My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1600: Time is up

Dust? Fate? Literature? Study? Net......... Chapter 1600 The Time Is Up

When the staff member opened the wooden box, the robot exposed Lushan's true face. Mu Fei couldn't help but twist his eyebrows. "Is this thing...really reliable?"

No wonder Mu Fei thinks that the appearance of this robot is exactly like the protagonist well in the movie "The Thunderbolt Five"-just bigger, and the robotic arm is almost the same except for these

Mu Fei wondered if he should have spent so much money... Buy a ‘toy’ and come back

‘Xiao Xiaomeng this thing... is it okay’ Mu Fei asked

"Master, you are such a fool"

Xiaofei Meng in Mu Fei’s mind naturally knew his thoughts and explained, ‘It’s not this thing like well-but well-e like this because the prototype of that well-e is an auxiliary operation robot, do you understand it’


Mu Fei suddenly felt relieved

"Mu Feixiansen what do you say" the staff thought Mu Fei asked him to ask

"Nothing, nothing to sneeze..."

Mu Fei waved his hand, "Please continue"

"Oh no problem, then I will start the machine. I will show you the basic operation. Please take a look..."

The box is fully opened. The staff wearing glasses pressed the robot's "eyes" twice on the tablet and the machine started

Then the robot walked awkwardly with its ‘track feet’ and got off the delivery van and walked towards Mu Fei’s finger

"Wow wow is fun..."

The robot was walking in front of Xu Xiaomeng, followed by a screaming cute face full of excitement

The staff sent the robot into the "lab" and taught Mu Fei to install and use the software for an hour before leaving. The two talents left Xu Xiaomeng sitting in front of the computer and using the software to control the robot.


The robot "walked" to Mu Fei and looked at Mu Fei with an outstretched hand "Mud, Hao"

"Hello there"

Mu Fei returned and shook hands with the robot

"Haha brother, I can see you from the screen. Oh, it's fun. It's fun..." Xu Xiaomeng laughed and laughed.

"Brother asked me to touch your face..."

Xu Xiaomeng said that he was using this robot to reach out and touch Mu Fei, but who knew that the robot didn’t touch his face but hit it with a punch.



The strength of this product is not small, Mu Fei was smashed and tilted his head to wait for Mu Fei to stand up and look at him... Okay, this cargo nose is obviously red

"Xu Xiaomeng"

It was this time that Mu Fei was angry. He turned his head and looked at Xu Xiaomeng, staring straight at his eyes, "Are you looking for beating?"

"Hey, brother Xiaomeng didn't mean you..."

"Ahhhh... help me..." Xu Xiaomeng's explanation didn't finish before Mu Fei walked over with a big slap, and this loli was directly scared away

Mu Fei had something to do but didn’t chase her, but asked Xiao Meng in his head, "What should you do now?"

"Master, you can connect the data cable of the glasses to the data cable of this robot, and I can control this thing." Xiaomeng eagerly said

Seeing that this guy is very anxious, Mu Fei rushed to take a snapshot of the operation

After a minute, the robot finally moved under the operation of Xiaomeng. I saw it very humanized. Look at the left and right, look at the lowest head, look at the robot arm with only four fingers, and finally look at Mu Fei.

"Master, I finally saw you with my own eyes..."

Although Xiaomeng’s voice is an electronic sound, he can still hear some ‘moving’ meaning. “It’s a bit uglier than I thought...”


Mu Fei was moved there. The flesh on his face flicked twice when he heard the words, and the touch was instantly gone.

"Don't talk nonsense, try it quickly" Mu Fei shouted angrily

Xiao Xiaomeng can control the robot to move left and right, lift things, write with a pen, etc., and the actions can be done.The operation level of Xiao Xiaomeng is much more reliable than that of Xu Xiaomeng's dumb loli. Not only is the movement very smooth, but not at all. Will go wrong

"Master hug..."

The robot said with electronic sounds that he spread his arms to Mu Fei and Mu Fei also spread his arms to embrace it

After the hug, Mu Fei asked, "How is this robot?"

"There is no problem with flexibility and accuracy. The power is also large enough to be used for experiments. It should be enough..."

Xiaomeng seems to be a little dissatisfied, "This thing has no "touch" at all, I didn't feel anything about holding you just now"

"Okay, just use it first..."

