My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1572: Preparation Lab_Next

Dust? Fate? Literature √ Xue ← Chapter 1572 Preparing the Laboratory _ Next

Mu Fei turned on the computer and opened Xiaomeng... It was his glasses that were connected to the computer so that Xiaomeng could be connected to the Internet. In fact, Mu Fei can use the mobile phone to let Xiaomeng go online, but the mobile phone network still has to be slower.

As Mu Fei's connection was completed, Xiaomeng quickly operated

‘Search polymer ion battery...’

‘Search laser sensor...’

‘Search bio-neural sensing device...’


I saw that various windows, various forms, data, text on the computer screen quickly opened, copied, and closed.

It can be seen that the amount of labor is really very large, even if it is Xiao Xiaomeng, an artificial intelligence that is more powerful than the world's most advanced computer, it is enough to search for more than 40 minutes to complete the data collection.

In the end, all the information windows were closed one after another, and only two form document files were left on the desktop.

‘Master is done... I’m exhausted to death...’ Xiaomeng exhaled.

And Mu Fei is lazy to a certain extent, he doesn’t move the computer, ‘I won’t read it, just tell me the result’


Xiao Xiaomeng is also helpless to her master’s laziness. ‘Master, what you need to do is the three first places to find a place to build a laboratory is not too big, as long as there is a forty square square...’

"Second take money..."

‘Third, get me a basic research robot with a robotic arm. I need to borrow this thing to operate...’

Speaking of this, Xiao Xiaomeng's voice is somewhat lost ‘Oh Master...I envy you and the body have a real body’

'After you have prepared all of these for me, I can build the laboratory in about three to four months, prepare all the tools I need, and then use the laser gun that you want to make in about seven months...' Xiaomeng said

‘Four plus seven... Eleven months will be one year and it’s okay...’

Mu Fei nodded and the time was still within his acceptable range.

‘Oh, that’s the most important thing... According to my estimation, these things need about 150 million yuan in total. You’d better prepare 200 million yuan...’

After hearing this, the flesh on Mu Fei's face twitched a few times.

"For 200 million... Mi Yuan" Xiao Xiaomeng added

The flesh on Mu Fei's face twitched a few times.

Even if Mu Fei knew beforehand that this number would not be too low, he was prepared for it early... he was also taken aback.

"I'll go if I go"

No wonder he was scared... that is more than 2 billion Chinese national currency. Mu Fei now has 20 or 30 million cash, which is good even if he sells all his assets and industries... I don’t have enough RMB 200 million

Now it takes nearly 2 billion to make this gun... Mu Fei is a bit sweaty when he thinks about it

"Why are you too many masters?"

And Xiao Xiaomeng was disdainful about Mu Fei's disdain.'It's already enough. Okay, we need to know that we have ready-made technology. As long as the success rate of complete production is at least 70% or 80%, this is all that is needed... …'

‘Changing a scientific research institution, if you don’t have this information, you just give him ten times these funds and he may not be able to produce what you are not satisfied yet...really’

After listening to her, Mu Fei could imagine the dissatisfied appearance of the goods flapping their small wings and their mouths

Mu Fei thinks it's the same thing, okay he recognized

‘You first tell me how much money you need to get this laboratory up front. Let’s solve the laboratory first and then talk about the gun’. Mu Fei asked again.

‘Let’s take a look... 50 million yuan is about 400 million Chinese dollars’, Xiao Xiaomeng replied


Mu Fei is under great pressure again ‘Ok I will find a way’

‘By the host, the others are not too anxious. The most important thing is that the research robot has this, so I can prepare for the laboratory. You need to solve this first and then talk about others’

‘That needs more money’

‘It’s around 5 million meters... 40 million Chinese dollars’

Xiaomeng replied, ‘Master, let’s make all kinds of preparations. We will start work when the money is available.’

‘I’m preparing, I’m going to prepare...’

‘And master, I’m going to the playground’

‘I can’t lead you well...’

When I think of getting so much money, Mu Fei feels a bit ‘weak’.

