My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1628: Convinced?

Dust? Fate? Literature? Learning? Baidu search Chapter 1628 convinced

Another two days passed and Mu Fei arrived at Baodao five days ago. He originally planned to come back in two or three days to deal with this matter and go back. But now it seems that this matter is a lot more trouble than he thought.

"I don't know what happened to the gun that the old man customized for me..." Mu Feibai was lying on the bed boredly thinking a bit--Ning Zixian was busy practicing dance these two days, except for the evening, he had no effort He became a lonely man again


Mu Fei thought the door was knocked twice

"Feige has your phone from Brother Cannon," the voice of the forty-year-old aunt came from outside the door - when she learned that Yue Fugui and Mu Fei were brothers, she called Mu Fei "Fei Ge"...1 It’s awkward for an aunt who is nearly forty to call herself Mu Fei


Mu Fei Qingying got out of bed and went out to the living room

"Brother Mu Fei, did you wake up? Did you quarrel with you and your brother's love? Ha ha ha ha ha..." Mu Fei answered the phone and Yue Fugui's bold laughter passed on

But Mu Fei was a little depressed when he heard this.'If Zixian has so much time to accompany me, that's okay...and it's almost twelve o'clock. I can't sleep until then. '

Mu Fei was reluctant to say this "sad thing" and shifted the topic to "How is the situation with Brother Gun today"

"Ha ha ha so good..."

Yue Fugui laughed again. "I see, Chen Fusheng and He Dahai, those two **** have the meaning to be soft. Yesterday, their younger brother of the Yizhong League was still walking around the city and spreading so many eyes. What can he do to find you? But this morning I saw all those eyeliners were removed..."

"And the other day, he also released a "reward", that is, as long as the person who can lead them finds you, he will give one million if he can use this news to kill you and then two million if he can directly put your body ...Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "

"From these points of view, I think they should have retreated, brother Mu Fei, do you think this is the case?"

"But speaking, brother Mu Fei, you "slap"...they sucked, they really hurt, they were too angry, and now people all over the north of the island are laughing at them, and I have worked with them for so many years. It’s not like these days. Happily hahahaha..."

It can be seen that Yue Fugui is really ‘shuang’ talking and laughing.

"Three days...Is it uncomfortable to smash their twelve games in a row", and Mu Fei thought so here

It is true that following the first action that day and the destruction of the four Yizhong League places overnight, Mu Fei did the same in the next two days, and destroyed the eight consecutive Yizhong League places for twelve days in total.

According to Yue Fugui’s estimate, the losses of the Yizhong League have exceeded 100 million in the past few days... is this not enough?

Although Mu Fei was engaged in destruction, he did not feel any pressure in his heart. The Yizhong League's place was really dirty and turbid. According to what Gao Yuan and Li Chaonan said, the poisoned, "g" medicine fairy jumped for money. Secretly giving medicine to beauty drinks... wait, wait, everything

It's true that Mu Fei has also done things in Binnan, but he has never been poisoned or done the kind of forced prostitution.

In short, Mu Fei, Gao Yuan, Li Chaonan and others are the same point of view. If such a place is destroyed, it will be a benefit and contribution to the people of Baodao.

However, Mu Fei didn't agree with Yue Fugui's so-called'they have served softly' because they were really afraid of reconciliation, so they must have something to say right. For example, looking for Yue Fugui to talk to themselves and disclose reconciliation. Meaning or something

But they don’t show anything to themselves. Do they know what they mean? If they continue to smash them, can they stand it?

So as far as Mu Fei seems, they don’t necessarily want to reconcile. Maybe they will go to their place every night for trouble during these three days. They have found the law and are setting up an ambush in the place, waiting for their own bait.

In short, Chen Fusheng and He Dahai did not make it clear that the attitude of "convincing" and "reconciliation" Mu Fei will not give up.

"Brother Brother, even if you don't relax, you have to stare at the Yizhong League" Mu Feidao

"I know I just told you that, and I was not completely relieved," Yue Fugui replied

"How is Kang Dawei over there?" Mu Fei asked again.

"Actually, I call you mainly because of Kang Dawei's thing..."

Yue Fugui paused for a while, "Which one do you want to hear, there is good news or bad news?"

