My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1548: Old man's conspiracy

Dust × Destiny? Literature? Learning? Net Chapter 1548 The Old Master's Conspiracy

Just when Mu Fei bullied Zhou Manting, a little goblin, he didn’t know that a certain place had begun planning a conspiracy against him and Che Weichen.

Chejia Courtyard

At the end of the birthday banquet, everyone else left, only Uncle Che Weichen, Che Jianguo and Che Lili stayed.



Che Lili tapped the door twice and entered the study room to see that only Che Jianguo and her grandfather were

She nodded and said hello to Che Jianguo, and then respectfully asked the old man, "Grandpa, look for me"


Looking back out of the window, a senior car master turned around and said, "Lili, I asked you to do something...I think you should have some ideas."

It’s true that Che Lili is a bit of a ‘brain’, but she’s just a ‘brain scumbag’ who is too adored by her cousin, Che Yi.

She listened to the old man's words and tried to ask, "If my grandfather is correct... Grandpa should have something to do with Weichen Pharmaceutical"

"Ha ha……"

The old man nodded slightly and showed a ‘Ruzi can teach’ expression, “Lili, you’re half right...”

"This matter is indeed related to "Weichen Pharmaceutical" but the focus is not on that company but on their products of "Hua Hua Xi Yan" series. The potential of that product is so great that it is difficult to imagine that they are only in the beginning stage. The monthly turnover has already exceeded 30 million. The cost of drugs, publicity costs, etc. has at least nearly 10 million profits... A company registered with hundreds of funds has such benefits... This is basically a myth. Level of"

"And this is just the beginning. According to my estimation, within a year, his monthly profit can be at least six to ten times, and two years can be more than 20 times. If they continue to develop steadily in marketing, they will keep up with the follow-up products... …It is not impossible for them to compare their shoulders and even catch up with our'Che'..."

"Ah... this is so powerful"

Che Lili's surprised staring eyes did indeed even if she knew that she had underestimated "Weichen Pharmaceutical" before, but she didn't expect that Weichen Pharmaceutical would be so arrogant that his grandfather would say so.

"Well, I still have a conservative estimate that the future may be... stronger than this..."

The old man nodded and looked at Che Lili. "Li Li, I said you should know what I asked you to do."

Che Lili once again opened her eyes and tentatively asked, "Grandpa, you asked me to get the prescription of "Hua Hua Xi Yan Series""


The old man smiled and nodded again, revealing a "satisfied" expression. "Yes, the prescription is the most important, but in addition to the prescription, other information such as customer information, medicine supplier information, etc..."


Rare car Lili embarrassed expression

She also has some self-knowledge. You let her come up with an idea to move the whole idea. Whatever she does, you let her do a complete and important thing. She also has no idea and does not know where to start.

"Grandpa, this..."

"I think it's a little difficult, I don't necessarily do it..." Che Lili explained a little embarrassedly

"Not difficult, not difficult..."

Mr. Che, you waved to him, "Lili, how to do it. You don't have to worry about the tasks you are doing. Two points. One is to do a good job. The other is to show your identity from time to time. Let those employees know that you are the elder lady of the car family. 'The true strength of our car home..."

"Then you come home from get off work every day to call me or your uncle, report the situation on the day and what to do next, we will tell you," Mr. Che explained.

"Oh this way..."

After hearing this, Che Lili felt a lot of confidence in her heart. She thought for a while and thought that she seemed to have almost no problem. Then she nodded, "Okay, Grandpa, I listen to you."

"Oh, so good..."

Grandpa Che looked at her with appreciative eyes. "Lili will wait for this thing to be done. Grandpa will reward you and this thing. Don't tell Xiaoshun Xiaoshun, the kid's mouth is unobtrusive. Tell him not. I’ll tell you when I leak."

Listening to the old man saying that Che Shun is not doing anything, Che Lili always feels that he is boasting that he is looking for her secretly in his heart.

"Grandpa can rest assured that I will pay attention... If it's okay, I'll go down first..." Che Lili applied

"Well go," the old man nodded and replied

Che Lili walked out, but just before she went out, she suddenly remembered something and turned around and asked, "Grandpa, I don’t understand a little bit: Since I want to get information, why don’t I just buy people from their company and start secretly? We It’s exposed to the surface, and Cousin Weichen will pay attention to us... I’m afraid it’s not a good job."

"It's better to be on the bright side than to do things in secret, but now it's too late..."

Mr. Che explained, “Now we don’t know enough about the internals of Weichen Pharmaceutical, I don’t know who can buy, who can’t buy, who knows the prescription, and we don’t know. Our space is getting smaller and smaller..."

