My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1568: Misunderstanding

Dust? Fate? Literature × Learning ↑ Net Chapter 1568 Misunderstanding

Jiang Jindie sat on Mu Fei's waist and felt the wonderful touch of the plump and tight buttocks and two beautiful legs of the prodigal apprentice. Mu Fei was a little bit tempted.

And to avoid doing ‘bad things’ for the sake of myself, Mu Fei dared not think about it anymore. He hurriedly thought about something else to distract himself. This ‘other thing’ refers to his precise power.

In fact, just half an hour ago, he was very depressed that his ability was useless, but it wasn’t until he took a bath that he thought about it carefully and found that he seemed to have lost his authority.

The fact is not what he thought before. His thoughts have been misunderstood because his precision abilities are essentially different from other abilities.

Like other abilities such as Deng Dongshan’s ‘divine power’ and the forbearing ‘fast speed’, how much power can be exerted depends entirely on the trainer himself, the stronger the trainer, the greater the power of the power

But precision is completely different. This "precision" ability requires not too high the strength of the trainer, but requires very high performance and power of the gun. The strength and power of the "precision" ability determine the strength of the "precision" ability. no

In other words, the power of precision power depends on the performance of the gun

And Mu Fei used his ‘precision’ ability to compare with Deng Dongshan and others. This is completely a wrong way of comparison. This is equivalent to ‘to use one’s own shortness and one’s own strength’ to take advantage of it.

The reason for the "useless precision" situation is because the bullet speed of most light guns and the action of pulling the trigger are slower than the reaction speed of the practitioner.

Just like a powerful magic in an online game, its movement speed is very slow, only 5 meters per second, but the opponent's player's movement speed is 10 meters per second. Without accident, the magic is naturally impossible to hit. The opponent's

Mu Fei's precision ability is also a two-point limitation similar to a gun, which firmly limits the play of the "precision" ability. This is why the "precision" ability is called the "waste" ability.

But this is only for other "precision" abilities, those who have no way, and the performance of the gun determines the power of ordinary trainers and abilities. Power is naturally waste

But Mu Fei can't get a good weapon? The answer is no. Mu Fei has more ways than ordinary practitioners.

First, if he has money, he can go to Huaxiumeng to buy

Second, he can go to the No. 3 chief and walk through the back door to see if he can make something good.

I can’t do it myself, but I have the future technology after three hundred years...I can’t get a laboratory to do it by myself, even if the technology is only for civilian use, I change to use it as a weapon and at least get a stronger weapon than now. Right

When he thought that he had kept such a large treasure trove and didn’t use it, but he was there to drill the ‘horn horn’, Mu Fei was a little depressed and figured it out.

‘It’s better to go to action tomorrow, go to Wuxiong and Uncle Li to see if he can get the gun that he has at his disposal...’ Mu Feiyue thought more and more that he was reliable


Mu Fei was thinking there, thinking suddenly that his back hurts


At this time, Jiang Jindie slapped Mu Fei's pain and grinned. Mu Fei's rough skin and thick meat were all hurt. How hard did Jiang Jindie use?

"What do you want to do? You want to murder your teacher." Mu Fei yelled and scolded.

"I'm going to be a master, you are normal..."

Just before talking, Jiang Jindie raised his hand to "snap" and slapped again. "I saw you there just now, hey, giggling. I didn't respond to my three calls. I thought you were "nervous" and scared me."

"You're so nervous..."

Mu Fei ruined her sentence "I'm thinking about something. What are you doing?"

"Hey, hey, I... I'm not worried about you anymore. Okay, you're fine. I'll be relieved. Then you think I won't bother you..."

"Slap" Jiang Jindie said slap again

"How can I still beat me depending on you?" Mu Fei twisted his eyebrows and scolded again.

"Hey nothing, I...smoothly, hey, hey..." Jiang Jindie snickered there in a thief's way where she did it, she just likes to beat the **** master

Now Jiang Jindie is also a "pin" out. She can be sure that she really has a tendency to be "sadistic" because she feels very cool and very refreshing every time she "bullies" this **** master. Especially refreshing. It feels like walking outside for more than 40 degrees in the summer for a few hours and finally returning to the air-conditioned room and drinking a cold beer. It is generally'cool and crooked'

It's just like this that she gave Mu Fei a shot while hitting her with a big slap. Mu Fei's back was redder than before. Not only is it not good, but it hurts more.

