he laughed badly, ‘Master, I’m telling you something, I just copied all the data in the captain’s computer while cracking the auxiliary control system of the ship...’

"Hee hee, guess what I found interesting..."

Listening to her voice, Mu Fei can probably imagine the cute look of this little guy with flapping wings and flying around with a smile

‘What’s found is still interesting...’

Mu Fei first wondered, then suddenly realized that ‘hey... is it a love movie’


Xiaomeng felt the flesh on her lovely face jumped twice... Although she didn't have a face, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, isn't it"

‘So... what’s the self-portrait video bed-shot, yan’s photo, etc. Mu Fei asked again

"This... is not..."

‘This is not that, nor that, what other fun things can be said. Hey, it’s the feelings or his sex, love the diary.’ Mu Fei thought and asked

If Mu Fei can see Xiao Xiaomeng's expression, he will find that the latter's small face is full of "enduring anger" and about to be "crazy". "I said the master, can you be normal? You Don't be full of that kind of stuff, okay?'

Xiaomeng couldn't help but yelled out loud

‘Hey... if it’s not... is that still me? Mu Fei smirked and replied quietly and said nothing. I can’t tease the silly loli Xu Xiaomeng.

‘Forget about it, don’t sell it, hurry up and talk about the topic, what did you find’? Mu Fei asked a little more seriously

'I found that the island country's military network and the connection point to the Internet have a pass account...hehehehe...'Xiao Xiaomeng is more and more humanized-her smirking voice, tone and Mu Fei This unscrupulous owner is exactly the same

"Ah, really" Mu Fei's eyes also shined

For security reasons, no matter which country's military network is beneficial to the civilian network, generally speaking, the military network can unilaterally access the civilian network and call the resource information of the civilian network. However, the civilian network is the Internet, and it cannot access the military network in the opposite direction.

Generally speaking, the way to achieve this effect is to set up one or several public servers that are connected to two networks at the same time to filter, filter, and block access to the military network's access information. All civilian networks are allowed to access the military network. Of information is to verify that the identity is unsatisfactory

Therefore, it is difficult to invade a country's military network. For security and performance, consider whether the server is performance or security is the top of the entire country.

Even if it is Mu Fei and he has the scientific and technological information for the next three hundred years, he can only say that he is arrogant on the military network in the ‘civilian network’.

But with that ‘password account’ it’s much easier

In general, each special attack and senior officer will have their own account to prevent them from querying information, accepting instructions, orders, etc. in time, anytime and anywhere when they are outside or not in front of their computers. Just find a computer that can connect to the network, you can connect to their secret network, private network is similar

In other words, with this account stolen by Xiaomeng, you can use this account and log in to the military network of the island country to understand the "partial confidential information" of the island’s military...Is the importance of the information mentioned?

And it’s not over yet

If a hacker's technology is really very very bullish, he may be able to steal more information through this account and invade other servers of the island's military. The really important server will be very tightly guarded, but it may not be all right. wrong

If this is not possible, the purpose of obtaining information can be achieved by hacking other ‘personal’ computers to obtain more authorized accounts

As long as you think about the method, there will always be something. After all, the server and the computer are dead.

In short, these two things are really very useful and may be of limited use to Mu Fei, but if the No. 3 head, Dr. Xiaoyan and others, they must be very interested in this.

Mu Fei also understands Xiao Xiaomeng's meaning that she asked Mu Fei to give this to the No. 3 Chief and others for some other things... Even if there is nothing to make them owe their feelings, is it good?

And when it comes to the favor of Mu Fei on the No. 3 head, Mu Fei's eyes light up again. "Isn't it...can let him help Luo Xue change a "department"? After all, the Dragon Soul Force has too many tasks, which are dangerous and hard. Lose her...'

Of course, this is just an idea for Mu Fei: this is how Luo Xue’s own affairs still have to be decided by her. She has no right to control too much. Mu Fei also feels that Luo Xue may not agree to'change work' after all. She worked so hard just to enter the Dragon Soul...

"If it doesn't work, let Uncle Li arrange some tasks for less..."

In short, Mu Fei thinks these things are useful. He praised in his heart, "Xiao Xiaomeng, you did a good job this time."

‘I still have to watch turtles’


Okay, Mu Fei hasn't asked her what'requests' this artificial intelligence has already begun to invite credit

‘It’s not just after waiting back today, when we have time, let’s go to the aquarium to see all kinds of fun things there...’ Mu Fei replied

‘Hee hee, okay, okay, then it’s so settled, it’s the puppies’, Xiao Xiaomeng has experience to prevent her from being fooled again, she ‘speaks the ugly words first’

And the two black lines on Mu Fei’s head, Xiao Xiaomeng, really guessed right. Mu Fei was just fooling her around, and now she seems to have to go.

"Go well, I can't take you there..." Mu Fei replied with a feeling of "defeated".


And when it comes to this, Mu Fei suddenly has a big look in his eyes, a surprised look

"Master, what's wrong" Xiaomeng asked doubtfully.

‘Two people are coming...’

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