My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1536: Chejia Courtyard

Dust ↑ Fate ↓ Literature ↙ Learning? Chapter 1536 Chejia Courtyard

Chejia Courtyard of Xiangyang District, Beidu

This car house's "yard" is indeed a "big courtyard". It is the kind of courtyard that can be seen in many TVs and movies. The one direction is the courtyard door, and the other three directions are the bungalows that look very old. Form a square courtyard

It is true that this yard looks very old and somewhat rustic than the luxury, comfort and power of apartments and villas. But in fact this yard is not suitable for ordinary people, especially the Siheyuan in Xiangyang District.

North is the center of China and Xiangyang District is the center of North

In this kind of place, it is said that the inch of earth and the gold are all "euphemistic"...No one who says that the inch of earth is three gold, or even the inch of earth is ten gold. Anyone who overdoes real estate in Beidu knows that the location of Xiangyang District is almost the same. A quadrangle courtyard can easily be replaced with an office building of more than twelve floors outside the Third Ring Road, which shows the value of this quadrangle courtyard

Only those who are really rich and powerful can live in this kind of place

In fact, this quadrangle is not big enough to hold a lot of people, but today there are so many people who come and go because of today’s vocals, because today is the birthday of the car master, these people are to celebrate the birthday of the grandfather.

At this time, Mu Fei stood at the door and waited for Che Weichen to come out to see the door.

"Hey idol here"

After waiting for three minutes, the sound of Che Weichen came. Mu Fei looked up and saw that the kid in a white suit and a pair of sunglasses had a slightly tide hairstyle and the whole look was similar to that of'Prince Charming' and from the'red light' on his face. You can see that the designation of the goods is in a good mood, and this time should be quite'spring breeze'

"Idols haven't come out late. How long have you been?" Che Weichen picked up the small sunglasses and put it on Mu's shoulder while laughing

"It's only been three minutes," Mu Fei responded casually.

"Oh, wait a long time, then let's go in, let's go in," said Che Weichen, leading Mu to fly

This time, the two janitors "guard" did not stop Mu Fei from releasing

Entering the yard, Che Weichen pointed and pointed there. "Leader" Mu Fei looked left and right and looked around.

He didn't expect that the courtyard is also'Don't have a hole in the sky'. Although it doesn't look too big on the outside, it is much larger than Mu Fei's imagination, and the houses in the courtyard are not almost as big as the TV. That'main house' is obviously more than double the size of other houses.

But despite this, Mu Fei can see that most of their ‘Che Family’ should live here. Although this place is large, it can’t live with more than five families.

"Idols, I'll take you to meet my dad first. Recently, our company is good. My dad was also pleasantly surprised. He was thinking about seeing you early." Che Weichen pointed to the "main house" in the compound and said to Mu Fei.

"to make"

Mu Fei was originally here to ‘make soy sauce’ and help Che Weichen to take a face, so he naturally listened to him.

Before entering the door, Mu Fei saw a small table at the door, and after writing a note, there were many gifts and gift boxes. Mu Fei didn't know what this'post' was called, but he also knew that the goods were in charge of gifts. The'antique' that was found was handed over to the man

In the large living room of ‘Main House’, there were three or four tables and many people were sitting at the table, talking, laughing and talking

Che Weichen led Mu Fei to the second table and pointed to a rather thin and thin man in his forties who said, "Idol, this is my old man."

After that, he pointed to Mu Fei, "Dad, this is my idol Mu Fei, we always mention what you know."

"Hello Uncle Che" Mu Fei bowed his head slightly with a smile and bowed respectfully to say hello

"Hey good boy, you too..."

After listening to the introduction of Che Weichen, the father also looked up and down with a smile on his face. Mu Fei took a few glances and finally reached out to hold Mu Fei together. "I said before, how can a kid who is not attuned to Wei Chen alone do anything? What's the big deal?"

"Oh, but I see you understand Mu Fei, right? Weichen's current achievements have nothing to do with him. The key is to know you such a "good brother" haha..." The father said with a grin. I also photographed Mu Fei's shoulders, and the pair was very "enthusiastic". Mu Fei can see that his "enthusiasm" is true. If he doesn't say it directly or indirectly, he also helped his son a lot. Is he not enthusiastic about himself?

But Mu Fei also knew that he was just polite

No matter how good the outsider is in the eyes of a father, he is not as good as his own son... even if it is really better than his own son, it is not as good as his own son. In short, his own son is the best

"What do you say, dad, how can you hurt your son so much?" Che Weichen said dissatisfiedly.

