My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1582: News is not allowed

Dust? Fate ↘ Literature? Learning ↓ Chapter 1582 News Not Allowed

At midnight, a medium-sized business van on the Beijing-Lianyang Expressway was driving fast

"Sister Luo Xue, do you say those guys... will you come?" she asked Luo Xue in a worried expression on the face of the pretty girl in one of the cars.

"This... Actually, I'm not sure..."

Luo Xue put her arms around the shoulders of the talented girl and gave her a calm look. "But it doesn't matter even if they come, we will protect you. Remember what you just said, you will hide in the car and don't go out..."

Speaking of this, Luo Xue glanced at Mu Fei, who closed his eyes and rested. "There is nothing wrong with A Fei"


The talented girl gave Mu Fei a look and gave a glance

‘This guy...will not remember hating himself for beating him and scolding him. Then he will deliberately ‘see death and not save’ and kill himself’.

I have to say that although the IQ of the talented girl is very high, she is really very childish in some things. Mu Fei, even if she is not happy, she would not do that kind of two-handed thing.

"Phone Brother Answers the Phone"

As the saying goes, the phone in Mu Fei's hand suddenly rang. He pressed the answer button. A man's voice came. "Mr. Mu Fei, a black jaguar is driving fast in your direction. The distance is less than two kilometers. Please do it. Ready to meet the enemy"


Mu Fei hung up the phone and said to the car in the car, "I will act as planned after a while"


"it is good"

Luo Xue and others held their guns while talking

"Sister Luo Xue, you... all pay attention to safety..." The talented girl persuades with some worry

"Relax, it's okay" Luo Xue gave the talented girl a reassuring smile

After a little while, the soldier in charge of driving said sideways, "Mr. Mu Fei's car has appeared in the field of vision. The estimated distance is not more than 300 meters..."


Mu Fei should look around and look back, as the soldier said, a black Jaguar approached quickly

And just when Mu Fei considered what method they would use to stop himself and others, he saw a ninja protruding his upper body from Jaguar’s window, and raised a gzr540 handheld missile barrel to point here.


I saw a red light flashing and a missile dragged the tail of the fire and whistled


Mu Fei secretly said badly, and hurriedly shouted "Turn right, hurry"

No wonder Mu Fei scolded his mother. Before Xiao Fei, Xiao Han said that the islanders didn’t have ‘heavy weapons’. Where did they come from? This news is not allowed.

While speaking, he has already stretched out his gun-raising hand. If the car can’t escape the missile, he can only shoot down, but this may affect the combat plan. He doesn’t want to do this.

The soldier responsible for driving responded quickly enough to listen to Mu Fei without asking why he hurried to turn right



At this moment, a deafening explosion sounded, the car shook heavily, and the little talented girl screamed in fright.

The missile exploded next to the car and it didn’t even have two meters. The car was specially made, not only heavy enough, but also bulletproof. Otherwise, the glass might have shattered completely and the car might have been overturned. The glass of the car is also full of cracks

This little girl understands why she didn’t dare to take the helicopter and leave the helicopter. It’s not so flexible.


The harsh sound of the brakes sounded and the car staggered on the street and parked on the side of the road

"Get off quickly" Mu Fei waved and greeted

And just when they hurriedly got off the car, the Jaguar had rushed to the front. He also blocked the road. Then the door opened. Four black-clad ninjas got out of the car. The three of them held a knife, and one held it. A missile barrel came here

The ninja holding the missile barrel approached it while replenishing a'cannonball' in the missile barrel and raised it to point here

"Quick hide"

Mu Fei hurriedly waved his hands and shouted

"call out"

Fire light flashes and a missile comes flying with fire light


Another loud bang Mu Fei and others just sat in a business van that was blown up and flew out. The whole car turned into a "fire group". Fortunately, they hid fast enough to be hit, even Mu Fly is also fierce


"Hah ah"

At this time, the four ninjas were already screaming to attack here with their swords

"Dou Ding is responsible for taking care of other talented girls and acting according to plan"

Mu Fei shouted and turned his head and said, "Let's go"

While talking, he had already pulled Wang Mo across the guardrail and ran to the side woods with Mu Fei and Douding, who was leading the talented girl. The original plan was that the talented girl was hiding in the car. "Tibetan" people... unless the talented girl wants to become a "roast suckling pig"

"Da Da Da Da Da Da..."