This massage...or ‘punching people’ lasted more than half an hour, and it was almost three o'clock in the morning when Jiang Jindie helped Mu Fei

"Thank you prodigy..."

Mu Fei got up and flicked gently on Jiang Jindie's head. "You still go to work tomorrow, go to bed early."

After talking about Mu flying away, he went out but was stopped by Jiang Jindie, "Master, wait a minute"

Mu Feicai turned around and put a tender body like warm jade into his arms, two soft lips printed on his mouth


Mu Fei was stunned by the behavior of the prodigal apprentice. Other girls around him kissed him. He was not surprised, but the prodigal apprentice did so... a little beyond Mu Fei's imagination

He feels that he and the prodigal disciple... Although the relationship is good, it is not false, but it is more than the kind between the male and female friends, like the buddy, but now it seems... It seems that the buddy's idea is just his wishful thinking. Dishonored apprentices also like to fail

Thinking of this, Mu Fei suddenly had some ecstasy... This apprentice is a little tiger, a bit of a loser, but it is definitely a big beauty and Mu Fei is a beauty...These beautiful women who have a good relationship with themselves are not resistant.

Who knows that when Mu Fei reacted and wanted to do something, Jiang Jindie's kiss was over, she gently pushed away Mu Fei

"Master, thank you"

Jiang Jindie leaned into Mu Fei's ear and whispered something. At this time, her delicate face color, almost sunset in autumn

After that, she looked up and secretly glanced at Mu Fei, pushed him out and took the door.


Fei Mu react after licking his lips as if still has a faint scent of some of his wretched smile Dayton beat today ...... not Baiai


The next day, Mu Fei had classes in the afternoon. He drove to the Beidu Military Region early in the morning, at more than 8 o'clock. In fact, he originally wanted to call the No. 3 chief and said that he wanted to ask for help. And that is still an "elder", a "leader", there is no way, he can only "enter" the door

When he was about to arrive at the military district, he called the No. 3 chief and said that the No. 3 chief said that he was in the office of the scientific research building and let Mu Fei go directly to him. As for the No. 3 chief, Mu Fei's office was not the first time to go. It’s easy to ask for directions and find a place

Gently knocked on the door twice to see what the No. 3 chief was looking at

"Hey Uncle Li has missed me a few days..."

"Hey, Uncle Li, it's only been these two are young again, you are getting more and more handsome..."

"Uncle Li, every time I are busy. It's too hard for you to see you..."

"Uncle Li, my friend brought me two bottles of high-end tequila from Mo Guo. I brought it to you. How do you taste it..."


Mu Fei laughed at all sorts of flattery

The No. 3 chief's eyelids lifted and flicked Mu Fei out of his mouth.


Mu Fei's head fell down when he failed, and he was instantly speechless. This old man's language was really sharp.


Mu Fei nodded helplessly and sat on the chair opposite to the No. 3 chief, "Uncle Li, I want you to do me a favor."

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Chief No. 3 also laughed thieves. He put down the information in his hand and pointed his finger at Mu Fei. "Your kid has never taken the initiative to look at me more than a year ago. I will say that you have something to do today... what happened? Was I told you?"

Mu Fei nodded again. Actually, he was just kidding. He didn't want to hide.

"Let me tell you something..."

Chief No. 3 sat on the sofa next to him and signaled Mu Fei to come and sit too

Mu Fei didn't need to hide this matter, so he originally said it in detail.

"You said you got a "good" gun..."

The No. 3 chief touched his chin and thought for a moment, looking up at Mu Fei. "So what do you mean..."

"I heard that the United States has newly developed a "laser laser gun"... Does our country have it?" Mu Fei tentatively asked

"Oh, huh..."

After hearing this, the No. 3 chief looked at Mu Fei sideways as if looking at the mentally handicapped. "Don't think too much, stinky kid. Don't say that we don't have anything... Even if it costs $100 million, you think it can For you?"

"Actually, I just asked..."

Mu Fei spread his hands to show an expression of "a guess is like this"

"Uncle Li, I ask you to know that I can use what is owned by our country and the cost is not too think about what you have to say to me" Mu Fei asked the No. 3 director in turn

"Well this..."

Chief No. 3 thought again and stood up. "Otherwise, I'll call Laoxing. You go to him and ask him to help you think about it..."

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