My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1594: Cottage products

Dust? Fate ↘ Literature? Learning ↓ Net () Chapter 1594 Cottage Products

"It's not worth it. It's not that you said it. I think he's worth it. He'll be worth it. But I'm hiding my brother from doing business with you... In case this thing is known to Afei, will our brother still have to do it? It’s not worth 70 million yuan to bring the "Brothers" together with the prescription." Mo Bai stared at this fat man... It was Che Weichen’s uncle Che Jianguo who asked

Che Jianguo wanted to say something but was interrupted by Mo Bai's wave of hand. "You don't talk nonsense, I don't have so much time to prescribe. Do you want to take money or not?"

"This price..."

"Goodbye" Mo Bai said, got up and left

"If you go 70 million, you will be 70 million"

Che Jianguo hurriedly changed his mouth "but I want to verify the authenticity of the prescription"

"no problem"

Mo Bai sat back and took out a small bottle from his pocket and a piece of folded paper. "This is all the medicinal materials and samples you need. You can take it to verify it. See if the ingredients are right. There is my account on it. I will wait for your money. Tell you the specific processing method"

"Of course, you can also study it yourself to see if you can crack my prescription, but I think you will be disappointed..." Mo Bai said

"I will contact you later..."

After getting these two things, Che Jianguo had a conspiracy smirk on his fat face, and he didn't delay to put this prescription and'sample' in his pocket and got up and left.

And before Che Jianguo left, two people got out from the screen deck not far away and sat across from Mo Bai

"How did I play" Mo Bai asked Mu Fei

"Hey, professional Xiaobai, if you don't act as a doctor, you can see the development." Mu Fei raised a thumb to Mo Bai

"What do we do next, Idol" Che Weichen asked

"let me see……"

Mu Fei thought for a while and said to Che Weichen, "Wei Chen pretends to be unaware during this time. Let them be proud of them. The more slap they are, the more ruthless they will be. The more pain they have, the longer they will remember. Is it otherwise? This time they did not succeed, there will be next time"

After listening to Mu Fei’s explanation, Che Weichen nodded and agreed with him. That’s right, unless he let the family die, he wouldn’t stop.


On the third day after Mo Bai and Che Jianguo met, Che Jianguo and Mo Bai completed the remaining transaction and exchanged 70 million Chinese dollars for a complete prescription

I have to say that the Che family is really efficient

One week after they got the prescription, the company's president of a new company called "Che's Yiyao", a beauty product production company called "Yimeiren", was Che Jianguo. According to themselves, this is an old pharmaceutical industry. The first battle of the company and the pharmaceutical industry's large-scale enterprise Cheshi Pharmaceutical into the beauty industry

And these are just the second most important is that the beauty products of this "Easy Beauty" have a huge impact on the beauty industry both in terms of effect and use method, and "Huahua Washing Face" launched by Weichen Pharmaceutical The series is almost the same, the same is the same... Well, it is almost the same except the name is different from the company.

And this product immediately aroused the discussion and attention of the beauty industry, especially those experts and teachers gave a very high evaluation after the trial

"Although it is not a company's product, the effect is as good..."

"The effect is not worse than the flower wash series...

"There are actually two epoch-making products within a year, which is really an honor for China's China and the United States."

"It feels exactly the same as the "Hua Hua Xi Yan" series. If not, I knew in advance that I used the same product."


There are similar reports on newspapers, the Internet, and TV programs about beauty and skin repair.

It is precisely because of the strong impact of "Yimeiren" that the sales growth rate of Weichen Pharmaceutical's nearly violent table has dropped by more than 30% from the previous month.



The harsh braking sounded a black Volkswagen parked at the door of the car's courtyard. After Weichen got out of the car, he ran into it angrily. Mu Fei was slower than him and followed behind

But he was stopped by a little old man before he even ran into the "yard"

"Master Weichen, are you okay?" Niu Bo, the housekeeper of the car house, asked him to stop him

"My grandpa, I want to see my grandpa" Che Weichen yelled angrily while rushing in

And the uncle Niu, who was also ‘practiced’ for a few times, could not push him away

"Master Weichen, come back later. The master was asleep during the two days of nap. He didn't rest well, he fell asleep, so don't quarrel him..." Niu Bo said

"No, I must see him. I have to ask him what the **** is going on."

"Master Weichen, you..."