Mu Fei thought about "Listen first"

"The bad thing is that you have been a bit too busy during this time, which has attracted the attention of the police station because this Kang Dawei has not been criticized by his superiors. It is said that he is going to be mad and his superiors have also dropped the ultimatum that it is him In this case, it's not far from demotion..."

"That's exactly why Kang Dawei's hatred for you is not a little bit of a star. He issued a one million yuan wanted order to apply to your superior..."

"Mr. Mu Fei although the reward is more than this money in the Yizhong League, but that is only for the Taoist people, but this one is facing all the citizens of the north of the island. The eyes are more dangerous than the one. If you have no important things during this time, Okay, don’t go out, be careful..."

Speaking of this, Yue Fugui's voice is more serious

"Thank you, Brother, I know." Mu Fei smiled and responded casually here. In fact, he did not take this matter into consideration. Whether it was the reward of the Yizhong League, or the wanted order of the police station... Is Nimei's buddy worth the money?

"What about the news?" Mu Fei asked again.

"Hey, the good news is let me investigate what Kang Dawei and Yizhong League colluded with," Yue Fugui Xianbao said

"Found evidence of their collusion"

Hearing this news, Mu Fei's eyes were also bright. For him, Kang Dawei was more troublesome than the Yizhong League. The Yizhong League people forced themselves to make a big deal. They killed them all back to the road, but Kang Dawei did It’s a police officer. He’s behind the Baodao Police Station, and he used his own hard... It’s not impossible, but it’s not very good, so Mu Fei wants to use a "bright and fair" way to solve this bastard

"There is no definite evidence but it is almost..."

Yue Fugui continued to explain, "I got a message that a woman went to the police station to find Kang Dawei not so tangled with the two. After a quarrel, some people said that the woman was Kang Dawei's "Primary Three"...More The key thing is that the woman said at the time, "If you don't divorce your wife, I will say everything I know"."

"Although I still don't know what is going on, I guess what the woman knows must be related to the dirty things that Kang Dawei did secretly..."

"Where is that woman now" Mu Fei quickly asked

"This woman is dead. He has had a car accident a few days after that... Obviously this is also Kang Dawei's job, which is also showing his guilty conscience."

It seems to know what Mu Fei wants to ask before he speaks, Yue Fugui replied, "Although this woman's death, she has a sister, a sister, and their sisters have very good feelings. I think the woman should dare to find Kang Dawei. Will keep some backhand... This backhand is 100% in the hands of her sister..."

At this point, Mu Fei has fully understood

"Brother Mu Fei, please wait patiently. My people have found the news of this woman. I will know everything when I see her..." Yue Fugui said

And Mu Fei thought for a while here, "Leave the woman's information to me and I will do it"

"What do you do?"

After listening to this, Yue Fugui was stunned. "Now, all the people in the city are your wanted orders. At this time, you still..."

"Don't you know my skills? Rest assured, I know."

Mu Fei said so, Yue Fugui did not force "this... then okay..."

Yue Fugui thought about it again. "I still don't worry if you go out like this. You still pretend to dress up. I will let A Yan pass you. Let her give you a profile of the woman. I will let her bring you to you..."

And told Mu Fei to be careful, Yue Fugui hung up the phone

And Mu Fei greeted Ning Zixian to explain the situation and transferred the two people who lived not far away from the plateau and Li Chaonan to tell them to protect Ning Zixian.

This Ayan was the one who helped Mu Fei and Ning Zixian make up that day. She took the woman's information and helped Mu Fei to put on makeup. Mu Fei took that information and left the temporary residence...


Peking Pride National High School

"Teacher Qi, goodbye..."

"Teacher see you tomorrow..."


Watching his students leave a young female teacher will smile


It wasn't until these students left the female teacher that they yawned and turned to walk to their dorm

At the beginning, she didn't pay attention to anything, but when walking, she found something amiss... It seems that there is a guy who looks back at himself and looks at a'handsome guy' wearing a small cap, sunglasses, and a neat beard. Follow yourself closely

Realizing this problem, she was also afraid that she hurriedly accelerated her pace

Fortunately, the man didn’t follow me until he got rid of her.

But when she entered the dormitory, locked the door and looked back, she suddenly opened her eyes and was startled again. The ‘handsome guy’ who was clearly behind her didn’t know when she entered her dormitory.

"Mr. Qi Suxiang wants to talk to you about something..." Mu Fei took off his sunglasses...

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