"I think it's best for us to get this done within a month so that the benefits can be maximized. But if we do it in secret, it will take almost a month to even connect the wiring and find out. In other words, stealing is unrealistic. The time is not enough.

"I have no choice but to let you mix into the "Weichen Pharmaceutical" with a sense of integrity. I plan to try it from the front. Do you understand?"

"Understand, understand" Che Lili nodded and replied

And after she left, Che Jianguo, who had been smoking and did not speak, only said, "Dad, do you say they... can attract the attention of Che Weichen"

"Well, I don't say yes..."

Grandpa Che sighed, "People do things, they do things, and the rest of the things we should do can only wait for the results to come out..."


Three days later is the day of Qi Mingxing's live broadcast

In the afternoon, Mu Fei first went to Lin Ruoyi's school to pick up the two of them, and then rushed to the sixth broadcast hall of Beidu TV Station. The other two brothers, Wu Changgang and Siliang Min, had already been waiting there.

"Feed the third son"

Mu Fei hasn't passed yet, Wu Chang just waved his slap and shouted out loud. Actually, he didn't need to call him. Mu Fei also saw him. This goods is nearly two meters tall. He has a beard and a face. At first glance, he looks like a gorilla in the crowd. It’s hard to stand and not notice

The three brothers in Mu Fei’s bedroom are all familiar and can no longer be familiar, but his girlfriend Lin Ruoyi and Liang Min’s girlfriend met for the first time. After a few introductions, several people handed in the tickets and followed the flow of people. Into the studio

In fact, they came a little late. They were already half full in the audience hall.

The group spent some effort to find their seats, but none of these people except Mu Fei had entered the TV station or studio after sitting down. They looked like curiosities and looked curious.

As the "opening" time approached, more and more spectators in the field were busy walking around, and the environment in the field became noisier and noisier.

Just 20 minutes before the show started, when everyone was waiting a little bit bored, a handsome guy dressed in some exaggerated costumes and dressed up as a ‘model-like dog’ ran over.

"I rely on you being here" This person is naturally the second child of the bedroom, Qi Mingxing

Qi Mingxing ran over to greet a few people. At this time, the corners of his mouth were almost pulling to the ears. His smile could not cover his face, and he was proud to look at him, as if he had already won the ticket.

And when he saw Lin Ruoyi and Liang Min’s girlfriend, his eyes suddenly lighted up, "Hey, three siblings, four siblings, welcome to welcome a long absence."

The goods said that with open arms and fluttered over, it was Mu Fei and Liang Min who kicked and kicked

"Ouch, I'm just kidding..."

"Don't hit me, I'm "dressed up" because of my dirty clothes, why do I get on stage?"

"Stop wrong, I'm really wrong or not"

"..." Qi Mingxing begged for mercy

"Don't make trouble..."

In the end, the bedroom boss Wu often talked about Mu Fei and Liang Min before letting him go

"When did you prepare for the second son? How is your opponent strong or not?" Wu Changgang asked like a cannon

"It's worth talking about it"

When I said that I was unsure, Che Weichen's clothes were full of self-confidence. "The top eight did not dare to say, but today it is necessary to pass the 32 to the 16, and the 16 is appropriate."

"Ha ha ha ha domineering enough is really my brother Wu Changgang..." Wu Changgang grinned with Che Weichen

And Mu Fei had a similar expression. He leaned over and patted Car Weichen's shoulder. "Remember what you said, Ha Ye, you have to say what you did if you said it today but didn't do it... then don't blame the buddies in the future. Don't treat you like a man..."

"Then you will not be the "second son", the second sister, or the second sister..."

"Don't call your second child and second sister Nimei by telling you how many times."

Qi Mingxing annoyed Mu Fei angrily, but he was annoyed. He also knew that Mu Fei was encouraging him. He couldn’t be really angry.

It is also known that he patted his chest and assured several brothers again, "Today I have to cut my opponent down, you just wait and see."

Although the confidence of Qi Mingxing was hurt by several brothers, he was actually quite gratified.

And as it said, a fat man wearing a staff hat happened to pass by here. He gave him a glance at Che Weichen, and he could not help but twist his eyebrows.

"Why are you still shaking here on the 22nd boy?"

"If you haven't found it, quickly find it, take it to the backstage player's lounge and wait for it to be recorded immediately. Give me a hurry and don't wander around here."

The ‘staff’ shouted at Qi Mingxing’s shaking book...

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