Luo Xue, Liu Guiying, Xiao Han, and the soldier who had previously drove the car did not hesitate to raise the machine gun and fired at the four ninjas.

Although the sound of the gun was very loud, the effect was quite bad

In the blink of an eye, the four ninjas had already arrived at Luo Xue and the others. Two of them attacked Luo Xue and others with a knife. The other two chased at Mu Fei and Wang Mo to see this scene. Mu Fei was more at ease.

As many as he guessed, the ninjas knew the situation here. Knowing that Luo Xue and Liu Guiying were so powerful, they let the two to endure to deal with the two troubles. The remaining two of them were responsible for killing themselves. This Wang Mo is weaker

And Mu Fei and Wang Mo are both ‘ordinary people’ on the question of where speed will be the two opponents who are tolerant


"Don't follow me, get away quickly"

Mu Fei and Wang Mo were scared enough to yell while attacking these two ninjas with a pistol

But in spite of this, they were caught up by those two Zhongren

"go to hell"


The two men shouted in the Mandarin of the island and raised their swords so hard that they hacked down so close that Mu Fei could clearly see the killing intent and fanaticism in the eyes of the two


But who knows that when the two thought they had already won the game, Mu Fei smirked and didn’t know where to change the dagger and swipe


A cold light crossed to cut Mu Fei's forbearance, but he felt his neck was cold

And Mu Fei ignored the poor guy's knife and put up with another name.

At this time, the Zhongren also noticed the abnormality next to him, but Mu Fei moved too fast. He just fell off and tried to hide.


There was a muffled sound that Na Nin was thrust into the chest with a dagger in Mu Fei’s stab, stab in the back, and the whole ‘dual wear’


Mu Fei drew a blood arrow and flew out

"Uh uh uh……"

That Zhongren wobbled down on his knees and fell to the ground to face each other. They died in battle and they didn't understand how to die.


Seeing that these two guys were killed, Mu Fei took a breath, and the pressure was much lower.

"Lolo insisted that I come"

Mu Fei shouted while picking up a sword and ran back quickly

"Leave it to me"

"It's silly to look at the knife" Mu Fei caught one casually and raised his hand to cut



That Shinobu is also unambiguously raising his sword to fight back against the two.

In fact, Mu Fei was a little worried before he didn’t fight. He was worried that this kind of ninja is a “skiller” but he couldn’t deal with it himself. And there is no power

This time Mu Feile has sold this product completely like a soft persimmon

It is exactly this that Luo Xue and others are perseveringly insisting on, but with Mu Fei joining the battle group, Mu Fei becomes alone to deal with a Shang Ni Luo Luo Xue, Liu Guiying, Xiao Han and other four people to deal with a Shang Ren situation immediately Changed

As for just now... yes, he and Wang Mo had a little "play" in a play, and this "play" is naturally not for no reason, not a "play"

Just when he was idle this afternoon, he was thinking about how to deal with these four or more ninjas, but what he thought...all ‘difficult’

In fact, he is okay. He is sure that he can at least kill or hold down a Shang Ni, but this is totally not enough. Mu Fei is afraid that those ninjas can't take it, they will drag themselves with one person, and turn to other people.

Even today this lineup will not work even if he can hold one ninja and two ninjas, because another combination of ninja and ninja can completely wash the others, not to mention that he may not be able to hold the two.

In short, Mu Fei feels that this task is a little difficult, not because he is not powerful, but his opponent is too strong

But there is no way to make a conspiracy or a trick, so Mu Fei and Luo Xue discussed it and came up with such a plan

Let Luo Xue, Liu Guiying, Xiao Han, etc. hold down the two Shangren to weaken him, let the two Zhongren underestimate the enemy and seize the opportunity to kill the two Zhongren, so that only two Shangren will deal with one. It will be easier for four or five people to drag the other together

Although Mu Fei's plan is very simple, there is no deep technical content at all, and it requires a certain amount of luck, but I have to say that his luck is really good and made him conspiracy.

The most difficult problem has been solved, and the rest is very simple. The opponent who is not forbearingly Mu Fei is defeated by his attack.

And despite the great situation now, Mu Fei noticed a question why these four ninjas... gave him a feeling of'exactly the same'

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