But who knows what is going on here, a fat man came out of the "yard" slowly

Seeing this fat man as his uncle, Jianguo Che, Weichen was even more angry. "Niubo, don't you mean my grandfather is resting? Why is he here?"

Niu Bo just came out after talking about the goods, and Niu Bo's face was not very good-looking, but fortunately, Che Weichen didn't care about him

"Uncle also has your share in it, right?" Che Weichen rushed to Che Jianguo, shouting at his arm


Che Jianguo slapped mercilessly and slapped Weichen's hand. His eyebrows were twisted and his eyes were round. "Che Weichen, I'm an uncle. What is your attitude? Is this your attitude to talk to elders?"

Che Jianguo annoyed after finishing his suit, slanting eyes glanced at Che Weichen and glanced at Mu Fei again "I still don't understand what you said"

Although he said so, the expression on his face already explained everything

"Uncle, if you still pretend, then I will tell you something"

Che Weichen pointed to the direction of Che Jianguo and the courtyard. "At the last birthday party, you failed to bite a bite from our company. You didn't give up. Then you and my grandfather retreated and asked Xiao Shunhe Lili sent it to my company for the purpose of stealing my company's prescriptions. What is the reason for studying, internship, and work? Is it an excuse to tell me, right?"

"Ha ha……"

Upon hearing this, Che Jianguo smiled. He looked at Che Weichen and Mu Fei and smiled at this happy and proud and the expression and gesture of a "winner".

But in spite of this, he still refused to admit that he saw and disdain, "Stealing the prescription, hehe Xiaochen, are you kidding me?"

"Xiaoshun and Lili, they are one in the distribution department and one in the customer service department... These two are both "external" departments who have no access to your company's product production process. How can they steal the prescription? "

"They didn't do it themselves..."

Che Weichen still wanted to argue about something but was interrupted by Che Jianguo's impatient waving of his hand. "If you do, don't say anything..."

Afterwards, Che Jianguo put out a pair of elders who were bitter and persuaded, "Wei Chen, you are also a parent in the pharmaceutical world. You should know that there are many drugs in the world that have similar effects but different ingredients, which is normal."

"I admit that the effect of my prescription is very similar to yours, but how can the elephant explain what the problem is, how can you be sure that my "Yimeiren" series is your copycat product of the "Hua Hua Xi Yan" series? What evidence do you have to prove that my prescription was stolen from you?"


Che Jianguo turned his words and choked Che Weichen.


Che Jianguo was more proud of his grin, his fat face squeezed into a ball, and his two small eyes narrowed into a small slit

"Wei Chen, you are still too think about things too imperfectly"

Che Jianguo patted Che Weichen’s shoulder. “What happens when you are a man, you must first find the reason from yourself and ask yourself to see if you are not doing enough. You are also the same as “biting around”. , Did you do something wrong, otherwise how could this happen? Hahahaha..."

Speaking of this, Che Jianguo also glanced at Mu Fei with disdain and pride

"There are still people who need to be separated from the Ming and Qing ‘in and out distances’ before they can be blinded by messy people and messy words...” After talking about Che Jianguo, he didn’t take Che Weichen and Mu Fei away.

"Oh right..."

And he only took two steps but suddenly remembered something and turned his head again, "Waichen, although your company and your "Hua Hua Xi Yan" must be eliminated, you don't have any pressure. There is an uncle after all."

Che Jianguo patted his **** "When you can't go on that day, come to the uncle and your uncle will collect it and the uncle will definitely give you a reasonable price ha ha ha ha..."

"Call... call..."

Che Jianguo left with a smug smile and Che Weichen was gasping for breath

But after Che Jianguo left, Che Weichen wanted to enter the "yard" but was stopped by Niu Bo. "Master Weichen, you can't go in..."

"Why can he go in, I can't go in, Niu Bo, go away" Che Weichen and Niu Bo shoved

At this moment, the voice of the old man in the car came, "Okay, let him in."

Niu Bo asked to drive Weichen to the courtyard, and then Niu Bo hesitated to see Mu Fei following Che Weichen.

This courtyard is the private space of the old man. Mu Fei and Che Weichen went in and found that the old man of the car was splashing ink and writing brush in the study.

"Grandpa, tell me why"

Che Weichen patted the old man's desk and questioned with wide eyes

Master Che raised his head, looked at Che Weichen blankly, and then glanced at Mu Fei "because Weichen's not surnamed "car"..."

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