My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1574: Not peaceful amusement park

Dust↗Fate↙文×学?网 Chapter 1574 The Unsettled Amusement Park_下

After all, Miss Fei flew half the earth and ran to herself Mu Fei, how could she treat her to see her angry and hurry up and coax her


But Mu Fei just got together and found that something was wrong and it seemed that someone was looking at himself

He turned his head to look at the two cartoon characters... It was a guy wearing a puppet costume of a cartoon character, a Pooh bear, a jumping tiger, while sending small souvenirs to tourists, while looking at this side from time to time because of the costume The reason Mu Fei can’t see their eyes, nor their expressions

And these two people saw Mu Feiwang shaking his bulky body to him and waved his hand to say hello to them


Mu Fei didn't care too much when he smiled. In fact, it wasn't just these two cartoon characters. Since Mu Fei led the women into the playground, he wasn't overlooked by others.

No wonder those people are making a fuss, but Mu Fei’s ‘lineup’ is too strong

Cute little loli hot, **** royal blonde, exotic doll beauty three super big beauty together who saw this combination don't look at two eyes, especially this pedestrian is only a man who is Mu Fei The men don’t envy, or are jealous.

Of course, although there is a black girl in this group who pulls the bottom of the ‘overall score’, the safflower also needs green leaves to match. Who knows if there will be people who like the black girl who have a heavy taste?

After laughing, Mu Fei then coaxed Missy

"Beautiful and gentle, gentle and kind lady, why are you so depressed, who made you angry"

"Are you smiling, smiling, okay? Your smile is so beautiful, even the moon is fascinating for you, and the flowers are intoxicating for you..." Mu Fei's pleasing smile like a play, saying'Romeo and Juliet 'Lines inside


Flynn couldn't resist being exaggerated by Mu Fei's exaggerated smirk, and with such a smile, the grudge in her heart went to a third


But then she turned her face up and pretended to be angry

And Mu Fei saw that Miss Mi was happy and knew half of the success. He continued to work hard. "My Miss Mi is not that I don’t play with you, but Xiao Meng is a kid. I always need someone to take care of me. I can’t help..."

"Don't be depressed, I'll get'She' and I will let Night Bee accompany her. I'll accompany you to'single play'. Don't be angry, don't be angry..." Mu Fei took the lady's hand and said softly Persuade

Seeing Mu Fei's good attitude, Missy's complaint went to a third but she was still a little angry

‘I also asked Miss Ben why she was so unhappy, who made me angry and it’s clearly you’

‘How can you say on the Internet that those boys are all girlfriends and younger brothers and sisters standing next to each other, but why is it different here?’

"Why do I always think that this sister Xiaomeng is more important to you than this fiancee, Miss Ben?"

Missy grumbled in her heart

It is because of this idea that although Flynn is in a better mood, she still wants to punish Mu Fei a little.

‘On the’s annoyed by the boy’s paper, even if you’re not angry, you have to pretend, otherwise they must think you’re so coaxing and angry. Ms. Ben will do the same...’

Thinking of this, Flynn deliberately put her face down and ordered, "I want to make Miss Ben get angry... how could it be so easy for Miss Ben to eat ice cream cones and ask for the "dairy spot" at the door of the park..."

After talking, Missy’s face lifted up, looking at Mu Fei’s look at “what do you do”

"Oh, I didn't eat any ice cream. It's bad for the stomach to eat cold drinks before meals..."

Mu Fei said she handed a piece of Sanming to her mouth, "Eat first, eat first"

"No, Miss Ben wants to eat ice cream"

"I'll buy it for you after you're done... OK"

"Miss Ben now..."

Furin also wanted to argue that Mu Fei probe secretly kissed her on her face, "Good wife obedient"

Missie was so honest in a lot of moments, "Then say that after dinner, you will buy ice cream for Miss Ben"

"Good must be..." Mu Fei promised

Anyway, it’s a good coax

After a half-hour picnic, the elder lady pushed Mu Fei, "Dear, should you fulfill your promise?"

"Okay, I can't buy it for you"

Mu Fei said, stood up, "What do you all eat?"

"Xiaomeng wants to eat strawberry yogurt..."

"What kind of food do you eat...I eat the same as you"

"Master Mu Fei, please buy me a chocolate flavor" Xu Xiaomeng, Mana, Ye Feng answered one after another

"I know I'll go and go back"

Mu Fei responded casually, biting a cigarette, walking in his mouth, and generally walking towards the door of the amusement park

But Mu Fei didn't know that he had left. The previous Winnie the Pooh, and the two cartoon characters who jumped up and wobbled around.