"Why am I saying something wrong? There are so many things that you don't do at home, so many people in your home. You don't help but ran out to open a'real estate company'. It's a waste of more than a year. I said you can't make mistakes." Che Weichen


Mu Fei originally thought that the father of the car was an old antique. He didn't expect him to be very interesting. Mu Fei didn't let the father and son continue to interrupt them. "Uncle Che, you praised me so badly as you said..."

"And Weichen was originally very good and very capable. I provided him with only a little information. This company is running up and down, and now he has some profits and all his credit..."

"It's gold that always shines, but without my ‘information’, the day he will take off sooner or later is only slightly longer than a few days..."

"Haha, you kid really speaks..."

The father of the car pointed at Mu Fei with a smile but he did not refute it. Obviously he was very used to Mu Fei's words. Who would not listen to his son?

"Dad did you hear it or not? This is the truth"

"Idol really enough brother hehe..." Mu Fei gave him face Che Weichen was very happy to sit on Mu Fei's shoulder

And the three people are talking about here, but they saw a fat man in his forties who walked here


The fat man looked at the father and son of the Che family and then looked at Mu Fei's face with a faint smile. "Yo Weichen, this... is the kid who started the company with you."

Although this fat man is laughing, he smiles strangely. Mu Fei seems to have a smile on his surface that is'enthusiastic', but there is something hidden underneath. Although Mu Fei can't tell what that is, he can be sure that it is definitely not.' kindness'

When Che Weichen saw the fat man, his enthusiasm suddenly lost a lot, "Oh, uncle, yeah, this is my friend Mu Fei"

"Idol, my uncle"

"Hello" Mu Fei said with a smile, he knew that the father and son of the Che family did not deal with this product, but on the surface, it was still decent. He was not bad.

And Che Weichen didn't wait for his uncle to speak, and walked over Mu Fei's shoulder. "I'll take you to see my mother. My mother would have wanted to see you for a long time..."


Che Weichen's somewhat rude behavior. Che Weichen's uncle is not angry, just looking at the two people's backs and smiling ‘strangely’


Che Weichen led Mu Fei to a room beside him to introduce him to his mother and then changed another room to introduce his brother Che Weixu to Mu Fei

Che Weichen’s mother is very well maintained. She is a kind-hearted and chubby lady. His brother Che Weixu is a very shy little boy who blushes easily when he speaks.

Actually, these are not the key. Mu Fei has two things I don’t understand.

One is why it is obvious that the ‘lobby’ can hold so many tables but only four tables.

The second is that Chejiajiadayeda has less than ten tables of catering. It should not be enough to entertain so many friends.

As soon as he said that Che Weichen answered his question

It turned out that the car house is also a fairly old family. They still maintain the old customs of the old man who can’t eat women, children, and children. The tables are for his grandfather, father, and other important guests. Prepared

And the'women's house' like his mother and his'children' are not eligible to'serve' and can only eat in the'side room' unless he becomes a family Wife is qualified to'serve'

As for the less than ten table banquets, because this is the "internal banquet" of the car family, they are all from the family of the car family and have extremely important friends like those partners and friends who only have a familiar face. Already sent away at noon during the "foreign dinner"

The two brothers Mu Fei and Che Weichen and Che Weixu were drinking tea and chatting at the tables outside. More and more guests were almost full. The banquet was getting closer and closer.


Mu Fei feels strange that "Weichen Xiaobai hasn't come yet"

Mentioning Mo Bai Che Weichen suddenly showed his helpless hands. "I promised to call last night and called me to tell me that there was an "emergency" running to Shencheng to go to the hospital for treatment."

Not only Che Weichen but Mu Fei but also their special sevens are too busy

"Weichen Weichen"

And the words are saying that here is the voice of Ms. Che Weichen outside the door

"Oh mom," Che Weichen stood up

"Weichen, hurry and drive home..."

The car mother waved her hand. "I promised your third aunt, and gave her my red velvet coat, but today I came out anxiously and made me forget. She hurriedly asked you to run. The clothes I put on the living room coffee table... "

Che Weichen had no choice but to go back home with Mu Fei to pick up things. Mu Fei wanted to accompany him but he refused.

This table belongs to the ‘children’s’ table. Not many people are quiet at all. Mu Fei and Che Weixu have various chats.

But who knows, just three minutes after Che Weichen left, this room came in with a ‘nasty guy’

"You... why are you here, why are you here in our "car home"" A girl pointed at Mu Fei and cried out...

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