Mu Fei reached out and touched the robot... it was Xiao Xiaomeng's head. "I promise you if you have the opportunity, you must use the "cloning technology" to get you a real body... to make you a real girl. This is not enough

"a man of his words"

Xiaomeng reached out a hand and Mu Fei patted her gently

"Then I continue to find ways to raise money to get the things used as soon as possible, build the laboratory, and then you have to do the rest...hey..."

Mu Fei remembered what looked at Xiao Xiaomeng and asked, "Then what do you do in the future is to control this guy, use it as your body to stay at home... or stay in the same glasses as before and I will take you"

"Master, let me follow you..."

Xiaomeng doesn’t even want to think about it. "You are so badly connected. I often run into trouble. I can help you and feel relieved by your side."


‘Although you’re concerned about my safety, I’m touched... But you need to mention that I’m not popular, and...I’m not so bad,’ Mu Fei said in his heart...


In the next two days, Mu Fei still spent time in healing and the robot Xiao Meng didn't move much but became Xu Xiaomeng's toy. Xu Xiaomeng sat down in front of the computer in the laboratory and took control of the robot to Mu Fei. Sweeping the floor, wiping the floor, washing the dishes in the house, and having fun. Mu Fei is too lazy to care about her and just waits for Ann Datiemen.

And at around 7pm on that day, Mu Fei's phone suddenly rang

"Idol opportunity came to the coffee shop and waited for you to come" Che Weichen rushed and Mu Fei said

By the time Mu Fei drove to the place, Che Weichen was turning there, and the data appeared to have been waiting for a long time.

"What happened to Weichen" Mu Fei asked after sitting down

"Hey, idol, we have a chance to shoot..." Che Weichen saw Mu Fei coming down and introduced the information to Mu Fei

It turned out that during this time, the car family was not idle at all... In fact, it can’t be said that they are ‘not idle’, to be precise, they are very efficient.

Uncle Che Weichen Che Jianguo's'Che's Yiyao' vigorously promotes their'Yimeiren' skin and skin repair products. The promotion of TV, radio, paper media, Internet and other media is quite similar. wide

Looking at the promotion method of Che Jianguo, Che Weichen is a little dizzy. I am afraid that only this week's advertising cost of Che's Yiyaohua will catch up with the entire family of "Yichen Pharmaceutical".

And the effect of such a generous promotion is also quite obvious. The name of the "Yimeiren" skin care series "Che's Yiyao" is not known across the country. Most people have heard of these two names.

In fact, the names of "Weichen Pharmaceutical" and "Hua Hua Xi Yan" series are also very loud, but now they are not as good as "Che's Yiyao" and "Yimeiren"

There are two reasons for this situation

One is because ‘Weichen Pharmaceutical’ does not have the money of ‘Che’s Yiyao’ and they simply cannot be so generous in propaganda

The second is the inaccurate positioning of users. Weichen Pharmaceutical has positioned the products to be in the "industry people" such as beauty salons, hospitals, makeup artists, celebrities, actors, models, etc. through them to bring this product to "ordinary people" to achieve civilian use. The purpose of the Che's Yi medicine is to target the'ordinary people'

It is in these circumstances that for more than a week, the reputation of the'Yimeiren' series has surpassed the'Huahua Xiyan' series

Looking at his company's "Che's Yiyao" is getting more and more popular, the prospect is getting better and better. At the same time, Che Weichen's "Weichen Yiyao" is also very refreshing and proud of him.

And when people are proud, they are easy to flutter, and it is easy to ‘dose’.

Before, when he was interviewed, he was more "modest" and only said that their "Yimeiren" series was "good".

Now he is more and more confident, and the more he says, the more his ‘Yimeiren’ series has become the fastest in the industry, the best, and the side effects are reasonable and reasonable.

And this is not the most excessive. In addition, he also hinted that a company in the industry is a'cottage product','junk goods', which slanders and sneers at it. Although this product is not clearly stated, both Che Weichen and Mu Fei Knowing that what he said'a certain company' refers to'Weichen Pharmaceutical'

Watching Che Weichen take a video to himself and tell him about one thing, Mu Fei's impression of Che Jianguo changed slightly. Mu Fei always thought that he was a useless wine bag, but he looked at him from the things he did. Still some level

One thing Mu Fei's impression of Che Jianguo has changed slightly-Mu Fei has always thought that he is a useless wine bag, but from the things he does, he still has some level of things. The impression has changed slightly-Mu Fei always thought that he was a useless wine bag and rice bag, but from the things he did, he was still somewhat level

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