He didn’t take care of Xiao Xiaomeng after he finished the business. He now wants to... "Make money" is right. He was supposed to make money. Originally, he thought that his life is also "Ben Xiaokang", but now he only knows that his task has just begun. There is a feeling that playing the game is full, the version is updated and you have to practice again

Say no more, since you decide to do it, let’s start

He thought for a moment and touched his phone and pressed a few times to find out Hong Sufen's number. When he called and didn't call, he didn't feel anything. Now he dialed it. He only found that he didn't seem to contact the beauty manager for a while. I haven't seen her since the New Year

"Hello 3rd Brother..."

A moment later, Hong Sufen's long-lost voice came

"He Sufen, where are you now?" Mu Fei was a little embarrassed to ask for money, which was too hurt.

"I am now in Shencheng. As for how do you ask me personally... or the company?" Hong Sufen said softly... but Mu Fei always felt a bit of a "sorrow" when listening to this and Mu Fei also knows that she should blame herself for not contacting her for so long

"Of course I asked you," Mu Fei hurriedly replied

"Giggle I'm okay... I was a little tired some time ago and had some problems but this time is much better"

"Originally, Uncle Li and I wanted to put this branch into production at the beginning of this month, but the plan was not as fast as the other aspects are complete, but I didn't expect this place to recruit so hard. The master comes...especially the management is particularly lacking in this aspect. In the end, there is no way we can only reduce the requirement to recruit people and then train them, which will delay more than half a month..."

Okay, Mu Fei asked about her "personal" situation, but she was talking or talking about business

From her words, Mu Fei also knew that the branch opened near Shencheng encountered more problems than expected, but fortunately all of these problems have been solved. Now the factory has been put into production and started to be formal

And although Hong Sufen is just a simple "narration" and does not mean to invite credit, Mu Fei knows that in fact, all of this is basically she is busy alone. Although he is enthusiastic and not false, his old concept and old management The method is completely unsuitable now, he should not be able to help

One person and one woman is busy with all kinds of things in the whole factory... It's not easy to think about it

That's how Mu Fei felt a little owed to her and a little reluctant

"Sufen's work is more important, his body is more important, he should take a break... I will be distressed if you are tired," Mu Fei said that although there is some numbness, he can be honest.

"Giggling when you say that, I don't think it's okay to work hard... Don't just tell me what's going on with you, my third brother" Hong Sufen asked

Mu Fei chatted with her casually for a while to talk about her situation

While chatting for a while, Hong Sufen tentatively asked, "Third Brother, you're looking for me... It should be more than just chatting with me, there should be something serious."


Mu Fei hesitated and said a little embarrassingly, "I want to much activity funds do we have...I have something..."

"Oh, I will say, "Brother, you call me to specify that something is happening..." Hong Sufen said in the "sure enough" tone

Upon hearing this, Mu Fei felt even more disappointed. The few ambiguous Mu Fei before also saw that this beautiful manager had some'meaning' for herself, and she was exhausted to make money for herself. With the other'little sister' not even calling her... Mu Feiyue felt a little overwhelmed when she thought about it.

"After seeing the sample, I need to care more about her..." Mu Fei thought to himself

"The third brother "live money" has some but not too much how much you need" Hong Sufen asked again

"I need more...about three thousand," Mu Fei tentatively said.

"Three thousand...ah three thousand"

Hong Sufen made a surprised voice, "What the **** do you want to do with so much money?"

‘This is just the beginning. If I told you that I needed nearly 3 billion... I don’t know what your expression would be’. Mu Fei thought helplessly

And Hong Sufen did not wait for his answer and continued to say, "Thirty million is now without my estimate... Can it be up to 1,800 to give you the past 1,500? Isn't it enough for me to return to Binnan to pay for the bathing center and resort? Use it first"

"If you don't have to use one thousand five hundred, one thousand five hundred. I have some leftovers here. I can figure it out by myself."

"Okay, it's late. I'll pass it on to you tomorrow morning..."

I chatted with the beauty manager for a while and promised to see her after a while. Mu Fei hung up the phone.

He checked his account for less than two thousand and then "borrowed" it from Missy. It was enough to collect 40 million Chinese dollars. He let Xiaomeng go online and contact the supply of "high-precision auxiliary robots for engineering." s company

At the same time, while Mu Fei and Xiao Xiaomeng were preparing for the laboratory, a red alert appeared on the internal network of a national security department.

‘International killer combination killer mosquitoes enter the territory of China...’

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