"Hey, bear Winnie the Pooh..." Xu Xiaomeng's eyes widened and pointed at the Winnie the Pooh.

"Giggle..." Missy also smiled smirkingly

And after the Pooh came over, he shook it happily twice, gave a few high-five to several women, and then took out several small dolls, small bears, deer, koalas and the like, from the big bag carried by the jumping tiger, and gave them to the girls. ...Even Manna has a share

"Wow this is for Xiaomeng"

"So cute...thanks"

Several women thanked

And the Winnie the Pooh and the Jumping Tiger didn’t reply, shaking their ass, shaking hands with a few women, and shaking away, and distributed gifts to other children.

"Hehe Xiaomeng is a koala, so cute..." Xu Xiaomeng's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, playing with her little gift

After watching for a while, she stared at the little deer in the night bee "Sister Ye bee also showed you Xiaomeng"

"Fulin's sister Xiaomeng also wants to see you..."

"The grandfather of Xiaomingwo gave mud..." Mana handed her own to Xu Xiaomeng too

"Hey, a lot..."

"Actually... it's still the cutest hee of Xiaomeng's Koala..."

Xu Xiaomeng playing with this, hugging that cute little face is full of satisfaction


Seeing Xu Xiaomeng's happy face, Ye Bee couldn't help but smile


At this moment, Xu Xiaomeng suddenly opened his eyes and revealed his doubts.

Finally, she picked up the little bear's doll and hugged, touched, and swayed. "It's strange that they are about the same size. Why is this heavier than the others?"

"Well, heavier"

Her words caught the attention of the night bee "Xiaomeng show me"

Yeeong said that after taking that little bear, it was a lot heavier than other dolls.


Suddenly a very light noise caught the attention of the night bee

The night bee put the little bear to his ear and heard "Di, Di, Didi, Didi, Dididi..."

Hearing this faster and faster sound, the night bee was horrified...


"Xiansen went to the door for ten yuan..."

Too far from the door, Mu Fei found a garden battery car. The driver charged him as soon as he got on the car.

Mu Fei took out ten dollars and handed him to sit in the car

"Xiao Xiaomeng, are you happy now?" Mu Fei asked

‘Well, it’s nice and happy... Hee hee... The host will go to another place next time...’ Mu Fei’s laughter came from Mu Fei’s mind


And she smiled and did not know what she remembered and sighed

"What's wrong with you?" Mu Fei asked curiously.

‘Although these things are fun, but...I can only observe them through your master’s eyes, if I have my own body, I can experience it, and I can play with you...’ Xiao Xiaomeng said depressedly

You want to have a body

I knew that Mu Fei couldn’t persuade her to digress and say, ‘Don’t think so much, I’ll take you to other places next time to play where you want to go...’


Before Mu Fei finished speaking, he heard a loud noise in the distance and the ground was shaking. The driver of the battery car was shocked and hurriedly depressed the brake.

Mu Fei looked back and saw a cloud of black smoke rising into the sky, and the location of the black smoke was the place where he had a picnic with several girls

Seeing this scene, Mu Fei's heart ‘giggled’

He jumped out of the car and immediately went into an outbreak and ran back crazy. He ran past many tourists as if he were a ghost, and those people did not notice

‘Don’t be in trouble.’

Mu Fei ran while praying in his heart, he felt his heart was about to clump together

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen. When he returned to the picnic position, several women were sitting in Xu Xiaomeng, Missy, and Mana. There was a frightened night bee standing nearby. She was tangled in what she wanted to do, but she couldn't rest assured when Mu Fei came back, she was finally at ease

"Brother, look at them, I'll chase that guy..." Ye Bong shouted and took two slender legs to chase in a certain direction

"be careful"

Mu Fei reminded him that he ran next to Xu Xiaomeng, "What's the matter, are you okay?"

Mu Fei is talking about you but in fact he is only looking at Xu Xiaomeng

"It's terrible, terrible...Hoooo brother is terrible." Xu Xiaomeng was really scared that she was flustered for a long time before reacting and then fluttered into Mu Fei's arms and shivered gently

And Mu Fei also saw that this dumb loli was not hurt except for being scared. He was relieved.

"Fulin Mana, are you okay?"

Missy didn’t even want to be jealous anymore. She shook her head and gave Mu Fei a peaceful look. Although Missy was weak but had experienced similar things before, she was scared but calm.

Make sure that there is no problem with several people. Mu Fei turned his head and looked at the flower bed that was just right in the distance. Shaped earth pit...

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